Tag: bipolar

  • In and Out of the Hospital Since August …

    In and Out of the Hospital Since August …

    Each time you go to the hospital its for a different reason, and it’s not a condition that you willingly place yourself in in life to not be feeling well and to not need to go to the hospital. Hopefully no one’s life becomes that unmanageable, however caused. The goal is to be stable, blogging…

  • Losing Your Grip with Reality …

    Losing Your Grip with Reality …

    Think of all the ways that you could completely be devastated in life, and be prepared. Usually something we are told is called “future tripping” a symptom of bipolar actually, along with “catastrophizing,” so let’s learn to rephase our future trips and also be mentally prepared in the event we face a personal emergency in…

  • Just watched … “The Desperate Hour” … (re-blogged)

    Just watched … “The Desperate Hour” … (re-blogged)

    Originally Published 07/28/22. I try to be a movie buff, I thought with #directTV I was all caught up, then I got Apple TV and realized that there are so many movies I have not seen and started clicking “save to my stuff” on Hulu. A very special person just re-entered my life and it’s…

  • When Something Good Happens …

    When Something Good Happens …

    When something good happens works just the same as when something bad happens, it’s a feeling that occurs over time, which is why you are reminded to be consistent if you want to be successful. Everything adds up. I was thinking this while being detained outside #toddspitzer’s house for more than hour talking to police,…

  • Tell Us Some Good News …

    Tell Us Some Good News …

    Well today didn’t go well, anytime I stay up late too many nights, or get off my morning schedule and don’t wake up early, my days get shorter and it feels like Im accomplishing less per day, only able to do one thing, like work, or run, or blog, or clean my room, the best…

  • Personal Update …

    Right now Im trying to get stable to go back to work on Monday, starting a new job, my first paid job at a law firm part-time with full-time potential, Ive been looking for years they are very hard jobs to get an qualify for pay, hopefully Im not too late, in terms of all…

  • Fine & Dandy …

    Getting a job doesn’t necessarily mean that things are fine and dandy, this is just the beginning of a new uphill climb, much like blogging was for me, I suppose it’s something you get better at overtime, except this time I’m on meds for schizophrenia so it makes things that much more challenging to get…

  • Recovering from Suicide …

    Recovering from Suicide …

    No one will understand your problems in life, until you have them, and have to talk about your problems in life, and sometimes you don’t have problems yet, and get sick, it happens to the best of us, why people get sober, stay home, work on themselves, and try to stay focused on their health.…

  • What is Psychosis …

    What is Psychosis …

    Psychosis is a feeling that you get through it can describe an emotionally unmanageable position in which you feel isolated or alone the terms of the environment around you hectic chaotic as though something is happening to you that you cannot control … when things are out of control that’s when you have to keep…

  • Instagram Goals …

    Instagram Goals …

    Sometimes I think the message gets lost or the tone, am always doing my best to be clear spoken and clear headed and share exactly where I’m at in life in writing, physical health updates, and mental health issues via CBT thought diary. I think for a time it was okay to speak my mind…