How Do Insults Occur? …

There are many ways for insults to occur, it will mostly be by your demeanor and what you have to say in response to people, who you follow or what you are like based on who you are exposed to, is what makes people call people mentally ill, pervert, or consider them to be a poor thinker, its by how you function and how does how you function work against people in life, or work to benefit others, it will be how you carry yourself, the voice you carry, and your stamina and patience in times of difficulty, trauma, violence, crime, and you name it, all the times no one speaks and everyone feels sick, what should you do? What should you do, when you don’t know whats wrong, why anything is wrong, and when you have nothing to go by but others, when do you know when to help, when should you not be sick, and what can change you to make you be less convinced you are, when the remaining able people are not able to get through to the majority, that would mean that a mental illness exists that would make it proper for me to speak, since it it something or a condition that Im familiar with. Absence of a condition means you have overcome a condition poor, re-experience of symptoms, means you have not been able to solve the causes for the condition voices or self-harm. What you have to say can sound insulting if you are short about something and don’t know a lot about something, people will perceive what you have to say about something as dumb, that’s how you know when you sound dumb or not to others, who may specialize in what you are experiencing, no one can know how you feel not unless you describe how you feel that’s how people will know whether you are well or sick and that’s the unfortunate aspect of life, people will be well, and while they may not understand why you are sick or open to hearing your explanation of the causes for sickness, what you are left with is your job to deal with in life, symptoms.

People feel insulted when they think you are not crediting them for things going well, this is especially apparent given that everyone is going through a hard time, some things in common that make people feel smart is preferred to things being known in common that are difficult. My writing is not a style of writing that is purposefully easy or is writing to a grade level below my own, to be able to make sense or communicate to all ages, is not my function personality or idea or purpose, none mentioned none thought of, therefore being popular means that I am speaking in a way that those age groups are able to read, would be a good sign, that doesn’t mean that Im dumb or they are dumber for reading my work.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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