Sometimes Our Minds Run Wild …

Of all the things you could think about, don’t be ashamed for what comes to your mind, or what you are made to think of. It is not always something in your control, you could be watching TV, or read a story on social media, see a post, see a picture, all of these things together influence what comes to mind for you, so don’t blame yourself in life, learn how to adapt to your present environment, and try your best to say what is right, without giving up your flair for speaking your mind or holding an opinion in life on things.

I’m a good example of someone who is able to speak normal, who can teach something that I have learned, can say something unique, and can also veer off course and talk about less popular subjects. You know you can’t determine what insecurities that you acquire in life, and sometimes that’s the undercurrent affecting your work product and what you have to say, and to talk about lesser known subjects doesn’t make it any easier in speaking to it, so be kind to yourself.

It is a very brave task to speak in public blogging, especially right now, so take it easy, and don’t be too hard on yourself. I think what makes me tolerable as blogger with mental health issues, is that I’m able to talk about things, and can quickly pick up on what doesn’t sound so enlightening, or comes across in the wrong way and quick to correct myself or apologize. There are a lot of feelings involved through writing, your feelings, and the feelings of your audience, so taking that into consideration, when trying to encourage others to improve it’s important to be forgiving and to allow people to think what they want to think without discouraging them.

It is also a good idea to be open to people thinking differently than you, or holding an opposite or opposing opinion on what you have to say, or how you perceive things from your shoes. Its common when describing how you see things subjectively for someone reading to not see the same way as you, this is a positive attribute of describing your perspective, that although a small percentage may see things similarly, this encourages confidence in those who don’t see that way, to become aware of another viewpoint that they would not otherwise see coming from their lives or based on who they are. So this is how perspective builds, through acceptance of one another’s viewpoints, not necessarily the cause of voices.

To improve the voices in your head connect to people who you don’t mind hearing from. Voices usually occur when connected to things, places or ideas, that cause you harm or remind you of a period in which you felt harmed. How retraumatization works through reminders or negative sounds or images, some of us more easily triggered than others. This is how talking about bad experience doesn’t work to help others and especially not yourself. Whats more important is to talk about based on where you are now, how you recognize why you ever felt that way, and explain why you don’t feel that way now.

Before blogging, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, I wasn’t sure where I would work, I just new that I love blogging, and for someone with disability, it gave me a job to do everyday, and a place to be everyday, and to me I consider blogging work. It’s tiring and taxing like any others job, you cant stop thinking about it, you constantly replay and review what you have written, and its an experience that builds upon itself, where if any of the parts of it don’t feel good you feel like you have to start over again, it’s a momentum that builds off the success of each post, and from there you build confidence in your ability, and that’s how you grow as an author. Its not about how many pages you delete or remove, its about the number of pages that you are able to keep publish, and leave up for eternity, and where your words still ring true and relevant no matter what time period in which they are read. That’s a valued work, it makes sense, without knowing any special information or anecdotes from a person’s life, and there is value to it making one feel good, or feel accomplished, knowing that those are my deficits, it would make sense for me to create a blog that makes people feel good, feel accomplished, feel confident, and able to take on tasks in life.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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