What is Your Reality? …

Reality is what you make of it. It doesn’t matter what disability you have, what meds you take, or what other people think, ultimately you get to navigate your own course in life. It is your life, your body, your mind, your future, so why allow yourself to be disrupted by others. Accepting what you can’t control, is one thing, to keep yourself immune from being hurt. Sometimes caring subjects us to feelings or thinking that we would rather be alive without knowing or seeing, that’s life, there are many exposures and not all days will be the same, not all things will stay the same, and not all days will you feel the same, take the day as it comes to you.

The more confident you are about your own self-control, the easier it becomes no matter what happens, to regain a sense of control over what is wrong, either directly affecting you or others, or thoughts related to you, any misunderstanding, any grievance, any competing idea or philosophy in life can be responded to and validated, it doesn’t matter who is right, or who is leading, or what anyone is lead by, when there is a difference in the day that can be felt, what can you do or say to help the day go right for you and others, and if you cant make the day go right for you, in what way are you able to help others, be in control of how they navigate through the times and their days.

Reality used to be something that people would tell people to face. It could be a harsh truth about you, it can be something you can’t change about yourself, it can some disadvantage in life, it could be what your options are in life, it could be what schools you’ve attended, it could be what you look like, it could be who you’ve dated or liked, it could be what jobs you get or are not able to get, how do you make things possible for yourself in life, and how do you know where you will be valued or fit in, what makes you compatible with others.

Compatibility is key to success online or in any business venture or romantic relationship, compatibility is how you are balanced and in what way can you achieve balance with another, we don’t mention it, but the most compatible unions are ones in which people are at peace with one another, this is what makes people feel close to one another, a sense of peace that they feel and achieve upon being with another.

Writing is a little different, it’s not romantic, and although it can’t replace your reality where you live or what you look like, it can still open you up to the potential of what you are capable of, meeting someone who once in a down was not able to do things and have things in life, and then became able to achieve online, and get jobs, and have people in her life.

So that’s the difference between what’s wrong with you keeping you from being a part of reality, or what it is about the reality that intimidates you or that you find difficult, in the end, you have to accept your reality no matter how it is made, known or unknown, it doesn’t matter, you can’t change people, so the only way to change your reality will be by feeling good about yourself, that’s what puts you at ease and be comfortable in yourself around people, that’s what makes you compatible well adjusted.

The more well-adjusted you are, the less uncomfortable you will be being around others and talking, and the more confident and proud of yourself you will be. Talking is an important ability, how you speak is an important ability, it how you feel about yourself, alone, or about others, affects how you will feel around people, you have to be comfortable with yourself, to not be bothered by others, and to also not bother other people.

When you are uncomfortable other people will notice you, you will stand out, you will be sensitive to noises, you will notice people, you will feel scared, you will feel open, that’s uncomfortable, when you are open and what pains you are to experience life is discomfort. So be in your shell if that’s where you feel safe, and no one can bother you, so long as you don’t engage with others, anyone who approaches you cannot affect you, and that’s being strong and recognized as strong. So that’s what confidence is about its not a look, to be looked at, it’s about how you carry yourself in a way that’s noticeably at ease more so than others, is what makes people turn to you when they are not sure of themselves. This is why confident people are successful and manage many people, because of their ability to put people at ease, to explain things to people, to help others achieve success too, so that they can be well adjusted, make it in the world, and similarly feel like they have options and opportunities.

What was my Reality? (example)

First think what is it about you, that frustrates others in terms of what your potential is and in relation to the success of others, what makes you lucky or fortunate, by what types of success should you benefit, and for what reasons should you not fall ill, taking all things into perspective, are you able to demonstrate that you deserve to be successful on your own merits, and in what ways, have you allowed for no determinations negative to be made concerning the status of your health compared to the success of others from a similar story.

In what way can you root for others, and be rooted for, and in what ways is offense taken, or non-responsibility, who represents what when it comes to OJ, and in what ways are you excluded from representation, or taken the wrong way and punished for disability or mental health issues.

What types of success in life make you not sued, well liked, and not problematic, and in what ways can you be viewed as representing OJ and discriminated. In what ways has another family’s actual profession represented OJ, and in what ways as a childhood best friend to Sydney Simpson, have I vicariously represented OJ in any way, or have been inferred to have represented OJ or any other matter by visiting #scotus and getting to hear them speak in person.

In what ways have I risen to the occasion, and in what ways was I potentially discriminated in life on the basis of being best friends with Sydney Simpson and then getting mental health issues. In what ways was my life as punishment wrongfully interpreted as for worse things than possible, opposite to what my life demonstrates or based on my life. In what ways was I harmed to make me look different and not the person that I was.

In what ways does disrespect occur, when people think you are being other people and not yourself, when people think that you think you are other people and not yourself, when people think they are you and don’t respect who you are, when people think that they are more important than you and don’t see your value and treat you as important, when people judge your mental health as a reflection of an association or a blame for a disposition not existing inappropriate or noticeable to anyone in life.

In what ways do people seek to benefit by knowing you, but not credit for solution found, in what ways can you write two websites and still be given a hard time about who you are, name one person who by connection named themselves and then became a top blogger on Alexa, no one, no one who knows anyone famous has a top website online, no one, that must mean that I am doing something that is both keeping me well and is also helping to keep others well, and that how I sound and what I look like, looks nothing like who is famous or what they are famous for, so that I am credited for my own development and mental health.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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