Chapter 2: Positive Psychiatry …

So now that we all feel officially beat up in life over diagnoses and disease run rampant in the world, where to go from here? The day to day motivations for getting well and staying well are more important than any world history jokes over the devastations suffered, that will do us no good. Think what do we have now and how can we instead make the most of what we have now we did not have then, there’s no excuse then for improvement.

I once recognized that if you can’t take a look around and be improved by what’s around you that lets you know that you aren’t feeling well, and sometimes that’s all it takes to know to focus on yourself. Same goes for writing either you are afforded the opportunity to focus on the big picture and teach or you are forced to start from your own two feet and explain from there, what it feels like to be you, compared to how it seems, easy or energizing not the draining, uptight, high pressure zone that any feelings of discomfort can create.

This is the part of schizophrenia that’s hard to accept the difference between fantasy and reality and how that makes you or others look. This you can’t credit yourself for how others are able to achieve that state of mind of peace but you cannot, so don’t be too hard on yourself, we all know that wellness is sometimes subjective simply recognizing that we have more or less than those around us let’s us know in a simple way to feel better about ourselves, things could be worse.

Although writing is a solitary experience, reading is not, so accept your book club in any way you come to meet them or know them in life that is their secret not yours in what way they saw things better I think the goal is always to overlook problems to be absent a feeling of loss to rise above problems in life not be let down or disempowered by them. Everyone plays to their own strengths in life a sense of being in life should not be scripted or politicized for approvals whether that’s fashion or makeup or an eyebrow shape whatever the majority sees the beauty in that will leave the lasting effect that is trying to be generated to all either to carve out for more acceptances of others or to include more examples of what it means to be human & feel good about yourself.

What is positive psychiatry? According to NIH, “Positive psychiatry may be defined as the science and practice of psychiatry that seeks to understand and promote well-being through assessment and interventions.” [1]

There are three main components to positive psychiatry: “Positive psychiatry has 4 main components: (1) positive mental health outcomes (e.g., well-being), (2) PPCs that comprise psychological traits (resilience, optimism, personal mastery and coping self-efficacy, social engagement, spirituality and religiosity, and wisdom – including compassion) and environmental factors (family dynamics, social support, and other environmental determinants of overall health), (3) biology of positive psychiatry constructs, and (4) positive psychiatry Interventions including preventive ones.” [2]

Why is it important to hear this? If we come to accept a diagnosis as treatment intended to help us to improve then we avoid the other ways of thinking in which we are made to convince ourselves that a treatment is intended to cause us harm or do us an injustice in life. It’s better not to psycho analyze the decision making of a psychiatrist who is trained in how to respond to a person of your candor, worth, education, demeanor, and who genuinely seeks to see that you improve past your disability in life in this case my “schizophrenia.” It’s harder to get well with the misunderstanding that others view you poorly because of how you have been described and although that may be in the case in some respects, especially concerning a website that was made to defame me and cause disgust and mistrust toward me as a person, on the other hand it would be wrong for me to assume that the mistreatment of me online was used to diagnosis me and determine a medical treatment of me suited to this persons interpretation of me or my problems in life.

I only invested time studying politics briefly watching CSPAN everyday 2013 and that was the only time I’ve studied politics. I also used to watch Fox News, as a writer I enjoyed hearing other people speak it really didn’t matter if I spoke like them or sounded like them or looked like them but heard a standard of public speaking one of many I’ve been exposed to as writer during the time I was a writer. I used to write everyday, since being treated with schizophrenia this forced me to slow down in life with more physical pain and difficulty sleeping and nightmares on the medication that inhibited my ability to run everyday as I was and blog confidently on Twitter, Weebly, or WordPress. I’ve never been enamored by anyone I’ve seen in People Magazines Hot 100, I think enamourment comes through the study of a person who you grow to love and admire it’s at that point they stand out to you and you feel comforted by their presence. To me that is how attraction is created by views or the number of views or getting used to seeing a person.

I don’t think that my look is that inviting or problems so minimal that that makes it difficult for people to feel close to me because I have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, because they have their own problems and can’t relate, and because they have been trained to think less of me or view me as worse off or take the judgments of others as excuse for situating me worse of or treating me as though I don’t deserve based on my circumstances to be taken care of in life. This is why I take care of myself and blog. And this how I improved through blogging, by saying what can be said when the time allows for it, not waiting until it’s too late to help with prevention, able to correct a problem by paying attention to the news and present discussions share something relevant and helpful for others to read through.

A lot about respect and wellness is to simply look the part why I’m losing 60 lbs and working on fixing my face and neck not self harm, so that my head looks normal, and overcome the disrespect that takes it’s toll on you when your weight is used to judge you as someone who is negative or doesn’t like themselves misunderstood to mean gets upset easily bottled up and doesn’t speak fluidly it’s hard to work through pain and disability in life so don’t learn the hard way a little acting goes a long way to simply do your best to appear well around others and sound well around others.

Do your best even if you fail, and try your hardest to stay well and not give up under any amount of pain or pressure it is never too late and not the fault of anyone knowing you or any opinion held of you current previous or during the time your identity was called into question. If they were trying to blame a shooting in Laguna Woods on me then that’s for the courts to determine whether my blog or the medication I was compliant with Invega played a role in how I was perceived or others were perceived in terms of their own personal strength and knowledge of the world. I don’t think anything trending online can change people per State and I don’t think any movie or song can change what people think anything is about. If anything it’s about my writing the hard work I put into the delivery of issues which can be improved upon by other professionals who don’t have to put in the two websites worth of writing to know what people like or what’s relevant to their concerns with regards to outlooks and mental health.

Songs and movies and TV shows are merely synopsis of what life can be like or what life was like or what an idealized way of life could be look like or sound like or express how we feel or want to look I don’t think we are on a place in life where now is boring or confusing I think people express themselves well and clearly and in a genuine way care, and it’s unfortunate for a shooting to occur to accuse me or my writing as being insufficient or criticize where I was accepted or not or for their nationality and location of incident have any relationship to who I love or who I know in real life vs his troubles in life -called me into question or IMDb membership with one job in film distribution, a writer online.

I think a shooting occurring was with the intent to call me out in a negative way as though I’m the identity that trying to be like a character from a movie who is not as intelligent as she appears and where harassment is a featured issue with regards to her study of a case and coming to get and graduating which didn’t happen for me and upon graduating from law school was already being exposed and treated as though I was that way while graduating and I was not I was made to be that way online in private with someone who I had to discontinue being that way with because he was exposing me and that is what caused him to be angry with me because I started talking to other people fan mailing and got robbed so what’s so stupid about being put on meds and to be frauded in life given fake jobs and be robbed to me that’s on the news and happens to me and was just as shocking and undeserved to me.

I think I handled it well it finally got the website down after asking LAPD for help for a year to file a lawsuit against him, and was able to contact Godaddy and through the Better Business Bureau get the website taken down. That was my hard work and patience. Online is a much slower atmosphere for change than in real life it’s hard to put things up it’s hard to take things down and it’s hard to complain and to win a case being threatened toward you in life which I think affected the attitudes of people toward me in life mislabeled. Whether that was seen and played a role in the shootings that occurred as a member of Brady and done to me with the intent to cause me harm and connect me to criminals while my Father was dying of Cancer, was his purpose for threatening me so that I would suffer.

Therefore because I was not helped, I took it upon myself to become less dependent on others to help me and need to blog to help myself in life because of what’s been said about me or “arrests” I get treated as to ignore until one commits a crime or ignore until one loses focus or conscious awareness of where everyone’s at and be someone disruptive or self harms. This is to further enforce an attitude of me vs them in which I’m treated as wrongdoer and fight toward me begins and doesn’t end until tomorrow suffering and mentally ill that’s what schizophrenia is you are losing in life and you cannot win and you are suffering and you cannot belong here normal ideal smart again because it’s preferred that you think wrong you were wrong your body is wrong or treat you like you did something wrong to a person who met you so that you have less power you are physically incapacitated so you can’t move because you get viewed as aggressor when it was you being beat up others aggressive toward you like your power should be taken away to make them feel good watch you suffer and get well so they appear innocent.

That’s the difference between bringing into consideration in relationship to a series of shootings that occurred, or not credit that as playing a role it’s the overall change in the atmosphere condemning me as a person and a blogger wrongfully and publicly seek to convict me of wrongdoing to others and especially sexually is wrong to do I don’t look at people and ignore everyone, how dare you.




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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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