Category: intimacy

  • Fighting Prevention …

    Fighting Prevention …

    When it comes to fighting, no one likes fighting, it takes a lot out of you, and makes you feel spent, as though all your resources have been exhausted, leaving you feeling empty. Fighting sometimes is a battle that you can’t stop, something happening that leaves you feeling powerless, it can be a tiring and…

  • Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    I don’t date much, but when I did date in serious relationships I would give it my all, there’s just something about love, the constant gravitation toward who you love, and the sense of stability that it provides. Love can be a great motivator in life, to change and to better yourself. Everything feels more…

  • Your Body Your Temple …

    Your Body Your Temple …

    Quick ways to get motivated, usually involve, recognizing something that you want for yourself then going out into the world and creating that for yourself, either by looking at yourself in the mirror, where do you stand, where do you want to be in life, or sometimes we feel inspiration turning to others, recognizing something…

  • It Takes Awhile …

    It Takes Awhile …

    Recently back to blogging weekly consistently it’s been about a year since I have felt like myself and that took a lot of hard work on my end to improve and grow out of old mistakes, liking the wrong people, and being taken advantage of. There’s a time and a place for being loving and…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…

  • How Controversy Erupts …

    How Controversy Erupts …

    Controversy erupts, whenever anyone feels entitled to knowing something about you, and doesn’t feel like they have been given enough information to make a decision about you, I think I disclose everything about me. Controversy erupts whenever there is an arguments being made about you and when anyone is put in the defensive, that can…