Ways You Can Get Hurt …

Like most people I’m sure you won’t be made to think about the causes for your own hurt until you experience a hurt in life that leaves you wondering what you did to deserve that hurt in life. The truth is most people get hurt, your job is to not let your hurt become an issue others are affected by, including making anyone to feel similarly scared about life. In general we can be tough, the challenge is how to be tough the rules aren’t always clear.

Usually we are in control of how we feel, how we are treated and what people think of us, not unless you lose control of those capabilities in life. Don’t let yourself be controlled by the day, by people, always be in control of yourself just like sobriety is to an alcoholic, I do think it’s a problem when we get emotionally loose about things how to contain your emotions and just be normal. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and there’s no AA meeting for all the ways we don’t feel good.

Hurt is something that occurs (like a headache, coughing, feeling sick, frozen, it’s like a paralysis) and usually there’s nothing you can do to overcome that paralysis of pain unless you carefully make an effort to undo the causes for those pains in life however inherited or caused. Have faith, you may be weak but that doesn’t mean you’re not strong you may be sad but that doesn’t mean you are not blessed and you may be mad but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be happy.

Not all of us are strong enough to muscle the battles of others through shared opinion and often times that’s how you get hurt not to mention while ever made to defend yourself.

Defending yourself is the quickest way to get hurt, (if you go about it in the wrong way) it’s like wasting energy explaining to another how you’ve been hurt and then leave yourself feeling hurt exhausted wasted energy spent on another, think what’s worth your energy.

Your stability or the stability of another taken out on you, who’s responsible for how others feel and how as a blogger is there constant assessment of who you are, what you have to say, and who that does or does not affect. At what point as a blogger do your feelings not matter and why and how does that happen?

When someone feels entitled to hurting you they need excuses therefore your upsets however expressed gives them excuses to take their anger and hate out on you and cause you pain that’s when you convince people that their entitled to hurting you (the worst thing you can do to yourself is entitle anyone to hurt you with no remorse and then aggravate you or cause you pain if you don’t respond to it what’s the pain that builds up in your head and why does that happen to people in the public light.

I can say anytime I’ve defended myself I’ve gotten sick nauseous feel like hospital headache feel sick suicidal or self harm whether or not I’ve intended to hurt myself responding to hurt caused by another disempowers me and gives my power away to someone else capable of hurting me destroying my progress and ruining my life career and reputation.

This is how people fighting you for reaction causes you sickness and hurt that doesn’t repair and the resulting consequence is disability voices or schizophenia suicide … there’s nothing like being inside a body that’s dying because another human being enjoys you dying and feeling sick and thinks that makes them powerful or smart taking from you.

Everyday is a day to have a good day, everyday is a day to have compassion and while you aren’t being paid for helping others, people being helped for free aren’t entitled to trick torture or take from someone qualified to blog write and the experience to help others.

Who you are isn’t a made up role you envision or happens it’s not given to you in life the right to help people it’s earned and it’s not fun helping people it’s serious time consuming draining hard work and requires 100% of your mental effort and energy to compensate others for their feelings previous to you speaking and compensate with a feeling leftover that puts their fears and upsets at ease and in place of their anger towards you is the small possibility that they’ll let go get over what they thought why they thought that or what makes them think their better than you or any smarter.

It’s hard to help people who think they’re smart they’re more likely to complain criticize shame and bully anyone who’s not like them and while doing less criticize those who work as not doing enough or not working hard enough. Everyone wants a solution but no one’s willing to accept things as is people expect you to write work everyday and explain them their feelings or problems and that’s not what therapy is reading others or being read being independent responsible and adult doesn’t mean you get to be quiet you get to complain you’re hurt and blame people for your hurt there’s no world that entitles you to blame otter people for what you think believe or what your life is like and why no one has the power to cause you to become lost or sick and certainly not anyone successful.

If someone is successful you have a 100% chance of not getting lost sick, misinterpreted, rejected, or unmotivated chances are anytime you’re helped whether you pay for that help or read for free you are getting back the work that you put into your life including doing more complaining less, if you want to be a happy and successful person too.

Everyone wants to look commercial be white blonde hair long legs skinny rich drive a nice car and eat at fancy restaurants and that’s not me so while you sit back and complain I’m spoiled never forget all the things I’m not compared to every other woman model writer or influencer online and try to be more proud than disappointed of what I look like sound like or how much money I can or can’t make and why.

Money won’t always tell you who to respect respect people who are good to you, unconditional, caring, compassionate, daring and brave and if I’m the first woman you’ve met who confronts bullying and tough issues not without a scratch then think twice about what deficiencies in any other person you’re willing to not or compel you to dislike anyone else who appears weaker or less opinionated and willing to speak their mind at their own expense in life.

What’s rewarding to me is living life being alive having a job I love writing causes I care for mental health stages I’m proud of overcoming and proud of my comfort to be in public not everyone can be in public online on the internet & speak freely it’s harder than you think and less of a problem than you think including what I look like who I know who I like or where I’m headed that’s in my control it’s not a plan it’s not always clear and it’s not certain I’m just happy to be alive!

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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