By the Time the Fires Out ….

By the time the fires out, you should still be in one piece and so should everyone else around you. You’re allowed one day or a few bad days so long as you let others know you’re going through a lot or need time to recover or be alone. I know it’s hard to even admit to anyone when you need to rest or are going through a lot, overwhelm is not easy to deal with. Who has the time to waste in recovery resting, it’s sometimes the worst feeling at first only to let you blossom back to the best feelings again. So accept the hardship in taking a break and don’t be too hard on yourself.

I know when I’m in mania or can’t stop going until I feel better it’s gonna be a long time until I feel better again but know that I can’t continue on at that rate I’ll just fall apart. Know yourself, everything in moderation. There are times when to push yourself and learn to work on bad days or call in tough moments but you’ll get there, you’re not alone, everyone has to balance their private life and their public selves so learn to embrace what you learn about yourself along the way. You don’t need to be perfect. I hope that you are able to get through your toughest moments in life and sorry if ever I’m made to endure hardships that I make seem impossible to overcome that’s not what my blogs about it’s about what I’ve been able to achieve in spite of set back.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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