What to Know About Mass Shootings in Schools …


Published July 13, 2022 and removed.

Like any epidemic, in order to solve and figure out what the core issues are affecting everyone at a time like this, it would be to pay attention to what has been recommended to look out for. It’s been stated on violence.chop.edu that “school shootings typically involve a mix of suicidal thoughts, despair and anger –plus access to guns.” [1] So while this may not be a problem for the majority, those who are suffering the consequences are the least mentioned those with mental health issues who are being discriminated as criminal with no access to guns, illegally searched homes and cars for guns, with no access to guns and having no experience with guns or using guns in their life, which makes no sense to me, why I am searched, for what?

As someone who struggles with victim blaming and being made fun of for being myself or being loving, it makes me wonder what the incentive is in another to cast me as a problem to a series of events or understandings about life, and not to include me in what is realized or made better. I don’t think things can be made better when you constantly treat a problem mental health issues, and then blame the functioning of mental health resources as being responsible for the occurrence of crime in the form of mass shootings in schools. I think once a person takes responsibility for their own mental health issues, things start to get better for them as directed, and upon being watched by medical care, I don’t think things improve otherwise, let alone with guns, for whatever the reasons are being used to justify crime as being a “mental health issues” I cannot relate. I can only relate to being made isolated or situated with a worse hand in life that prevents me from doing well in life, and suffering physically and mentally by the negativity that others have to offer towards you not successful or making money in life, which is a struggle that Im sure most people can comprehend, needing to be independent not with disability. 

In a shooter it is discussed that “distress from the perpetrator … when ignored, may pave the way to an extreme act of violence.” [2] As a person with mental health issues who is ignored and not responded to, I’m sure that lesson is in teaching me what a shooter is like, by trying to get me to behave or react or respond in a way that supports how a shooter responds with mental health issues, to draw a comparison between my condition and the condition of another human being in another city with a different life, different background, and different education, and genetic makeup. It seems like the common principle trying to be established here is to create a discomfort in a person to teach them what it is like to be situated like someone with guns to compare someone’s mental illness as rising to the same issue of violence, which mine does not, it creates a physical sickness that leads me to suicide giving up in life, in pain. 

I think Blogging is one way to help one another cope during the times, and it will be post by post and day by day that clarity is reached with others in terms of what is helping or hurting post incident, and everyone heals at a different pace, no matter whos side in life you are made to understand or comprehend to mirror any issues they think are coming from you, as a way to prosecute you the more like others that they can make you the more they can say that something or some feeling is coming from you, as evoked from your genetic matter, brain, body, and ability, and that’s how the prosecution takes things too far in trying to prove that someone who exhibits mental health issues or is having problems communicating their concerns or issues or fears should be held responsible hence the #mlkmemorial, which resembles the school that the shooting took place in Colorado. [I once made] a “dream,” a joke on Twitter “Legends of the Hidden Temple,” and then to make fun of me in reference to what #mlkmemorial represents, shooting prevention, or shooting explanation, with movie theater lights lining the inside of the monument, and Twitter tweets on the back side of the monument, and one of them sounded like me, but I don’t remember what I said when citing to Helen Keller, which was in reference to not knowing things and feeling blinde to life, and was not about any obsession with film or characters. If that was confusing, hopefully it didn’t convince you that me not doing well was in any way associated to anyone else not doing well, and if that is the prosecution then that will be what continues to happen, making me sick after something bad happens to say that Im sick, or was sick before this person was sick, and that’s why Im sick because Im connected to sick people, therefore try to make me responsible for other people feeling sick, by labeling me host to sickness or people’s mental illness about life.

I think what you like in life is your choice, and what inspires you is what keeps you well. I don’t think that there is anything inspiring about school shootings, I think I ran on the beach a few times, and that that did not represent Sandy Hook and was not beautiful because I was strong and referenced a group of victims who were shot in their school. So I can see the family issues or getting along with parents or not being loved or them being upset with me, is supposed to mirror an issue of a person sick or not doing well because they are not listening or because they are sick be treated as though they cause harm to the health of those who do love and care for them, which is what a person who has been alienated is made to feel, as though their thinking is not on board or the same or similar as the thinking of those around them, not considerate of their feelings, and then be treated as insensitive as someone who is not well as though its your choice to not be well by your beliefs, or anything you have said or done in life. 

This is incredibly complicated and involves Barack Obama, and not to his liking to be cited to and is going through enough on his own, he has Cancer, my Dad got Cancer, and I got Cancer, and that’s not a choice to have Cancer or mean that I have bad luck, it means that I am not being represented or connected to the things in life that Im about which is why Im online to connect myself to my work in public which is not in private in an intense atmosphere that anyone has to micromanage or watch over, and everything is recorded and out in public, that’s is to the privilege of others, who don’t have to help me in life, and when everything is at their disposal to use in court for whatever reasons they think is important to demonstrating their cares to include or not include me and on what basis of me reporting does that declare me hurtful or harmful to the health of others, I think I have been through enough in life. 

Like a “School Climate” [3] the Online Climate can be changed and modified to suit the needs of the times and based on the issues what kind of help the times call for, to alleviate tension on all sides in terms of who is or is not causing mental health issues as though people should be held responsible for the mental health issues of the shooters, which I don’t think is appropriate to argue that people in different lives based on their wellness have an affect on the health and choices of people who decide to shoot, or purchase guns, and how they use them. That’s not the type of environment that blogging can tolerate, people against one another, or trying to protect themselves combative and armed to situate themselves as strong, weaken others.

Through blogging like a “School Climate” its is important for people to:

[1] Feel safe talking to each other (I noticed freezing and isolation, stuck in your head)

[2] Mutual Trust and Respect among [Blogger] (this can occur by likes and follows)

[3] On-Going Dialogue and Relationships with Family and Community Members that Interact with Victims of Shootings (Talking about issues away from Victim, so they are not affected)

[4] Make sure there is Adequate Support, Training, and Resources for Helpers (Make sure that as you are growing you continue to challenge yourself topic wise to discuss more than your own issues, and once you are able to have compassion for questions, things will get better, I think the longer that people are defensive to interest, the right things are not discussed in time). 

Now I see why I was given a schizophrenia diagnosis, that’s to account for me not feeling good, in the event that Im not able to feel good with others, and then to treat me as the one who is carrying the negative thinking or disorganization to then blame me as the one who is contributing or spreading a disease of the mind, or something stupid or of poor thinking and making that is individualistic or about me feeling good, which would be someone who does not make others feel good, which is another reason for alienation, to see what one feels good by or what they like and what makes them feel good to assess their personality as being in line with something that is easy to know about or something that is not easy to look at or see, to be convinced that there is something wrong in a persons making or thinking, to explain what they look like on the outside, or explain why I looked grose on the outside, with clear thinking, to say that I am disorganized on the inside, or that my face is a product of my own making, insides. I think you are who you are on the inside, I don’t understand why when I get help I don’t make sense to them and they don’t make sense to me and my life gets worse not better, to accommodate a larger negative impression of me, that a new diagnosis does not excuse, and its to say that I have assembled things poorly, I think its someone if anything has seen my life and by what they see have assembled something poorly of me or others, and every place in time is different, and every school is different, so whatever the issue is trying to be made, is to relate my life as someone who knows OJ, to act like I should have a firm understanding of why people attack, and that if I don’t appear well and have been attacked to say that I deserved it because there was something wrong with my head face or body, to create a rejection toward me was though Im trying to be close to others, rejected or condemned, to preserve their image or being. So Im not sure what that entitlement is about, whos central being is more important than the others.



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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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