Responding to Mass Shootings …

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In the wake of any mass shooting, there will a sense of instability, and a quickness to fight, scold, reprimand, or blame, external factors for blame as contributing to any instability faced by offenders, since when is society to be held responsible for the actions and reactions of those who commit crimes against humanity. Think about it before you begin deconstructing the life of someone outside the issues, to shed light on the issues potentially faced by those who have been characterized as offenders. Whether that be by likes, story line, race, ethnicity, or nationality fought, try to hold responsible, those who you see as similar, until you find reactions or any disability to explain your guesses, or remaining issues thought for crimes to be about. Nothing is inspired by insult, hate, or disagnosis, that’s a disabling of someone who is well, that does not mean that just because someone is not well that anyone if fighting for them, including the military. The support you get in life, will be by what is thought deserved, and like all people who do not abide by the law, or appear to be outstanding citizens, are criticized, should they be favored, or do well in spite of the insecurities of most, still able to speak, and that’s confidence. What is a pandemic? According to one article by the Associated Press, recent gun violence has been described as ““It’s disturbing and it’s senseless.” [1] A pandemic has been defined as an “outbreak,” [2] to me that means a set of feelings or understandings of the world, that are made true by proof, whether that be an instability faced by someone outside, or a later instability faced in the fear of violence, and that’s how everything catches, not up to people, but it creates a lack of support, where in the event that systems of care can no longer prevent gun violence, criticized for not providing solution, and this is not always what organizations like Brady are for, to tell people when to stop fighting and about what and for what reasons. I think I have always made it clear not to hurt me until something bad happens, and have also reported to Brady, that the solution will not lie in story telling, that’s not how to generate an audience of understanding, its by story, people, or interaction, that you lose power of interpretation in life, and its those identities that are used, by degrading you, to say that your life or influence, is a source of bad luck whether by disease or mental illness proven to designate you, as off base with reality. Then who is to say anything in favor of anyone, who for the past 9 years have done their best to respond, and not be used as a direct point of reference to consider causes, I think that’s where everyone stands, if people don’t think that you are doing well for everyone, or doing well for the wrong reasons, then that’s how you are made to feel small, or like you are not in it for the right reasons. So no matter how many times my course in life is changed, it will be by what informations online that another is fortunate to have the viewpoint, without having to speak, write, and demonstrate a care for all in a way, that makes no one feel guilty or not good enough. Where there is a “sudden increase” in cases that affects people in other countries that’s called an “epidemic” like COVID. [3] And like COVID, or any problem arising during the course of things not going right a source will be sought to figure out how something has happened and by what means. In my case I have found that people are the least on board with you if you don’t look like, feel like, or sound like everyone, and that state of instability or insecurity, is what puts you in question, and that’s getting in trouble, you no longer become viewed as an educated opinion on the matter, or with care supported, and instead are viewed in question as whether you benefit from supporting others or knowing others, and then by detachments, and severing of relationships, and by insults, others seek to get their stability back through ignoring you and disconnect, hospitalization, diagnosis, medication or insult. There is always a time to be on board, and it’s a shame that when in reality everything is good, however on my own be judged as being mentally ill, even with a blog. I don’t think we all have the advantage of being well, and able to prove ourselves when we are on our own, and that you cannot change about others, who thinks you are wrong, or who treat you as aggressive, or a know it all, if its something about you that someone does not like, that you cannot control, if there is something about you that sees solution, then that’s something they also cannot take from you, your innocence, or best decision making skills. We will all not react in the same way, whenever someone has become a disappointment, and that’s the point of putting people down in life, treating them as though they think that they are bigger than they are like by #mlkmemorial standards, or presidential standards, or model standards, or talent standards, it will not be believed unless you are in print media an official identity. So just as it is wrong for people to misuse the times to voice themselves through crime, its also not okay to hurt someone who is not responding in a criminal way, who doesn’t drink, or do drugs, or misuse prescription meds, be treated as addict on the basis of how someone feels connected made to sound stupid, then attacked on the basis of anyones drives or motivations in life be made fun of, whether that be by dissertation, or law degress, you know if I don’t impress you, so be it, Im also not going to stand for allowing mass shootings to happen on the basis of who looks stupid or who is responsible for who is being stupid. That’s not the fault of anyone, and if I was stupid, than I would continue to be scared file for social security disability and stop blogging, but since I do better as a blogger, than without a job, stuck with voices, this is the best solution. Therefore it doesn’t matter what I have in life, I bought clothes, makeup, and graduated from law school just to be a blogger okay in public so if you don’t recognize that losing 50 lbs and wearing target wasn’t good enough then, then I will do my best to continue to speak at LAX Courthouse, my court house for 30 days to discuss all the reasons why I should blog, and all the reasons why I got mental illness, not blogging and allowing myself to be controlled by voices, ruining every relationship, and every job, which is not a condition that most can tolerate, someone who is being treated as loser, or imitation, or mentally ill. If I were mentally ill then I would be punching my head slamming my head into doors, and that’s allowing what other people have to say to affect you, don’t let them win. That is why I am speaking at LAX Courthouse for 30 days, if you don’t see me as victim to discrimination, nothing that Barack Obama is responsible for people viewing my mental health as a contributory factor to anyone elses unhappiness in life, I worked, dated and found myself anyways, with or without being skinny or pretty or on meds to help me to see the positive be strong. Im tired of everyone taking their insecurities out on me, why is it that everyone is forgiven for snapping at me and treating me as guilty, but God forbid I give up that’s a huge let down, or controversial for me to take a break, you know if someone doesn’t want me to speak and thinks Im schizophrenic and being called grose and lose a job yes that means rehab be taken off day meds, so don’t complain if suddenly I sound stupid, and you don’t sound smart expect me to say anything to make you feel smart, and expect me to also take any blames for any stupid feelings, or questions about my sexuality, or who is benefiting from who health wise insult me. 



[2] Google Search: “pandemic.”


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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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