Start Thinking Positive Thoughts …

Sometimes talking helps, but eventually you have to redirect your thoughts toward things you are capable of achieving right now. How can you in the immediate be made to feel better about your day. So pace yourself, begin each day with one positive thought and go from there and make it your goal until the end of the day to maintain that same hopeful mood of things turning out right things going right. I know I’m not the best example of this, but its something I’ve been working on, since I’ve started writing three posts a day, how to maintain a positive mood and keep going. This is not easy to do.

  1. Be on a schedule, have a planner, keep up with tasks.
  2. Pick up from where you left off last, feel good about being you.
  3. Check in with others, respond to texts, follow up on projects.
  4. Take the time to write proper emails, don’t rush sending anything.
  5. If unemployed, continue to apply, don’t leave gaps in your resume.
  6. If you’re a writer, start fresh every morning, and when you get tired, break.
  7. Continue your education, it’s okay to take a step back from things, read or listen.
  8. Journal when needed, you don’t have to say everything in public.
  9. Keep track of your fitness schedule, be proud of all your progress.

Life can be too much sometimes before you get going. It’s not just you. It’s better to have many things to do in life, then to have nothing to do, so make the most of your time and keep busy. It’s always when you’re busy working on something, an opportunity arises in another area of your life. This is why to keep going in life, people feed of the energy or what is, so if you want to be a people person and work with others, have something to offer that makes you feel apart of, that’s how you learn to work with others.

Self-Improvement, is a really personal battle that most people don’t really admit to or talk about. It used to be the case that we didn’t have to think and reflect so much about ourselves, perhaps its to our benefit to be more conscious of our output, conversations, and interactions, that’s not such a bad thing afterall. We all deserve to feel good and live good lives, so if I can provide examples of how to think that are working for me I will share, and Im sure there will be days, when I wont quite be myself. Don’t we all have off days, that send up running down a dark hole in life, you don’t have to disappear in problems, you should be able to lighten up your life again, simply by changing your thoughts and appearance, this is how you liven up your life again, and beat depression, lethargy, or any kind of sadness, love yourself more. You don’t need to have things in life to feel good, you have to feel good to have things in life.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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