Tag: advice

  • Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking and doing are two completely different concepts. According to “We have a ‘thinking’ system and a ‘doing’ system – and we’re generally only capable of using one at a time.” [1] How many times have you thought to yourself, you’d rather be somewhere else, or be somewhere other than you are in life, Im…

  • Whats my purpose in life? …

    Whats my purpose in life? …

    If you asked me a few years ago what I wanted to do in life Id tell you that I wanted to be an attorney, and some things don’t work out for you in life, based on the years to your life, and the amount of progress you are able to make within those years.…

  • Don’t Forget to Beam with Joy …

    Don’t Forget to Beam with Joy …

    Not everything apparent will resonate with you sometimes not until you go through it yourself, so be accepting of all delays, eventually your primary purpose will shine through your work ethic if you have enough nerve to tolerate whether consequential or not set backs along the way, affecting your stability. I’m talking to all the…

  • Respect Wise …

    Respect Wise …

    You are as good as the value of your word, so if you say something it should work in the favor of those who seek to be helped by you not necessarily have to care what works out for you in life, and that’s why respect is seldomly handout out to anyone, who we don’t…

  • The First Time Around …

    The First Time Around …

    The first time you pick up on how things are made, it can seem like an addictive process of figuring out where you stand in terms of the issues, fickle, and withdrawn. That’s normal. Here are some helpful tips in how to view life and all the changes made thus far: Do you participate, like,…

  • Most of the Time …

    Most of the Time …

    By the time I get upset I’m usually tired and upon being tired heckled and taunted told things that usually send me off course in life I remember and later recall upon being able to stand up straight and think things over but in those moments of feeling gone, feelings hurt, like I’m being one…

  • Don’t Question Yourself …

    Don’t Question Yourself …

    If you’ve made the time to get to know others, then don’t question yourself. And if they don’t make the time to reply, then turn bumble dating off. It’s as simple as that. You’re either ready and patient but if you’re too sensitive to even begin the process of talking to others in a romantic…