Category: relationships

  • Post Breakup Blues ….

    Post Breakup Blues ….

    You know it’s not the end of the world if you can’t be with the same person your whole life. I know we fall in love and love the feeling of being in love but why can’t we also accept when things end between us. It’s the what’s in between that matters less than focusing…

  • Love Waits ….

    Love Waits ….

    If you’re ever worried about missing moments in life don’t stress out, your greatest love is still out there and probably waiting just as long as you have to be loved again. Love is all a matter of what work you put into it, so put work into yourself first! You need to be in…

  • When Love Comes Around …

    When Love Comes Around …

    By the time love comes around, hopefully you are not too far from your goals in life, to settle down, liking just one person, I know its hard when things are going well for all your attentions to be divided, and for you to have a million goals that come before monogamy, I was one…

  • Be Someone in Life …

    Be Someone in Life …

    Be someone in life, and that starts with making other people feel good, even if you don’t. That’s being an adult, not taking your frustrations in life, out on yourself, or with distaste for anyone, if it’s a matter of you being happy, then start there and worry less about the unhappiness of others. How…

  • The First Time Around …

    The First Time Around …

    The first time you pick up on how things are made, it can seem like an addictive process of figuring out where you stand in terms of the issues, fickle, and withdrawn. That’s normal. Here are some helpful tips in how to view life and all the changes made thus far: Do you participate, like,…

  • For the Same Reasons …

    For the Same Reasons …

    For the same reasons you wish to be desired valued and loved you will find in the same one day maybe not now maybe not when you’re looking for romance but allow things to come around in their good timing. When you are at peace with yourself you’ll attract things into your life and be…

  • How Far Can You Get …

    How Far Can You Get …

    Love can only get you so far in life before you wake up and realize that more work needs to get done don’t become complacent when you meet someone new that’s your time to shine and to prove to them that you’re worth it that’s how you become seen as an asset not as a…