Hearing the Same Thing Twice …

Its not everyday that people go out of their way to lend a hand, you know if it wasn’t coming from you or them then it wouldn’t be a conversation held, so just take it with a grain of salt, whenever someone says something to you that doesn’t completely make sense at the beginning maybe later it will, and that’s the point of listening, its not all about you. I think everyone enjoys being helpful or thanked in the event that they have made a positive difference in your life and its important to share that when the time comes. I for a minute started convincing myself that blogging was some form of unsolicited advice, and this is what brought me to this piece. 

We may not be experts and there may be better out there, but that doesn’t mean that what you have to say about life is not worth a read, I don’t think people are that picky when it comes to getting to know you and hear from you, its almost like having a friend, I picture the blogging community, Im just getting used to wordpressand reading articles written by others, started the other day, its good to know how others are fairing during these times and what they have come to know about themselves and what they have decided to write on, the topic of their choice. So this brings me to the point of “hearing the same thing twice,” when learning how to be a writer whats considered original, I asked myself. To me that’s sharing an accurate reflection based on whats worked for you and sharing that information with others, your progress, which is what Instagram is to me. 

When you share what has worked for you, to me it always helped to hear from someone else, I don’t think that in our busy lives we have those quality conversations, its like if you lose touch with friends, you don’t have the talking courage, I don’t know, maybe Ive just never been one of those people. Ive always been the friend that people talk to and open up to, a good listener, maybe the characteristic about me that made me want to be an attorney, plus having had experience working on a crisis hotline in college, I guess I grew up fast. So don’t worry if along your path, you encounter the same bits of advice you once stated, that was like reading my “dontdodrugs” page on Facebook, I go aha, Im exactly where I was when I wrote this last time, funny how you wind up back in place thought wise you were, that’s the beauty of writing and publishing overtime, as you improve, what has worked for you, becomes second nature to put the words to paper, until its instilled in you, how to navigate through a set of feelings or emotions, growing up we didn’t put words on everything, nowadays we do, so just getting used to the fact that monitoring your progress, means that others know how you are doing, what youre doing well, or what youre not doing well at, and that’s the stressful part of blogging, is not being perfect. 

I think mental health and recovery are two very similar processes, maybe one circumstance is met with a more nurturing tone than the other, whats more important is that you know why you are the way you are, no matter what category you fall under, and all people should feel okay with the fact that if they have made mistakes or if they have suffered from ailments previously, that they are doing their best to not have to go through that again. 

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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