Campaign Concepts …

In a male dominated world it makes sense that some of the best brand name concepts came from them. Write you’re own, here’s what I see:

Nike: Just Do It

Adidas: All day I dream about soccer.

Snapchat: Based off a mistress texting service.

Lipkits: Being given lip service.

Monica: Sex scandal in troubled times.

Rap Music: Common form pop culture shout outs.

Alternative Music: The best 90s jams time travel.

Emo Music: Painful emotions expressed.

Hillary’s Email Deletion: Keep everything.

AA Higher Power: Talk to the US Supreme Court.

Law Students: Legally Blonde, Yes Man, Paper Chase, Law & Order, Pelican Brief

Sports: World Peace jokes based on Meta.

Home Run: Baseball, Bases in Hooking Up

Disability: “Have you seen my baseball” movie: There’s Something About Mary

Sex Tapes: Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian

Messenger: Pen Pals viewed as a Sex Tape.

Texting: r u home? Ttyl, BRB, love ya, babe. 90s

Nokia Theater: Nokia cell phones from 90s.

Marketing: Show as many people as possible.

Theme: What are you reminded of.

Trending: This is how we feel now.

Fashion: How confident are you, body shapes.

Fitness: Do you look healthy, are you aging well.

Aging: Aging is a process, plastic surgery.

Education: How smart are you, what’s expected?

Collages: Beautiful Mind, Crime Labs, Donny Darko, Stalking, Brain Storms, Arts & Crafts.

Witchcraft: Bumps, Measles, Potions, Wands. Movies: The Craft, Blairwitch Project

It’s not being small minded but it is when you limit yourself to thinking in this way always be open to things meaning more than what you see, this is why continuing your education is so important, see things as multi-faceted not just seeking to reinforce a single idea or point of reference. Overtime how do these beliefs or assumptions limit your acceptance of others, what’s done in poor taste, and what is done intelligently. I think the more things you can think of looking at a piece of art work the better. I took Art History in Paris and at CU so it’s something Ive been taught and am interested in did well in those courses, As.

These are all viewpoints I like and help guide my decision making moving forward what will be palatable to the tastes of others and what themes are being introduced or reintroduced and need verification or explanation from me regarding its use in my work ethic, brand name, and face.

What does my face channel:

(1) Identity Management & Dysmorphia.

(2) The importance of weight loss for structure.

(3) I’m a reader & writer so face tires easily.

(4) I have mental health issues. Face gets messy.

(5) I enjoy being animated, I don’t look at myself.

(6) I just started wearing makeup 2015 at age 27.

(7) Work is important I look proud.

(8) I’m prettiest when my audience approves.

(9) When I’m in a bad mood my face masculine.

(10) I’m half-Asian so I’m capable looking sweet.

(11) I’m half-Asian so I’m capable of being thin.

(12) I’m half-Jewish so I’m seen as a bitch.

(13) I’m half-Jewish so I look out of touch.

(14) I’m half-Jewish so they think I’m schizophrenic.

(15) If I talk about the OJ case no one cares to listen, no one wants to hear it, I get ignored.

(16) If I talk about the OJ case they don’t recognize the trauma or indifference toward me.

(17) If I talk about the OJ case then they make fun of me.

(18) I’m a great advocate for gun violence victims because I grew up post homicide in the news.

(19) My company name was made with careful thought and analysis by me over the years.

(20) I don’t make fun of shootings, bombings, war, nationality, or rape, I represent how awkward you look when people think you’re a cause. And that’s being judged as not attractive you get viewed as trying to be known for something someone else has done or known for something that someone else has cited to inferred about you or worried that inference made to be about you target you as someone who doesn’t make sense or is inappropriate or into self and not pretty.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

Thank you for reading!

Email: [email protected]

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