Changing Roles …

Bear with me, in the middle of changing roles in life, from blogger, selfie queen, to paralegal and hopefully one day life coach, this probably means to make some changes to my Instagram Private @mymollydoll1985 which Im both proud of and hope to change my tone future, compared to how Ive dealt with upsets in the past, probably not a tone to voice, and results in losing my audience, instead of generating any positive affect toward me, I don’t mean to do that. I just learned today in Professional Life Coach Certification & Guide by Joeel & Natalie Rivera, to be supportive in an encouraging way, I tried to separate my Instagrams and build a new all professional version, but the same happened. In the spirit of being more encouraging learn to accept my audience as viewing for learning, not for fighting, and that would mean for me to be less defensive, and to move forward past what hurt me in the past, not bring up now.

When you take on a role in life, you are filling the shoes of the person you want to be in life, not far from the idea of a catchy pen name “mymollydoll” and as you can see and as you have watched me transform over the years, it’s a role Ive wanted to fulfill: The Role of Wife. Losing weight is a process, but for me it meant that my hopes and dreams would come true, that someone would love me and not compare me, and that others would be happy with me, but the reverse came true, my constant exercise habits, out at night running worried others, and my sudden weight loss 2014-2017 made people concerned about my medication and drinking habits, hence the reason I stay sober now, Im sure it was not normal to go out drinking alone, I would go out 1-2 a year by myself just to be around people of my age group, its younger now, so that must mean work or date through Bumble, not feeling like Im missing out don’t worry.

Your twenties fly by quick, that’s when I started blogging, around 27, Im now 37, and I still haven’t figured out how to make money online, and that’s probably because Im not selling anything not even a book, so something still to learn how to set up Google adwords and set up my banners, and earn traffic, and work on my content, it could be more professional and less personal, I think Ive matured a lot through writing, its not all about me now.

How can I monetize my experiences over the past 10 years, well let’s get started!

How to Be Supportive and Pitch a Campaign:

  • Make sure to join and become member to who you support.
  • Keep in contact by email, send job updates, and volunteer your time.
  • Continue to apply for jobs and represent yourself and others well.
  • Reach out to other organizations who you can lean on for support (OFA).
  • When called upon 2013 (White House Website for Tech Ideas) Said I Could Build a Website for Community Correspondence with Reminders and Resources.
  • Look for others in the industry working on projects too and meet them.
  • Keep track of your ideas and apply for certificates.
  •  Make your idea real, making my idea real meant getting a copyright (start somewhere), writing books, drawing pictures, taking notes in spiral notebooks, registering my company in the State of California, paying legal fees, and website expenses/bills.
  • As you become a real idea, it then becomes necessary to fulfill the role you promise. The role I promised means writing quotes everyday I shared to Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram, writing book drafts, pitching to FEMA Ideascale, and now research papers.

How to Encourage Others, Develop Systems of Support

  1. Share as you go, and allow others to be apart of witness the process of you changing.
  2. Don’t expect results, show your own results to inspire others to develop as ideas too.
  3. Join clubs and become member to organizations that you think reflect your cares.
  4. Be understanding and compassionate of everyones cares, and know your role.
  5. Keep others in the loop, send updates, rather than dictate, how to participate. [1]
  6. Learn as you go, once you enter a scene, as others get to know you, get to know others.
  7. Continue your education, seek to create quiet spaces, and resolve traumas & dramas.
  8. Be clear on what your interests are, people will respect you more, than simply being reserved or allowing for anything to continue that youre not comfortable with.
  9. Recognize that you are among many who are known, so figure out the many ways that respect can be shown, and what types of improvements, and what can be provided by you to others, without expectation of importance, is most lenient approach to introduce self, without creating a necessity for you to be catered to allow for others to resume their focus without feeling obligated to integrate you.
  10. Pay attention to what is done well and commend others for what they’ve done well, if youre not too busy working on yourself, spending some time watching TV, or keeping tabs on changes in entertainment and reading up on things makes people feel like they are being paid attention to, being worldly means others will feel included by your shares. When others feel included by your shares, their not worried for exclusion.
  11. When you speak freely you are setting an example to others, who also seek to speak freely, whether or not an intent or a bias is shown, you will learn later that depending on where people stand in terms of success feel that they have more of a right to control what things look like and expect you to learn the hard way whether your personality type goes by others, do you allow for things, mislead, or can you lead others go by you.
  12. People feel stronger, when they don’t have to rely on people, and not stifled by being described or depicted in terms of what they are doing and why, the more you concentrate on what youre doing, that frees up the mobility for other ideas to function. It is less enticing to go along with a system of thinking that has the possibility for failing or being proven wrong, better to have all your things right, then get others wrong.
  13. Keep track of your proof for progress, it will be meaningful later, usually those phases go by quick, to eventually get to a steadier position in life, functioning, that will matter later your credentials, you never know what the pace of others is guided by respect wise.
  14. Encourage independent decision making, although people may get stronger from knowing you, don’t be discouraged, and don’t feel threatened, one day you will too.
  15. As someone who is able to give advice, don’t be threatened by the fact that you wont get advice from others, most people don’t know how to advise someone who they are made to believe has mental health issues, so don’t be discouraged by the confidence of those who are not declared as mentally ill, and are able to be accepted as normal.
  16. Being accepted as normal and getting to be new with people is a general acceptance of you that occurs based on what you tell people and can change like any relationship based on what you tell people more or less of about yourself, that’s what ruins rapport. So say less to people who are okay with you, it’s the other side that needs more convincing unfortunately, so don’t be afraid to continue to illustrate your value, it may mean letting your guard down less, and improving more, sometimes that’s the only way.



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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

Thank you for reading!

Email: [email protected]

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