Tag: advice

  • Goodbye 2023 …

    Goodbye 2023 …

    If I could summarize 2023 into one word it would be “hectic.” I’m sure it’s not the same for everyone. It always feels like I’m trying to get from point A to point B and barely making it then starting over again along my path in life. I’m hoping that in 2024 I actually get…

  • Deescalate Deductions …

    Deescalate Deductions …

    In order to be famous and be of value as a celebrity or a known person to more than a million people, people have to be okay by you, think well of you or have no qualms about you, can see you easily and can factor in what makes you of value, and not bothered…

  • What I’ve Been Up To …

    What I’ve Been Up To …

    Originally posted 09-29-22. First off, Im sorry there was a provocative fan site. I now realize that whats okay in private, can cause discomfort if put in public, and I would never do that to myself, if it meant I can’t work, I just graduated, so I was hoping for my life to begin again,…

  • Where You Are in Life, You Deserve to Be …

    Where You Are in Life, You Deserve to Be …

    Where you are in life you deserve to be. Maybe it’s that people don’t think that I deserve to be a successful writer and blogger online, with the potential to publish a book for a fee, or work as a trained life coach for a fee, at some point in the future. It probably has…

  • One General Deduction in Life …

    One General Deduction in Life …

    Everything either flips when you do, out of control (booted in or booted out from acknowledgement and consideration, that’s your choice to have everyone support you or turn on you by discomforts), Or everything’s well balanced settling (if you mention concerns & write without inducing trauma and reduce conflict by acknowledgement of an unstated grievance…

  • Good Advice …

    Good Advice …

    Good advice is hard to come by, you won’t always hear what you want to hear when the troubles you face are of your own making, this is true of addiction, or making mistakes when it comes to being close to wrong people, or run the risk exposing yourself to others, not all people can…

  • It’s Time for Country Therapy …

    It’s Time for Country Therapy …

    So things are not going exactly as planned, that doesn’t mean that all leadership has failed, notice in the beginnings of overcoming hardship, there will be immediate responses and reactions, all of those feelings and emotions are real, included the newly updated emotional and pain music being declared on FM Radio Los Angeles, one of…

  • A No Nonsense Approach …

    A No Nonsense Approach …

    Whenever I find myself ruminating I try to stop myself, think of something else they say. Its easy when youre feeling bombarded by emotions and feelings to think too much about what you are feeling without getting enough positive reinforcement. I found myself reviewing a post the other day, thinking to myself “Leslie why are…

  • The Search for Inspiration …

    The Search for Inspiration …

    We all want to be inspired and to feel loved, it’s a good feeling. That doesn’t mean that we are all geared up and prepared for those types of feelings in life, I think you have to be in a good place, in order to share a positive feeling with another. If you have ever…

  • Hearing the Same Thing Twice …

    Hearing the Same Thing Twice …

    Its not everyday that people go out of their way to lend a hand, you know if it wasn’t coming from you or them then it wouldn’t be a conversation held, so just take it with a grain of salt, whenever someone says something to you that doesn’t completely make sense at the beginning maybe…