Managing Frustration ….

Not worth your time and energy, reflects what to do in the event that a difficult person is subjecting to you to difficult feelings. As of now, either you have come to accept the difference between when things are going well or not going well, and doing your part to help make things go well again. Allow things to evolve for the better and this is what pattern recognition is for, both in regards to your own reactions as well as in observance for how others are feeling, or responding to you. How to make things better.

Frustration is a feeling occurring when one or the others wants things to be a certain way, right now especially subjects one or the other to frustration, due to a “control” issue, controlling outcomes, controlling feelings, controlling what people think, in the end you have to accept what is, if you are ever going to be happy with yourself or others. You have to stop the blame game, you have to stop the constant questioning of yourself and others, and you have to discontinue seeking to offset feelings, by going by one or the other, and being limited to leadership among two. Leadership among two is about trust, where one or the other in it of themselves, is without a worry for how one or the other looks. When neither you are worried nor the other, this is when friendships happen, love happens, and comradere, without a fear of what one another thinks. In the real world there are no guarantees in life, for how you appear and what you should be able to tell or recognize in another upon a viewing of yourself, start to instead recognize that one or the other, is both with concern for how one another is perceived how they look, and is hearing and witnessing one or the other, in the face of eachother. There is not telling what to expect, when people are being judged or experiencing any symptoms of judgment, of a reading into the demeanor or one or the other, either both insecure, one above the other professionally, and then there is a meeting of minds on common ground, which is neither obstructed by content outside of a persons conduct and counseling online, and is not destructed by the content or counseling outside of a two person interaction.

Sometimes support and empowerment is to be one among and that’s the outside opinion on things whether witnessed and known by both or the other, is something that in turn is used in observance of you, and that’s how the outside world creates a judgement of you when the outside circumstances are related to you and what you do for work online and affecting the opinion or judgment of a person upon watching you or witnessing you. Who in the end is the leader, the one holding the judgment to be proven or disproven, or the person being watched for confirmation or witnessing of wording or reaction to prove or disprove or confirm a judgment. So this is the unclear aspect of two people interactions, leadership, trust, outside circumstances, knowledge, reading in observance for a witnessing of change to prove or disprove, and this is how you can tell whether a person who is being watched or read as a blogger, is being geared by leadership in demeanor posed to others, who upon witnessing, sense relief or growing confidence, or whether upon a witnessing of a person a confidence is lost, or a negative judgment is taking hold, and then affecting the writer, that’s when a negative judgment is used or misused to determine whats leading watching, versus not crediting the person observed as the leader to an interaction, who either satisfies or dissatisfies, is the problem when there is discomfort or uncertainty between two people, who is the voice of reason, who is the one observed and considered the representative to an interaction, and this is how judgment of individuals affects the self-esteem, confidence, and ability upon being observed by others.

Recently have been struggling, with mood, upsets, self-harm (tantrum), and vocalization of distress and concerns. It seems like when a negative judgment is consuming viewership, then the content plays up to that negative judgment, its like creating a place future to be filled, when a witnessing or uncertainty is felt in the viewer (if hold negative judgment – its not reassured until a negative content produced). If there is a positive viewing (the uncertainly is hurt when a negative content is produced). Therefore when the writer is hurt by a negative judgment (to undo that hurt is to improve to be fewer instances of being subjected to a negative reaction to them and further not reinforced by additional negative reactions to a person, that goes to confirm hurting a person, further hurts a person, for a detachment to a person who discontinues to care or support a person, is neither hurt nor feels better, but feels justifies, when a hurt is expressed through the author, which is my job to improve and undo. Secondly, when a negative judgment is overcome, the observer is neither affected or changed or persuaded, either by one or the other, is the best solution, when it comes to overcoming harms and negative judgments, that people don’t inherit personally a harm suffered by the person viewed negatively, and neither the person subjecting a person to a negative telling or judgment sought proven, doesn’t get used or told to persuade others or to confirm or make a reality of a non existent future repercussion, the non existent future repercussion is ruin demoralization embarrassment, hurt or going backwards in recovery.

In the early stages of anyones recovery there is a period of dishevelment, which is nothing Ive not experienced in life 2006, 2014, and 2017, and was about 7 years sober January had I stayed sober, so what has been lost throughout the discovery of preventing or proving sources or causes of voices. That through explanation of the hurt (things did not improve, and had to be erased), that through the discussion of voices (fuels a side against you also with an unwanted naming of a disease using your name and identity online or blog to be fought or the condition not observed as well or mark by illness) what is the eventual repercussion and acceptance of hurt (is that whoever caused that hurt is forgiven, empathized with, fought for, defended, and in turn hurts you for and in justification of hurting you, using your words and effort overcoming struggling with voices, as punishment for exhibiting mental illness, is neither my fault, who hurts me fault, or make a future determination a non-happening, or me not forgiving or not seeing things clearly with the best interests of others at heart. Its clear that upon mention of “voices” voices occur again, and whats become true is that the less my feelings matter or my health, the worse things get for me (weight gain, more voices, and at that point connections and what feels good, is used as chemistry for blame upon your being personality career and standing in life, which is not for destruction, so this is how people who go by feeling, hurt you, if they consider how youre feeling, to make them unsure, or affect their clarity, who cannot be helped. Who cannot be helped is who is not believed in, who cannot be supported, who’s upset is not recognized, who’s struggle is not observed as an honest timeline of changes endured through the discussion of voices. And what fails to be proven is who is the voice of reason, which is why a voice is destroyed, when you are misunderstood as carrying an identity (like a doctor, or judge, #scotus, president, lawyer, friend, boyfriend – a person who is known to you, and questioning whether you represent those voices, or the voice of your audience well, and the point of bullying voices, is destroy a connection between you or any other human being to determine what is your voice, or what is a voice in representation of a person talking to them. A voice in representation of messenger is (1) Letter writing to #scotus (viewed as a scripted or memorized tone or standard of writing), (2) Twitter (viewed as less friendly or supportive through discussion of voices misreading a tone as a frustration with others or voices or illustrate a person connected to a voice that they are not representing or supporting, occurring within in them, or try to prove is created by them) and when and by a proving of a negative word or voices blaming a person as created by them is how the future repercussion of a belief in a word or voices as being created within a person is not evident until a person is separated and hurt, rejected, not accepted, mentally ill goes to the ER 3-5 time in one year and hospitalized still does not cure the issue remaining, what is the purpose for voices and how are they created, voices are created by you, from you, that is how voices occur, whats not scientifically acknowledged is how you can hear voices of words that you don’t say and of a tone hurtful directed toward you, any person who dislikes you who talks to you subjects you to a hurtful tone a hurtful tone is a tone of dislike, is a sickness of a person in speaking to another, that makes another feel sick, is how sickness by words or tone is created. Tone is nothing like music or song, which is a voice or a feeling from within expressed that allows you to feel or embody the expression of another, which doesn’t hurt you. So which expressions hurt, hurtful expressions are words that set people aside, it hurts the confidence of a person who is helpful and commended for your improvement, and once taken personally, it becomes about being punished in the event that you are struggling with mental illness. I think the only reason for me struggling with mental illness, is the lack of literature and articles on voices, how created, and a professional explanation, of how representation is created and how who is represented through voice is made to improve or feel better. Voices occur when you are not writing, not working, not doing anything, its when you don’t feel good, not performing, and a created as a punishment in observance of you, as though you don’t carry a voice of your own, or whether the voices that you hear are created as part of your fault which can either materialize future as created by whom, it is your body and your voice, however created however is represents, and the struggle with mental illness, is “dysfunction” as explained by me, its in inability being sedentary (as experienced by me), and 2023, a new mental illness has been illustrated in the form of (emergency > ER visits > eventual hospital stay > recovery > continued battle with voices > then in emergency a long few days of writing (duration a month of writing everyday) > and the continued provoking of voices > which has led to the next phase of > rebellion drinking to go to sleep > speaking about self harm not in a careful detailed way as I have past and creating an insensitivity toward the subject of mental health and voices, by a creation of a decreased support for my condition, which affects the support for others who suffer from same or similar conditions, so that’s how anger overpowers the necessity for creating safe spaces to grow improve and solve mental illness, versus how “voices” can be used as discussed to push for a future worse state of shouting caps lock, non stop writing, rebellion, deletion, and (depletion of fighting energy and fighting forces motivated by an output).

It’s my goal to write 4 quotes a day, a blog post, work on my new book editing and creating content, and sticking to the requirement of publishing material only once and not working with material published in multiple publications of books, is how I am professionally respectful of the time and attention of others, never writing anything twice or publishing the same content over and over again, unless its relevant a theme to my brand to mark my content as for application through the lenses provided on my Instagram and Twitter log and updates. And attend PHP 9-3 pm to overcome (voices, self-harm, drinking, being pushed into suicide, being misused for punishment or blame) and what will improving guarantee and provide for, more peace and stability among and between people, more chances for success a moving on with subjects with less fighting between and among others for blame as to losses, and continue preservation of respect and value the significance of communications and rapport or letter writing, is not for an exchange of characters or uses of temperament within you read off of you, and for in any condition or travesty and devastation or ridicule or punishment, to not change my words, or my tone, or level of intelligence, to match or create of a future placement, of filling for negativity or justification sought through a fighting of “terms” using a human being and name “changed to a term,” and not misuse a person without paying me to represent diagnosis, and not harm me as a representative of my own words and conditions shared about in support of the health of others.

Fighting is proving of (diligence motivation or drive) credit to “voices” someone other than me.

Speaking through me (is hurting the identity of SCOTUS) as connected to me, and hear my voice.

Terms “are used to stuff in me” to force me to represent myself and many, subject all to harm.

Changing the terminology description of a person, demoralizes what is to be valued about others.

And diagnosis is viewed as my fault, and a later suffering is viewed as my fault.

And shouting or caps lock or discussion of mental illness, while experiencing psychosis, stifles.

Stifling, is a building of stress within me, instead of lightening the load of others, turns people away.

Turning people away, is a losing or a loss, or a losing situation created, that others feel at a loss by.

Feeling at a loss, is created by fighting, when someone being fought, their condition worsens.

Feeling at a loss, occurs when who you support is suffering, while you are suffering separately.

Wanting to help others, is reinforced when people feel strong, and not fighting towards ends.

Fighting towards ends, is recovery or assurance for defense or not looking bad, or viewed at fault.

Fighting towards an ends, is common sense of victims of sex crimes, to be humiliated lives ruined.

Fighting towards and ends, means whos fighting me, wont feel good, until Im smart, theyre not scared.

Forgiveness, is when you improve, and no one was mean to you, and you don’t get sick, feel apart of.

Fighting in which you are wrong, is when there is fighting and you suffer mental illness cant speak.

Disability is used to reinforce a definition that I wrote or mental illness my words “dysfunction.”

Based on 10 years suffering from mental health issues on meds, knowing smart versus “dysfunction.”

Fighting (feels good) when people fight you, and then you sound smart again, think it’s a push.

Push when you have mental illness, doesn’t create smart content, causes hurt, “dysfunction.”

Pushing yourself through running and being positive, is encouraging yourself, without requiring.

And the value of the content written by me, is based on my energy and confidence, and mental health, so when people are beyond, either you look bad and they look good, you have reacted or responded with self-harm to prove or disprove, what about a persons internal state, as abused, that a person is hurt when a person is scolded, or corrected, or told that they are wrong, when they are suffering, and when a person gets help, they are not credited for prevention and punished afterward by voices, to create an image of a person human being (myself) as mentally ill, to to mischaracterize or say that Im scarry, or stronger by age than others, and when you start going by human strength and whos mean, this is how people get demoralized and wrecked, and what is then the solution, to demoralize and wreck me. After hearing my voice, please choose to believe my words (not the symptoms) and please ignore any moment in which anyones taken their anger out on me, I know whats true about me, and so long as I don’t harm anyone, and improve, then Im not responsible for anyones health, feelings, careers, or money, and Im not responsible for anyones need for forgiveness or feeling bad or guilty, is not a condition caused by me. Which is how a tone is misperceived as though I have suffered from an issue, accuse my frsutrations as scolding or prosecuting of voices, and instead engaging in argument without stating the issue, of in what way does a correction or scolding or rejection of a person cause a hurt or leave a hurt for examination, and subsequent blame, of big picture ideas, which can’t solve the unhappiness, of goals that are set for achievement of ends results exhibited through a human, being, denominated leadership, and ascribe3d responsibility to those observing instead of leaving life as a witnessing of proving yourself, and not be hurt by patterns of stories memorized about you to make sense of your internal states, and mistreat or miscommunicate you as a person as affected internally by others or connected when youre not. So this is how a writer suffers, when embarrsed and humiliated, its by story or reaction, recreated, age 2 (slammed my head into the tile locked myself in the bathroom), age 22 (swallowed a bottle of kolonopin wrote a statement in a “pattern play” notebook shredded), age 30 (slammed my head into a wall after hearing voices after starting the med abilify), age 38 (voices after hospitalization). Therefore whats the solution and the cause for voices (1) a person from your past vocalized that you can hear someone in the tone of someone from your past (2) watched as a blogger with a billion views and millions having read your work experimented with as though your voice isn’t you thinks is another. So prevention of voices is (to overcome negative judgment, continue to review and go over every interaction and every person you have met in life, and in in what way are you not remembered or a reaction sought to remove you from the internet cause or justify lawsuit or misread your recorded timeline as a created for potential future not recognizing 10 years of work to improve, forced starting over in life as a joke about what a human being should look like defeated, and a “lost fight” joke is about fires and mass shootings a celebrity deaths, and treat me as losing my fight with “voices” to represent the death of others as related to my health or reputation, and confuse what a large audience is for, and what can be corrected and what can empower others, not through a shocking of me, or a shocking of anyone through a writing, to accept these difficulties in life as shared, a separate topic from voices.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

Thank you for reading!

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