Chapter 4: Overcoming Sickness …


When you arrive to the new version of you be pro it’s if who you are all wounds and scares about it it wouldn’t be life if it didn’t take work to appreciate the good moments in life. A better place is any place where you are free of the pains that once convinced you were not enough. In any time of need arrive as you are and start with what you have it will make more sense moving forward why revisiting the past shortens the length of time you have to recognize and appreciate the well moments which pass if you don’t come full circle to appreciate what’s right about your life right now. Going backwards in life is so common it’s nothing to be ashamed of if we can’t find answers to what’s available for solution now it is wise to study how dilemmas past were solved and represented by those who cared even if they are not here with us today. Life isn’t painful it’s with less worry and focusing on the simple things you become accustomed to what’s right not fixing for idea or what’s wrong, if you can’t be happy with what you have nothing better or more advanced system of appreciating life can convince you that more information or a broader comprehension will make you feel good about right now that’s trust, that the place you are left in in life is with all the remnants of you that you were meant to remember and work with right now. That’s the beauty of life time will pass and depending on your focus things either come to life in a way that around you feels so magical that anything feels certain and that’s the space in which ideas are made or solutions without resistance. It’s not others have tried before and failed it’s that the past has been patched up and protected and resolved so many times that people have the energy to contemplate less when deciding what to do and that’s how a better decision is made you don’t know what is right until you get through analyzing everything as a whole the less that matters the more that’s telling you right now is important therefore if you have energy to spare don’t rush in making things right to go right no matter what direction things go in life anything uncertain can be reversed and replaced with a better certain approach to weighing the obstacles preventing one from being okay with how things are this is the purpose for replacements substitutions replicas diaramas, presentations, when you are sure if all that you’ve surveyed and know for certain that what is needed does not exist, then that’s a space to carve out a piece in time that’s worth value when you fill a space in time with a recording of what’s of value to now, that allows the past values worth to function at the same rate whether a new systems works or is known and upon being known a capture of a moment in time accurate is necessary to not waste time in the movement for solutions which had no patience for decisions made in error, the future cannot be weighed by what’s not right if so to make things right would be to not leave any mistakes behind or any confusion in the space we have right now when our memory is fresh and we can detail as much as possible to ensure that if this is how things are, and if this is how people feel, and if this person was this way, then there should be evidence and people to confirm that they were exposed in a way harmful to their health and acknowledge that an adverse reaction is capable of being found and added upon this is so if they approach was real and necessary then a person who is determined to be the creator of an adverse reaction will suffer as known in that way therefore things placed in advance to leave a perpetual harm toward a person or group of people is convincing people they are strong and better without having known or been in conflict with a character disgraced. That’s how you take away a stamps ability to live the opposite of a crown a weighted ceiling of unwanted attention on the subject referenced to and that’s to create a pain that cannot be removed by a loss of respect deemed to have lifted or allowed for smart or wellness to happen. No god let’s us live if we do right, he will not let us suffer if we have done no wrong, and he would not place a pain upon a person to allow others to live stronger, god would remove a person from an equation in which one is intended to suffer from attachments or detachments in life to see how one feels based on losses until one recognizes what losing everyone is like, and god would never connect all people to one person to know what strength courage and right thinking is like god would not waste his energy creating a visual of pain and suffering to teach others to take life seriously that’s not gods job to make everyone stop or watch or recognize a feeling to get alive in the present moment appropriately. A prevention blog is about being clear without wasting time and energy over issues with value previous and create a value now that serves an important function of doing work that is clearly work is smart and serves a simple goal of addressing things in a way that a person can arrive to clarify it’s not a place to Pune our code and make jokes online someone feeling good or in tune would know prevention is not a ha h a hard ha smarty funny, it’s an invested trait to stop and concentrate. Mental illness is so bad that if you focus on things unclear or upsets people and most don’t have the time to read books or buy books and the best way to teach for solution is to not let people become mentally ill complaining or not liking people around them who are apart of them that’s not the solution for that deficit to recognize the value of a human being life is not that shocking that anyone should know anything about what a life can do for you in life and especially people who take lives that’s an ILLEGAL WAY to view life as though wellness is a placeholder that can be taken and switched whatever the origins upon devaluing or destroying value you’re only ability to carry on in that power pose is by what lives you dont take or ruin. Eventually you will just be you and when all lives are taken away from your place preserved in life what will sustain you the spirit of who’s gone you on earth minus a reminder apart or you plus a reminder of a person gone and then what will you build the future with you and a few insults, the future is smarter than that.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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