Understanding Yourself …

Half the battle is understanding yourself, what keeps you motivated in life, and what encourages you to improve, what types of experiences do we need in life to know that things are okay or going to be alight. I’ve thought about this recently, after sharing previous hospitalizations, what means that it wont happen again, I think if Im taking the meds prescribed that would be prescribed in a hospital, then the continued treatment of whatever the disorder is is being medicated and treated, its not a condition that is by choice, or by sign, or by words, or behaviors, unlike the definitions of mental health issues suggest. I think you get through it, and maybe you can look back and wonder what took you so long, but during those periods, you have to keep working on yourself, Im sure everyone has a story about a bad day or a bad week or bad month in life, that’s something that is normal to go through.

As a blogger, your health then becomes a concern to others, and although your roles might change online, make sure to keep your standards high, I think is the present concern, the difference between writing for email, letter, blog, twitter, or Instagram, you know all things to consider is balance and speaking well, no one intends to not make sense or to not say something relevant to what other people are thinking and I think that’s the expectation thought of a popular writer, that they say what other people are thinking, I think its you say what you are thinking, and either other people can think alongside your thoughts in life, or not able to create thoughts of their own, not everyone is so impressionable these days, there are many writers, in many disciplines, and many public figures, so there will be many influences in life, mine is no different in perspective, the same is required of me, nice photos, easy to view content, original and helps promote healthy thinking, and positive rapport with others, meaning no arguments, no fighting, no lawsuits, no problems personal with anyone, is my standard of being in balance, when things go well around me, that lets me know to continue to improve and to work on myself. Theres never a time when you will not feel well and another will be able to explain to you why, and it should rarely be the case that you don’t feel well and don’t know why. That’s the trouble with mental health issues, maybe easier to see by others, reading and summarizing your work narrowing down what you have to say to main points, and maybe the beauty of sharing gets lost in the mix, when everyones standards are raised, in what way are you influencing or not, I think by now not. I think everyone has grown and matured and found success at such great heights, that I think everyone is in a period of openness to learn, reflect, improve, minimize their troubles, be positive.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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