Tag: schizophrenia

  • Hustled & Emergency Demands …. (Dropped Care)

    I was dropped as a patient and diagnosed with “schizophrenia” and suffered embarrassment and public humiliation and I recovered anyways hospitalized or not, and if it’s not about mental health and if “voices” differ for me than everyone who gets voices why are my voices labeled bad? So it’s not my frustration it’s questioning the…

  • Friendship After Disability …

    Friendship After Disability …

    When you have friends you never worry about not having friends. Getting diagnosed with schizophrenia was one of the most painful time periods in my life in recovery and took the longest to get going and back up to speed. It also caused me unreasonable amount of difficulty mentally accepting voices as symptom and being…

  • Control Issues and Prevention …

    Control Issues and Prevention …

    If all the fighting private is to make any sense, it would be for the purpose of learning the lesson in terms of what is controlling and why and not to wait until the impetus to control that power is lost. Usually people who have good intentions act without limits, that’s because they believe that…

  • Clean Slate …

    Clean Slate …

    Let’s clean slate, it’s almost the Holidays and a New Year is coming, now’s a good time to practice forgiveness, and be proud of how far we have come as “mymollydoll” fans, and enthusiasts and aspiring writers and bloggers ourselves. All things aside, I think what we do have in common runs deeper than any…

  • The Dominant Take …

    The Dominant Take …

    Recent Facebook Page Post 11-09-22 It may not be your fight to fight. Sometimes in listening we learn how to help others not just ourselves. Make sure to always approach problems with a balanced heart, taking all sides into consideration. Sometimes we won’t come to understand things until we experience life for ourselves. There are…

  • Chapter 2: Positive Psychiatry …

    Chapter 2: Positive Psychiatry …

    So now that we all feel officially beat up in life over diagnoses and disease run rampant in the world, where to go from here? The day to day motivations for getting well and staying well are more important than any world history jokes over the devastations suffered, that will do us no good. Think…

  • Based on Recent Events …

    Based on Recent Events …

    I’ve decided not to share my thoughts or opinions anymore as to things on going in my life or share stories from my life anymore since that is not the solution to my current dilemmas and problems. Because I was diagnosed as schizophrenic with a law degree it no longer makes sense for me to…

  • Face Your Reality …

    Face Your Reality …

    I may have a harder life than most spiritually and by reputation being a public figure read in the millions online, but that doesn’t make me a more powerful person physically or mentally, like all people, you are what you are and feel as you do in life, so live a good life, do good…

  • Give People Time to Get Well …

    Give People Time to Get Well …

    Give people time to get well, in the time since leaving law school and visiting the US Supreme Court, I had my entire future in front of me, while in tote a huge loss that hurt my core, not finishing my JD after getting sick Spring 2011 dumped during finals, after calling for reassurance or…

  • Personal Update …

    First off, intense day yesterday but we should put more things down specific so it’s not like no one is keeping track of stuff we LOVE and why PROUD. Secondly, I have a second job interview tomorrow! Holy cow got a second interview for a Demand Letter Writing position. Be professional that would be so…