Tag: blogger

  • A Dose of Positivity …

    A Dose of Positivity …

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, what makes me happy. What are my needs and wants, and of absolute necessity. I think over the years, I’ve changed a lot but some things remain the same. Companionship is definitely on the top of my list of must haves, which at 38 years old comes…

  • Surprise Yourself …

    Surprise Yourself …

    Surprise yourself, you’re stronger than you think, history isn’t always right about you including your past. If in the past your last attempt to get strong either didn’t last got burnt out or lost momentum so much so you thought you slowed down in life due to old age, you haven’t lived enough life yet…

  • What’s a Good Find …

    What’s a Good Find …

    Online we are always searching for something that fills that void, whether that’s having a question, wanting to know more about, its in lieu of the extra time that you have to really sit down and see what else is out there, otherwise there are other things to do in life. So it all depends…

  • Start Thinking Positive Thoughts …

    Start Thinking Positive Thoughts …

    Sometimes talking helps, but eventually you have to redirect your thoughts toward things you are capable of achieving right now. How can you in the immediate be made to feel better about your day. So pace yourself, begin each day with one positive thought and go from there and make it your goal until the…

  • What is a Blogger For? …

    What is a Blogger For? …

    What to Consider Before Blogging: How to Get Going as a Blogger: How to Know When You’re Ready to Distribute: What are your Goals as a Blogger?

  • Don’t Be Ruled by the Past …

    Don’t Be Ruled by the Past …

    Don’t be ruled by your past, if you have made it this far, be proud of yourself, what do you have to be thankful for? We have all had experiences in life that we regret or dishearten us, the good thing about life is that you don’t have to stay in those places in life,…

  • Nervous Over Competitions …

    Nervous Over Competitions …

    Maybe this wasn’t the best year in terms of the rates of crime, but nonetheless I showed up anyways, and that takes a lot of courage in spite of violence in and around the community. I think what makes things better, is when you get better, and rise to the occasion, and provide sound feedback…

  • Understanding Yourself …

    Understanding Yourself …

    Half the battle is understanding yourself, what keeps you motivated in life, and what encourages you to improve, what types of experiences do we need in life to know that things are okay or going to be alight. I’ve thought about this recently, after sharing previous hospitalizations, what means that it wont happen again, I…

  • Life is No Nintendo Game …

    Life is No Nintendo Game …

    Let’s not think this when we hear the lyrics, “life is no Nintendo game.” If we can’t work and study in peace, and put our lives together, then I don’t know what is so wrong with a Country that is not even allowed to defend themselves, with their own Military, that makes no sense to…

  • Article: What Other People Think .

    Article: What Other People Think .

    What other people think, this is a subject that crosses our mind, particularly when we are made to look at ourselves, or to observe and review our own lives, before putting ourselves on public display, whether its looking in the mirror to check our outfit and our faces, or assembling a project to put on…