Up Until Recently …

Until recently I was pretty steady going improving and for some reason having difficulty moving forward in life. I realize that because I share online that any misunderstanding becomes a set back that either I have to figure out or go back and review to determine what is being thought about and why I rarely leaves things open for wonder.

I’m the type of person who when I write it’s to clarify upsets or things that are confusing so not let that become a later frustration to anyone trying to make simple sense of things. Writing is helpful in that it gives you something to start with, you can guarantee that when I’m well or if I speak it’s to not allow for any detail to go unnoticed or be confused for something that should be said and is not said by me.

Usually what is said is based on where I am in life and able to speak to. Writing is a constant state of improvement which you either get the hang of and improve or wind up other places especially if you have mental health issues which are hard to explain no one really understands the chemical imbalance of anyone who has to take meds therefore it’s not always just about meds.

Part of the reason for writing is that there is a lot of silence and not much to say therefore writing is helpful so that no silence is ever so painful that anyone feels helpless. I think my pen name is relevant in that as a writer your readers will come to see themselves as they are not as you are see themselves as better than you on the basis that 99% of the people reading don’t have schizophenia or mental illness since only 1% of the entire population has this diagnosis. Therefore that’s the reassurance that I have to offer that whatever difficulty I may endure mental health wise not to worry because your life is not the same your job is not the same your education is not the same and your roles in life are not the same so that’s what you have to be confident about. So that’s what I have to offer in terms of prevention of this disorder based on how I’ve sought help what treatments I went through and ultimately able to work online and build websites that have done well. Know that none of that can happen if I get sick or hospitalized that would be starting over in life and I’ve come too far and have improved too much to be subjected to that kind of opinion of me in life it’s not that I’m different than I was I’m as me as possible I can be therefore anything else would be asking too much of me.

I think I’m doing fine know that if I’m not sharing something in public it’s nothing to worry about it’s my life I have to know who I am be aware to risks to my health as a writer and if it’s not something I want anyone to mediate to over me or affect an opinion of me then I will not be sharing anything related to anything personal I’m overcoming is not for public display I know you will read it and not feel sick not get sick but that doesn’t mean that I won’t feel sick with you reading or knowing how I feel when I don’t feel well I don’t prefer to be vulnerable and get hurt in life on the basis of what’s believed I think I’m doing my best so that’s your opportunity to continue to not believe in illness it’s nothing that anyone has to concentrate on in life it’s something you get through and not all feelings and thoughts can improve sharing online what your me going through personally it becomes your loss and another persons power so be careful what you say online and don’t allow anyone to disempower you on the basis of health.

2 responses to “Up Until Recently …”

  1. Hugs Baby Luz 🤗❤️


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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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