Personal Update …

First off, intense day yesterday but we should put more things down specific so it’s not like no one is keeping track of stuff we LOVE and why PROUD.

Secondly, I have a second job interview tomorrow! Holy cow got a second interview for a Demand Letter Writing position. Be professional that would be so cool, would enjoy sharing from higher places in life I’m sure that’s a problem too.

I think I’ve done my best to move on in spite of pains and fears in life and set backs recent ongoing or in my life before mental health medications or hospitalizations, I feel like I’m the best version I can be at this moment in life to be reviewed or given privilege to be honored in recognition of others nominated for award this year and proud that I stuck to it health wellness positive thinking and content I’m proud of. Please excuse moments of mental disturbance and instability due to voices which I do not know the cause of or if any writing misinterpreted to judge me as insulting or obnoxious these being the limiting terms phrases or memory recorded and repeated to reinforce a dislike of you not favor you or credit you or recognize when definitions occur by my services or help in anyway online by sharing my story introducing myself to the world not to cause disfavor or make anyone feel bad or glad or discuss I think those are things you can feel on your own the excitement is in people rising to occasions doing well those are goals and lifestyle ideals that people strive for in life the good things in life. So I’m sorry I got mental illness which means I will not feel good at times, I will not by hyper or share myself, I may not be in the mood for love or closeness, I may not need or want help, and I may need time to think in treatment it’s recommended to meditate clear your mind is practices for people with mental health disability why I spend long moments frozen thinking or reading or studying that’s my sense of peace. Drive is an ability to perform or function which does not occur by bullying insult or saying things wrong this affects your clarity feeling attachments detachments and can cause me mental illness such as fighting or changing or looking overweight or aging those are signs of stress and upkeep and maintenance occurs by staying well mentally which is why with voices mental illness there’s a huge aspect of doing things daily setting goals to manage and keep a good feeling otherwise it is lost and when good feelings are lost I feel like “voices” become people who put you down in life think you’ve done wrong and misidentified as guilty or scared, I think talking to 8 million people is the pressure stress of responsibility I have taken on in life to be well spoken and perform well and think I’m doing that much in life careful. That doesn’t mean I will grow out of be cured of voices I will have voices for the rest of my life voices is schizophrenia it’s you hear people talking to you who either don’t like you attack you or leave you alone and it’s a daily process of being a certain way in life so that voices don’t happen to me to take me off course in life or give up in life and I accept voices as a natural reaction to being a writer that if something is not right I will feel a negative energy or voice attacking me until what I say is right or fixes why I’m being hurt or attacked to not make sense until who is attacking me is not bothered by me and I make sense.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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