Category: positivity

  • Miracles happen everyday ….

    Miracles happen everyday ….

    Miracles do happen you just have to believe in the presence of miracles happening in your everyday life. Think about each morning you wake up from a bad day the previous day and suddenly forgetful of what’s transpired only to feel completely brand new. That’s a miracle that you get each day you wake ready…

  • By Mention …

    By Mention …

    Had a difficult start to my week, was slow and now I’m well rested. It seems that if somethings bothering me it’s best to discuss in therapy not get revved up in a blog post about it which causes me stress voices and self harm, everything requires balance. Privacy is important it allows you to…

  • A No Nonsense Approach …

    A No Nonsense Approach …

    Whenever I find myself ruminating I try to stop myself, think of something else they say. Its easy when youre feeling bombarded by emotions and feelings to think too much about what you are feeling without getting enough positive reinforcement. I found myself reviewing a post the other day, thinking to myself “Leslie why are…