Face Your Reality …

I may have a harder life than most spiritually and by reputation being a public figure read in the millions online, but that doesn’t make me a more powerful person physically or mentally, like all people, you are what you are and feel as you do in life, so live a good life, do good things, and don’t be too hard on yourself. No mistake in life can not be corrected, this is what I have learned having endured setback myself, and what makes my story inspirational, is that in the years I was a star student star athlete most popular, compared to the years I was in and out of the hospital and kept falling ill, or in a bipolar episode or feeling sick, I never gave up, not by pills, or messenger, 911 calls, and no emergency not made by me, ever intimidated me not to speak in life, or to accept or internalize as secret another persons wrong toward me, that’s not the life I would encourage anyone to lead, to lose their voice to evil, stupidity, and intimidations in life. Usually people who have experienced less, or not public figures or contributors to the online world, have the most privacy in life, that’s because their every step is not recorded, sleep cycles, medication regime, emails, text messages, and writings for review, that was the type of route I decided to take in the event that I am harmed that a person would be caught and stop and that’s why I stay close by the Government and entitle them to that much power over my things, property, life, possession, identity, story, and writings. Watching CSPAN I was taught about “transparency” and thought ooo that’s a good word, and that later came to mind in terms of how I managed my own work as I learned social media and writing in public online, for building rapport with others, brainstorming ideas, trying out new content, and sharing my thoughts and what I think or know about life, and eventually was able to write books and a very nice autobiography about my life with all my schooling and personal history in terms of the “Trial of the Century” and OJ Simpson, growing up at their house everyday as a child and on every family vacation, I had a special life two blocks away, and I was a great friend to all my friends and a fabulous girlfriend, up until mental health issues took their toll which were mostly dysfunction not performing in school, tiredness, sleeping too much, and eventually stopped working, and I don’t know what could explain that, was told mental health or depression or put on meds for psychosis, I don’t think being paranoid and upset is psychosis, but I guess that’s what it means, when you isolate, which wasn’t a choice as a student. When I say face your reality it means in spite of what is done to you to hurt you in life, you must still live your life, even if it gets painful, even if you get voices, even if people think youre stupid, even if you don’t have money, even if youre single, even if you don’t have a job, and that suicide is not the solution to your problems, there is always something to do. Im the type of person where boredom kills me I literally get voices and feel suicidal and hit my head doing nothing, why I am always doing something, I can’t stand to not be doing anything in life, its so painful, which is why disability on medications became so depressing and broke my heart to be nothing in life, and to lose my purpose in life and gifts in life to disability. When you stick to what you love such as writing, being social, liking yourself, and genuinely interested in helping others as well as yourself, that’s the type of energy that attracts others, its not that your reality is devoid of pain and suffering, its that you see all conspiracies, risks, and crimes too on the news, and in spite of those being volatile subjects alongside protests and government officials that no one believes in, Im not one of them, Im someone who respects people as people, if I did not respect people or if I thought people were stupid, I would be teaching life coaching tips as though you don’t know how to work your own mind and your own body and that’s not what Im doing in life, I openly accept that people will always be vindictive and accusatory, and I challenge those in a positive way that its okay to think that way, and even you your first battle psychologically and mentally in thoughts is fighting me and putting crimes together then so be it, but that’s also not the solution for building peace, if that’s not the case and can instead incite violence and crime, when someone who is good who people don’t have a problem with is harmed, and that’s what happened to me, it was shocking, not reinforcing, and it was detrimental to the health and privacy of all those who know me and are connected to me. You will meet no person closer to the epicenter of success and basis of story-telling and humor other than me in life I can guarantee you that, so Im not for squandering and ruining and sabotaging, that only causes distress to those who believed in me and root for me or don’t have a problem with me and when they become upset that isn’t a people who have the power to blame me or blame who hurt me for their hurt that’s a hurt that gets inherited to people who know me when Im hurt. 

In spite of my personal setbacks and suffering with schizophrenia I …

  • Graduated from Law School.
  • Getting jobs in law working as a Paralegal.
  • I have a boyfriend.
  • Men who liked me text me and still interested.
  • I have a Pen Pal who will not give up on me even at my worst hitting me head.
  • I have new friends online who are doing well through Pen Paling.
  • I have a good relationship with the US Supreme Court since visiting them.
  • I have a good relationship with The Police, so long as I follow every rule, good.
  • I have a great neighborhood of educated and successful people by my side, busy.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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