Deescalate Deductions …

In order to be famous and be of value as a celebrity or a known person to more than a million people, people have to be okay by you, think well of you or have no qualms about you, can see you easily and can factor in what makes you of value, and not bothered by you, that’s being famous, there is a value to knowing you and is why you are known, because you are easy to understand, your value can be seen as standing apart from people in general, and whether celebrity, co-worker, romantic partner, friend, or your average joe regular person of high income or low income wage, there is some benefit to knowing you that does not sway or interfere with the decision making of anyone, to be on any wrong team in life, experience any indecision or things not being write, does not cause one to question others compare relate, or devalue anyone on the basis of popular characteristics, and you represent the kind of person who is easy to friend or date, such that you will insult or be confusing or influential to others in a way that anyone will come to know you, and dislike you, feel offended by you, be brought down by you, question you, feel guilty by you, feel admiration or forced adherence to knowing you, there must be no commitment to knowing you necessary or following overtime, for anyone to recognize you as special or force anyone to treat you as special in order to be special, if you are special that means you are naturally capable of making others feel special, people feel comforted by you, reassured by you, and things are made to feel better knowing you in a puzzling world of odds, reactions, influences, and illnesses, you are not one to be known who would interfere with what we view as well, notable, view as strength in others.

A diagnosis or a sobriety date does not give you a badge to represent anyone else in the class you are selected to be in in life, or compared to, so let no denomination of you denominate you to speak for rationalize explain for anyone elses diagnosis required, no two mental illness and human beings are alike, related, or the same, and no one has been known for long enough, that anyone embodies the other, or a level of intelligence transferrable to another human being through reading, intelligence is what you possess its an ability that can be measured and tested, to recognize your capability in life, and what your potential to stay well, focus, and recognize what is right or correct or looked for, that’s intelligence, something you dedicate yourself toward succeeding in, and not everyone is represented in numbers the way they want to feel or how they want to sound, how you sound is not about intelligence or disability, how you sound reflects how you feel, it has nothing to do with who is around you or who is talking to you, again its an ability to try it’s a trait you possess you either exercise or don’t test within yourself, you can’t control the image of yourself that you wish to create in the world always, and often times by the time we improve, we don’t regret who we were before we changed, but we hope that any changes we endure are for the best, and not anything we should be told or made to think that will set us worse off perspective wise. Celebrity status is a support group of people who made it past standing out, performing, and being recognize and recorded as members to a class of people who perform for others, and who are capable of being known professionally, and able to work under the conditions of being known, they have expert support and rules and guidelines to follow safety wise, and they live a life that supports their continued ability to be known and to stay well, a lot of things privately I have believed have to go right in order for things to go right for you publicly or professionally, everything goes hand in hand, how you feel how you present and again how you can function and rise the occasion of performing. Take it from me hospitalized or disabled, I was still able to figure out a new job as paralegal and create legal documents in a fashion that I have no experience creating and able to complete the task and figure out how to perform and write with no examples of how to write or what to say, and create the content on my own without directions and little guidance, that’s an ability, can you create what you cant see, like a website, can you put together and assemble something that you cant see or have not seen done, what is your ability to create a space online, that can be seen and also be valued, such as being a human being, what does it take to be you, and to not stand out, and carry yourself in a way that respects others, does not interfere with how others feel, and remembered or not, not a bad memory or a bad experience, I think these are things you only worry about if you have ever been punished, is when the after effects and after feelings are things sought to punish you for or make you recognize with an instilled basis that you need to be taught to feel something to see something to say something, and its hard to live life when people see things, think you don’t see or say, and that you have to be hurt to say or see what you now have to think about is the cause for you being hurt, in order for what someone sees or hears to be recognized, that’s when what other people thinks control, is usually what punishment is for, its to not tell you what people think as they are doing something to you, but its to allow for easier recognition or increased likelihood for discrimination to occur or be justified or explained for, again sometimes you are weakened, to make things easier for people to think, who are absent the disorders that you suffer from, if you have a hard life, it wont be for punishment, until you get subjected to living a life in fear, or cued by any treatment or disablement to speak on a level that no one will hurt you by.

What is a positive influence, a positive influence is someone who has lived life and shared about life in a way that things get better and more people are helped on the basis of preventing anyone from acquiring the issues that you have or lead to the same decisions choices or feelings to end up disabled by the same things as you in life, that’s sometimes the value of a life, other lives are improved and things are prevented from occurring and people are protected. No one who exposed themselves doesn’t at some point recognize the dangers beyond advanced tech bots or views, what will really hurt you is when it matters who is reading the age, the gender, the level of education, the type of support being offered, and the standards to which you maintain a standard of care through writing, most people will not view a blogger as a proper therapist or interventionist for addictions, or suicide specialists, and no diagnosis makes one a specialist in mental illness, diagnosis of, reading others, being punished by people, or have the exact equation for what causes voices or auditory delusions, and it wont be by sex interaction or jobs, or writing online, it will be a change by someone who can see you know you who you cant see, and I think that’s the danger of being known, and for people to know you closely who may not like you and are capable of hurting you, is how a mental illness is acquired, from being known by who doesn’t like you, is what causes one fear, disablement, insecurity, and sickness, and that’s hard to prove, so I would be a rare case of someone who was sick, never went out or dated, few social interactions, studied, only places where I applied and was admitted to be among people, and few negative experiences in life. I am, bringing this up in light of the Silicon Valley Bank failure, and what the means to the US Economy. People want to know how code and influence is made, medical treatments and evaluations, and how people are healed and in what way is a medical diagnosis, or influence responsible for an economy failing or a Bank in the same field as a website fail financially, in what way do things fail? I think from someone who has disability mental health issues and difficulty working and finding a job, I would view finances to similarly not work out, much like how lawsuits happen, people are not interested in investing in one another, the ideas for investment can’t create the value in return for the investors interest in providing value upfront to an idea, with an unknown ability to be successful, and like most people who invest, they are rewarded by results and that’s how continued investment is made. Maybe this relates to people who believe in future value and capacity to recognize and visualize a future success who can keep going in life, and life may be short, but people invest and manage their finances and live long lives and have lived long enough to know when there is value to maintain or when there is value at risk, and I wouldn’t blame a code of influence for failing, or blame a person who is known in websites or tech, to be the persons who health is failing to blame a bank failing or the startup potential of projects invested in to fail on the basis of what the climate is like in tech, to blame the conditions of a person, or people to reflect that something is not working out, to affect the minds of people who invest on the basis of things working out, I don’t think that financial failures are a reflection of the people as a whole, who either do or do not feel like investing, I think its about making money and having the money to invest, and if people decide not to invest in a bank, then yes that is due to some failure, between people, and I wouldn’t say that a failure occurring at one bank, reflects a common pattern of behavior or failure reflective of a population.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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