Being Ruled by Disbelief …

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It’s hard to recover from mental health issues when you can’t move forward and what’s preventing you from moving forward are complications to your health, treatment options, and what people subsequently think of you watching you or determining your health from afar. I think privacy is important to mental health and living a normal life I guess in tech privacy is a space violated that is thought to be justified by a disbelief sought to consistently cause you worry or sickness or feelings of depression or inability what’s controlling what people think, what people are watching, what people are observing. It’s clear that when people don’t approve of you this results in more disapproval it results in a justified approach for isolating you not trusting you and not helping you it’s then up to you to decide whether you are sick or not and how you feel affected by what others think. Yes everything matters what you do speak think if and look like it just so happens that when an audience cannot be satisfied with you beginning in private rejections if you to trigger mental illness or self harm frustration or complications mental difficulty that cannot be proved or reported who are you left with yourself and who is watching you pretending to know you or have authority to observe you once you are being observed it’s clear that a disrespect or seeing someone is wrong is to test and make things not work out for a person mentally or in life career wise which is then used to blame a person for what others think of them, what ultimately explains for mental illness is if people claiming mental illness in observance of you disatisfied to explain for existence of mental illness to all or are a few people going by how they feel overprefucring what others think and causing you to feel sick or test whether you get sick by people negatively reviewing you whatever the purpose for attention is is should be to help people not cause people sickness not sabotage or result in exposures not be offended by what people look like or who they love not prosecute people based on what is done to them to harm them and not to judge women as being offensive because of what they look like or what their mental health is like. People are combative toward people with poor diagnoses because they feel entitled to bully pester annoy torture and torment people to bring about negative results for a person otherwise compare doing well and speaking properly. Who is given the right to watch you and cause you mental illness who’s right is it to disqualify you cause you sickness blame you or prosecute you for decisions you make to love life in what way are people not pleased by you working and having a job or not pleased by you blogging and writing as your job. What is intimately your fault that people are unimpressed by you think less of you and who is given the right to be offended by the quality of content and care you apply to your life and in helping others who’s to decide that you are stupid or mentally ill who is watching so educated by whom to decide what’s watching you if a normal person were watched and criticized in what ways would people mistreating people be justified what makes people so interested in watching people or embarrassing or humiliating people by exposing them to unwanted facts if being viewed by more people than they’ve given permission to view them who’s entitlement is that and what does guessing someone in private privilege anyone to knowing a person on an individual basis. I think going through peoples things and being critical of them is not letting a person be human it’s pushing a person who you are demanding content from without paying me to work and expecting me not to be bothered by people who make money and have money going through my private spaces disabling me and not doing the work themselves who’s to say that anyone deserves a free vendor if feeling strong while disabling me if tormenting me who’s to say that I’m mentally ill and what have I said in life for anyone to make that determination of me who says that life can be lived when no one respects you where’s the solution in that. I deserve pay, I deserve a job, I deserve money, I deserve to be credited for my work in rank, and I don’t deserve for people to go through my information for free and try to punish me as though I’m doing something wrong that they are not able to do themselves if it’s about me being able to do something others Fahd who’s to say that what I’ve provided is wrong or mentally ill, whose to say that what I’m connected to j don’t also seek for things to end up in their best interests in what way does harming me affect what’s in the best interests of who I’m connected to what’s the purpose of bringing a person down to punish make others feel better without accounting fir who can gf harmed by harm being caused to me is not the solution either to not be trusted or be dissatisfied with my content written to the best of my ability it’s logical ot makes sense it’s positive it’s helpful it’s honest and it’s true in what way have I ever said anything that’s not helped never everything I say it’s intended to help to the benefit of the reader. Not everyone’s the same and if people are not at peace with me then I will reflect s person who does not make others happy therefore there should be no expectation to model or video if there is dislike there is no purpose for engaging with anyone teaching anyone being a life coach or presenting as professional until all the reasons you think I’m mentally ill are solved and and people can be allowed to be themselves without treating them like a disappointment or blaming people with diagnoses to wrongfully characterize people as not team players well by the same things others are well by describe them as mentally ill and convince someone smart they are disabled like anyone can just be directed by what their told us wrong with them.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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