Bases for Respect …


What do we think of when we think non-competition? This is more than just a woman’s issue, when it comes to matrimony and respect for one another’s happiness and success in love. What is common is to hear of non-competition clauses, such as in contracts, when a party is restricted from competing with another party to a business contract. [1] Coming from a high profile story there is already a cast of characters who are known and respected, therefore my existence, a later introduction, will not make sense unless I belong with respects for everyone else’s story and sense of safety and respect, including the public’s opinion and significance placed on members to a story. That’s not code for humor, when it comes to aligning my own interests with what is right and what will make all parties of interest feel heard, and not interfered with in terms of how they want things to be and how they want things to be said, it’s hard to be apart of a story with so many important and successful people, and just be yourself, and share your story, and to not affect others by what your story looks like, or what your life looks like, it’s hard to live a good life, in which others feel enriched by and not bothered by.

What are competing concepts? I think when one way of looking at things is accepted, such as to see me as small or insignificant, that’s to make me seem like I am making up who I am or who I was ever important to or have built meaningful relationships with. I think if you ever get stuck in a life where people don’t love you and are not impressed by you, it will not be who you are or your story that will prompt them to take you seriously and be caring or compassionate towards you, its becomes an excuse to see you as small, or see you as someone who is trying to be important who has failed and is not important or trying to be important doing something else in life. It’s by what you don’t complete that people think that things wont work out for you based on what you think will work out for you in life, that’s when what you think ceases to matter, by what you can or cant accomplish in life, and that’s what either makes or breaks you as a person in life, based on what you are able to do in life, what are your end goals, where do you end up, and then there are comparisons. When people don’t get why you are well, it could be that they think you have done something wrong that you have overlooked or are not speaking to. When you are doing well people will take a look around and see others suffering and then not be proud of you doing well and not feel better until you are suffering or sick, to then not feel like something is off about how things are. That’s being known, you can work hard and do important work, but in the end if you are not respected and not valued and don’t have a job a companion or in a relationship you can be confused for a person to not respect, and that’s a street way of making you feel small. Being small is not advantageous it allows for people to intimidate you, see you as stupid, be condescending toward you, make fun of you, and then try to justify any bullying of you, as though you ask for it, or carry yourself in a way that fake or not important, to make fun of your demeanor as someone who thinks theyre important who is not. There is nothing fake a about wellness, and sickness is nothing to be experimented with to make anything better, it makes thins worse in general for the person seeking to create a life for themselves, and causes the bullying to get worse, the worse your condition is, bullies are only empowered by what they can get away with, they wear you thin, they use up all your resources, they think that everything should be done for them for free, and they expect from you but then don’t appreciate you, they think that if you are not writing that you are not thinking and if you are not writing and thinking they think that you are not working or don’t care, and bully you anyways.

The politics about things going right in life, is about doing the work and putting the work into not allowing for things to get worse, its not a sudden wellness post trauma that should alert you that all are not to blame and a sickness should not take over or be about one person, or a spreading of an idea or belief to cause people to feel sick about one another or over interpretations in life, who is honored is who is respected, and if who is honored is not viewed as the key to prevention, then the key to prevention needs to be written in order for prevention to occur on all levels, then that would be the solution and to forget for whatever reasons anyone was recognized in the past or present. People don’t want to know you until you have some 100% ability for things to go right by exactly what you have to say, they want to know in what way do things go well for you, and they want to know why youre not feeling well, or they want to know how should prevention work now at this point and what you have to offer or say to speak to whats ongoing. I think that prevention is not about loss after loss after loss, getting scik and sicker and nothing said and loss after loss after loss to occur to lead to some ultimate realization to stop feeling bad or sick and to start living again, I don’t think there needs to be some ultimate feeling of things not going well, for anyone to decide to let go and to continue living without thinking too hard about whats not going well or why. That’s leaving people in tact, there will be times when people come together and problem solve, and there will be times when people are undeniably affected by who is lost, and in order to begin processing those losses, you need to talk about in what way that loss resonates with you, and what that means to you, what could you be doing better, and if you knew that a person was not doing well, what would you do to help make those people feel better. Sometimes you don’t have the power to know what people are going through on a big scale or small scale, and it would be wrong to assume that Im known on a big scale to some extent that I don’t deserve to be known or known in a way that doesn’t work for people who don’t know me or doesn’t help people who do know me respect me, the world will go round, the news will still happen, you might get sick, your life could stop, you could end up in the hospital, but life goes on without you, if you are someone like me who stops living life when things are going wrong, ask yourself why am I stopping to live life based on what others think that I have done wrong, how does taking a break and cutting back on doing things that I love seek to benefit who decides its right to bully me or intimidate me, how many things need to go wrong before its okay for me to get strong again, how many times do I need to be rejected from the ER and IOP for me to simply believe in myself and stop feeling sick or being convinced that Im sick in a serious way. Whatever you think is sick about me, liking Todd is not sick, Im apart of a big case, my identity is important, I went to law school, I was a real friend, I was a good friend, I was a good person a successful student and I have never let anyone down in my entire life or failed at anything that I found myself to be level headed and able to do in life, whatever I put the effort into works out for me, therefore I should not fail when it comes to my health to put effort into feeling better and doing what works for me, writing, to get along with others, writing, to not get voices, writing to be loved and trusted, writing to move forward in life and be understood and to help others, understand my place in things or what solutions I have to offer to others in terms of where the respect lies, and in what way am I not taking away from that for any woman, anywhere over anything, or any man period. In what way are you being strong for others, in the hopes for things to go right, and if that is something that has worked out for me in the past then now should be no different, maybe in the past I sounded different it wasn’t enough, there wasn’t enough writing, and things seemed short and stupid, eventually you get strong again, you aren’t short on subjects you are able to write and you have the energy to write and the more time that you put into writing and the more writing you complete the more it is evidenced that you care and not careless, whatever the joke may be, no insult should be taken, to anything not true, that shouldn’t hit your head, that’s the end of the story, no matter where the humor lies, if it doesn’t hit my head its not about me, and if that’s what keeps others going to feel smart by then that’s something I don’t have to read into.


[1] Biden administration aims to rein in abusive non-compete agreements (

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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