Be Open to Change …

Who likes change, and why are we so averted to change period? Well mostly people like when things are good, so in the event that things are made to not feel good, well this is the upsetting part about change. The discomfort. I feel like people need incentive to change, like a guarantee that things will work out, and that an invested effort in changing will bring about better circumstances, but then again who is able to promise that to anyone. So what is worth your time, and what is worth getting better for?

For example, according to “Change requires resisting well-established behavioral patterns, which means that you will be working against unconscious, automatic processes in the brain that are designed to make life easier.” [1] How does this relate to now? Well based upon the benefits of humor and big picture perspectives, people are well settled with how things are, don’t want to be told that what they are thinking is wrong. When you have public figures in history, who you are accustomed to making fun of, or viewing in humorous ways, then you will not enjoy being told to be serious on subjects that you would otherwise take lightly. So this could be the problem with growing sensitivity to mental health issues, what exactly is hurting our feelings about things, and whats appropriate. In a perfect world, we would be able to code, see the big picture, and make good things happen in life, but there is so much to keep track of these days, that you can literally be on the verge of insulting someone without even knowing it. That just means that the times are sensitive. So in being sensitive with the times, the best way to be able to speak openly such as myself, without insulting anyone, would be to start with where you are, describing how you are feeling, and that allows people who are different from you to relate to you, without bringing up all the things not said that we have become accustomed to feeling good about, such as the success of others, all the tech names and movies names and songs, these are things that we love about life, people’s individuality in spite of the times, its those people who we have to thank for getting to be a little more like ourselves, and a little less judgmental about life.

In the eyes of Harvard Business Review: “Major change happens moment to moment — economically, environmentally, sociologically, politically, and organizationally. Given all this, we need to re-wire ourselves to be more comfortable with and open to change; we need to become more change-capable.” [2] So what can make us more change capable and work together as a team, adjusting to the times, as content creators, website builders, and bloggers, is to go with the flow! That’s not just a pacific islander way of life, being half Filipino, I was actually known in high school for being the “most chill” and “even tempered” believe it or not. So what pushes us to extremes in life? I think the need for control, and in the spirit of preventing a system that works from being broken by people or bad ideas, is actually a concern for people who have been thinking about everything overall for longer, than it is viewed a newcomer has spent time thinking about life in order to create something for the future, so fear not the newcomer, fear instead, the steps you have taken to get to where you are mentally, and make sure that anyone else, reviewing what to do, has an accurate measure of what to do, based on what is being provided to all online, I think that’s the best way a newcomer, can come to not fear the past, or whats going on now, and can still be motivated to create in terms of what will work out for everyone overall.




3 responses to “Be Open to Change …”

  1. Loved this post – heress my feedback –

    Thanks for reading , Love The Blog !!
    Thanks – TheDogGod – Pomeranian Puppies & Adult Dog Guides & Tips


  2. We love reading your blog! Your distinctive perspective and genuine voice make a difference in the world. Keep sharing, because your thoughts make a difference. Thank you for being who you are!

    Thanks – TheDogGod


  3. Love This !! my thoughts on this ….

    Thanks – PomKing


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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

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