Category: fighting

  • When is it time to drop it? …

    When is it time to drop it? …

    By the time it’s no longer serving you to speak up on a topic by then you’ve already tied your shoes into a knot just getting the conversation going. Ever feel stuck? It’s not your fault. Sometimes we can’t help ourselves but to defend ourselves but what happens when that only makes things worse. Just…

  • Hearing What You Want …

    Hearing What You Want …

    We don’t always hear what we want, especially from those who think they know us better than we know ourselves. People love to tell you how they think things are. It’s like someone who thinks they know you and are better than you are somehow entitled to putting you down in life or insulting you.…

  • Progress Goals …

    Progress Goals …

    Two steps up two steps down thats just how life goes sometimes when something goes wrong and you are to blame, thats what is thought of you, as though you become what is said to you when taunted a weak minded person. And when you fall apart the only person you are letting win is…

  • Pick and Choose Your Battles in Life …

    Pick and Choose Your Battles in Life …

    We can’t all be warriors when it comes to standing our ground, eventually, being hard on others wears on us, and begins to take its toll. If you recognize these patterns of behavior causing you mood disordered states, such as trying to control people or situations, then you wind up saving yourself that much more…

  • Avoid Retaliation …

    Avoid Retaliation …

    Learn to make adjustments in life, you cannot please everyone’s interpretations of you. You realize this as a writer, write from your heart not to please a crowd, and certainly not to defend against words not said. Be cognizant but it’s not always necessary to reply to any negative voices you may hear in response…

  • Raised to Never Play Victim …

    Raised to Never Play Victim …

    Depending upon how you were raised, without drawing into question the adequacy of my upbringing, which was privileged and fortunate. I was raised to never play victim. Meaning not to cast blames when things did not go right in my life, and not to blame other for any hardships I endured. I never once blamed…