Positive Procrastination …

Things that Make Your Head Feel Gone:

  • Lack of preparation, or skill level.
  • Positive ability, believing in yourself.
  • Technical difficulties, things not working.
  • Being confronted or made to notice anything.
  • Mental health issues, the time it takes to function again.
  • Hearing negative voices, hurts your motivation ability.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, something not making sense.
  • When someone is mad at you, can hurt your head.
  • Thinking things are about you, make your head gone.
  • Feeling withdrawn from activities can make you feel gone.
  • Worrying what people think, can make your head feel gone.

Procrastination: Time Invested

It’s okay to take your time. There is so much value to spending time on what you are doing in life, that’s what makes the hard work worthwhile, sometimes the longer it takes you to get something done, the higher the reward feeling upon achieving an end result. This is what it’s all about, what you put into your work and how things turn out. Procrastination is merely a stage in the process of working toward a goal and achieving an end result that you feel good about, how some feel about wasted time, are you putting the requisite effort into achieving the end result, and how much time have you invested in your work, your life, and where you want to be in life, is all the time spent adding up in the negative or the positive, and what could you be doing a better job of moving forward?

Procrastination: Time Reflecting

I think we get more efficient as time goes on, the more experience that you have overcoming hurdles in focus and productivity, the better off you are in the long run, had you now experienced those lulls or moments of lost faith in yourself, regain a conscious balance of knowing what to do, and how to do things in order to start feeling good about what you are doing again in life, or pause. Procrastination can sometimes be a pause in which we are made to reflect on what we are doing and ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing, and to what effect do we wish for that to have on our lives and others?

Procrastination: The Mental Health Debate

How long should it take for you to get going again in life, and are we allowed mental health breaks in life, I think so! I think it’s common to go through phases or productivity, and there will be natural breaks in time, when you can rest, it wouldn’t be work if it wouldn’t make us tired or feel spent, so that’s the big picture understanding of work, its intended to keep you busy, spend your time, and be worth the effort, and some people get paid for their time working, so there is value in productive time spent.

Some of us struggle with procrastination, and some of it is related to our timing in life. How so? The further behind in life you feel the more difficult the task feels, the more lost you will feel as compared to others, based on where you are. This can hit you in your 20s, it can hit you in your 30s, the goal is to have something to do each day that makes you feel good and feel whole, the job, the life, the career, all of that will happen for you, but you have to get going first, get your day to day down first, to start.

Do we mean to waste time? I think most of us naturally feel bad when time is wasted, I think by the time you start feeling good is when you recognize how many days it took for you to start feeling good again. Just don’t beat yourself up over it. We can’t see clearly at the tops of most mountains in life, so don’t fret over what’s in your path and within reaching distance. We all wish to sore to the tops in life, and that is not always possible for most of us, it wouldn’t stand out, if it weren’t hard to get to, think of success in that way, it’s a place you try to get to in life, by doing what you are doing well and growing in the process. And, some of (time wasted) it can be attributed to mental health issues.

When you procrastinate, you are allowing for time to pass, and quality of that time spent can sometimes matter too, based on what you are doing during break time, are you resting, are you reading, are you practicing self-care, do you do fitness, are you being social, just make sure not to take risks, not to engage in activities that put yourself or others at risk of harm, and make sure to stay put together in life. Quality rest time, can only affect your productivity when it interferes with your ability to keep doing what you are doing. Some deadlines you have to meet in life, and sometimes you can go by your own health and timing. With mental health issues, lack of performance looks like procrastination of having nothing to say, or can be viewed as something is missing or a clarity is not arrived to, is what silence means to people who are used to hearing from you.

Procrastination: What it looks like to Others

It’s not that you intend to make people not feel good, it’s not a withheld ability having an ability it’s a condition of feeling able, is when things happen for you mentally, and sometimes that cannot be determined by time or deadline, or opinion of you, or what you are made to think is wrong with you.

Updated edit 02/26/23.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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