When Things Aren’t Good Enough …

For example: My Campaign: “mymollydoll” on mymollydoll.com lesliefischman.com and #tags.

  1. Campaign for Campaigns
  2. Suggested creating a “Music” form of Campaign for.
  3. Submitted Ideas to Organizations.
  4. Pitched Ideas for a Blog and Website.
  5. Created a Blog and Website.
  6. Respond to the News as I see Fit.
  7. Talk about how things relate to my life.
  8. Talk about my mental health as it relates to the news.
  9. Talk about people skills overtime, improvements.
  10. Talk about Writing and Learning Curves.
  11. Provide Blogging Tips as I go and a page of tutorial posts, how tos.

Whenever you create an idea in your mind, it’s to make things work in your mind, and sometimes our ideas bring us closer to our goals, and sometimes we have to make amendments to the rules or ideas we set for ourselves moving forward.

Anytime your in a crunch, all the more necessary it becomes to be straight forward, more precise, more conservative, if you can’t take your own progress seriously, remind yourself of what there is to be proud of, don’t worry so much about what is. Things will get better the better you feel capable of in life, and the less outside influences will matter in terms of what will bring all to a more conscious state of things working out in the future. With no plan, there can be no progress, with no input, there can be no corrections, and with no one else in mind other than yourself, there can be no teamwork. We expect the best, and we settle with the resources made available to us, and the more successful you become, the more reliable solutions become in your mind, its all about who shares those ideas for solution in mind. It’s not just you that needs to practice adhering to high standards in life, but it also means that who is working alongside, in support, or against you in life, is also maintaining some credibility in terms of what ideas there are to work with, and what will make the audience feel better, whether engaged or disengaged from the creative processes that either catapult us to positive notoriety or seek to shame us by mischaracterizations and false light, to challenge our goals and current inputs in life. A good system works whether some of part of that system is broken, reversed, or in a state of chaos, or in disarray, a good system can function despite obstacles in life. 

Recently online I stated my current route toward prevention: “Solution to Peace”: “Courses, Tapes, Improve Selfies, Reading, Writing, Journal, Blog, Handwrite, Type, Go to Work, Make Phone Calls, Write Letters, Follow-up, AA meetings, date, and text.” 

Over-Reliance on the Opinions of Others:

When the times are good, that’s a good time to listen to others, you’ll have the energy to focus on the goals of your audience, your hackers, your haters, and your supporters, but when things are not stable, that’s when to focus on yourself, it’s hard to combat a set of issues, not relevant, by not speaking, its through speaking, that issues become relevant, and that’s where the later meaning is derived, when we have evidence, or when there is a example of output that either matches the identity that you had prior to being hurt, or whether you are going to be judged after being hurt as though the prior you did not exist, absent those issues in life. That’s apart of life, for issues to compile and add up, and we sometimes can’t help what has occurred in the mind of someone not in support of you, who does not see a path moving forward through your own shoes and eyes on the subjects, and maybe to a default that’s how some people become successful, by not outlining which ideas cant work or wont work and why, and which ideas they think promote the wrong interests in life and why.

For example had I not been half-Asian, then they would not have thought that a book cover misrepresents who I am, if they know my story then they would understand it to mean “engineer” or “building” “construction” “ingenuity” “originality” “from scratch.” In other news and by concepts concerning “gun violence” only later did it become an issue as to who’s team I’m on in life and what I represent. I don’t get mad backwards, and I don’t get mad at others, but when people are not on my team in life, I have to put up with people being mad at me, or rude to me, or cold to me, and that’s not always my fault, its which idea did not work? Me speaking or my blog, and in what way was I misrepresented to make my blog not work by photos taken privately, which are shown on my own Instagram. -The first version was w/a blue cover.

I think cruelty is when you abuse the fragile states of those who suffer from mental health issues, and when you try to convince someone who is good, to behave in a way that they will guaranteed be faced with rejection in life, that is to illustrate a person as being non-professional in private, and when it comes to sex you are not professionally naked unless its Playboy or Hustler, two programs I supported throughout my blogging career, no one who I ever did not seek to impress or to coordinate my efforts to appear in standards of perfection.

It’s this type of relationship that does not work out, when someone sees you as nothing, and is impressed by the money and candor of someone else, you will seem less professional compared to someone with money and a job paid, and so that is how you will be treated as nothing, as an expense, and in that inaccuracy of deduction based your self-worth on job status, you get treated in lesser ways, people are more avoidant, or treat you as though you are not attractive, usually people who are insecure and admire others, will treat you as less than. 

At what point can people not be used to build the confidences of others and is this something as a woman that you shouldn’t put up with in life, to be used until the man feels better about himself. To be used until the man feels stable, to be shouted at until they feel strong, to hurt your reputation until more feel like them, and to treat you as though you have not also given your life online dedicated to writing and sharing photos, and recognize that you are a human being too, and that its at your expense when you give you best, and get treated as “not good enough.” Whether that’s intended as a joke or not, clearly not amounting to an ideal, has set us back when it comes to moving forward in a larger preventative stance, how can you prevent if you don’t like the people beside you, and to what extremes are we expected to like each other that feeling as a prevention unit, should be based on love or trust of one another to make happen. Hate doesn’t make sense, what makes sense and is not delusional, is what doesn’t hurt. What doesn’t hurt is to hear from each other, to provide feedback, and to support one another through losses and set back, that’s believing in someone, and at the same token we will suffer from losses, when you don’t appreciate who is putting in the work, and deem a project to have failed, based on a displays coordinated by another, to create distrust toward someone who is educated, and limited contact with others, unify an audience to hate a speaker/writer.

When you are brought to your knees, occurs when you have no one to trust, when you need help and cannot help yourself, and so the ideas that hold, will be to take power away from you that you do not recognize that you have in life, a lesser life carved out for you in life, and its when we are not strong we are suggested to “over-rely on their opinions.” [1] That’s trust, you wont know why, until you are harmed, why they designate people to care for you in life, like a doctor or a therapist, not a love interest, or friend. Your stamina and your outlook and success will be based on what you have done well, and what has gone well, and like anything well built or successful, will also be judged on the degree toward which prevention works or does not. 

Depth occurs not in how much you remember about your past, but the degree to which your output appreciates over time. For example, my first website still gets traffic even though Im not working on it, that’s what people want from you as a writer, not something that stops you in your tracks and makes you question your surroundings, but ideas that make you appreciate more of the details about people in life. One of my characteristics, is to be a perfectionist, detailed, to review posts over and over again, staring at my Instagram, and reviewing my posts, the day of, after I write, and again and again, when I have time to take a step back and review everything as a whole, what Im comfortable sharing on and why. As you become more confident and more stable, the less indecisive you will become, the fewer times you will write and be uncomfortable to share or leave up, and the more accurate you will be and describing how you feel, and communicating what is working for you, that’s being reliable. Everything you say and do “Affects how you feel about yourself.” [2] There will always be “issues related to not feeling that you’re good enough,” the better you can tackle those concepts outloud and describe in a meaningful and true way, the less it will matter what others think moving forward, and the more you will learn to accept people who expect more, its about what you can do for yourself when it comes to prevention, its not about a person telling you how to feel or what is the right way to feel, that’s who you are, either you are impressed, attracted, or turned off. 

When the expectations are high, generally that’s a good time to stay in gratitude, it means things get better the better your outlook becomes, the more you fret and worry, the less faith others will have in you. That’s success, or fame, it means either you are someone to know, or else not be someone who doesn’t even know themselves, there is always room to find yourself in life, I don’t think that success really determines or outlines a clear path for you moving forward either, but those who paths get disturbed, we will always wonder where would they be in life, if they had not appeared to look like a “F up” or not appreciative of where they are, and some of us won’t even admit to those moments when we believed in someone, who either did not believe in others, or blame their beliefs on affecting the outlook of everyone. Your beliefs will transpire in clarity, whether that’s a picture or a verse, an article, or a book, it will be something you put the work into understanding in life, and feel just as valued as you were had you not read or looked at something, but we don’t ever like to feel scared by our exposures in life, so do everything with tact and with appreciation for the attentions of others, because when everyone is listening, and when everyone is watching, that’s a good time to be careful. Memorable moments are made, when a focus is provided and through that lens others can look. That’s what makes a successful blog, it provides a proper lens, carefully managed, that what a person is able to take away, is not a heavy burden for them to explain, speak clear anyways. When someones speech and writing is disjointed, there is a pressure or a guilt, or a secret that has been placed on them or through them, that creates a barrier to communicate from, that’s occurs when someone heart or head is hurt, its harder for them to speak. In the long run, “Expectations and how that takes a toll on how we feel.” [3] And when an image or writing has failed to make things better it is because it is “Creating instability instead of stability.” This is when everyone matters, are you wasting time influencing beliefs in people who are well, or are any unnecessary impressions being made, to halt the memory of others.

What is confirmation? It’s when people expect something in return for their care, it’s like a certification to give to a reader or anyone overlooking your work, they want a credential, something that tells them that what is being written is from the heart and with the best intentions, that’s my writing style, I speak naturally, that must have meant that my conscious was clear. When it is difficult to speak that means my feelings are hurt, or my image “face” has been hurt, by someone who is watching me in private, or who is stalking me, their image will appear on my face, and their issues will appear in my writing if Im not careful, that’s the risk you take when writing live and quickly published to a blog, make sure it is all you.

What creates hostility, a supercharged energy at you?

  • When nothing is affirmed. Looking for fault, something to blame.
  • Thinking that you are a beholder of something to find, faulty.
  • Blaming the success or failure on someone else. In defense to attack you, preserve them.
  • Instead of taking responsibility for your own feelings. Understand the causes, not your fault.
  • Not cause others to feel inefficient at their roles. Credit those who helped not harm you. 

What is your role, and how do you define the terms of your ability to help others and on what topics. What is your experience and education. When we fell like we are being watched this is what can create a “skewed sense of self and a broken self-esteem, all of which manifests in all sorts of psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems.” [4] So stay true to your roots, remember how you sounded before a pressure hit you in life, and remember what it feels like to be doing well in life, those are the moments to keep, and forget what you went through or when you struggled and suffered in life, its not a series of feelings and reactions that you will want to endure over and over again, so don’t map it out for someone to hurt you by. 

How to overcome not feeling good enough. It’s been said that “those who strive to better themselves and overcome their painful upbringing eventually are able to see some rewards of their strenuous self-work, all of which bring an authentic sense of happiness.” [5] Sometimes our confidence is tested, when people do not think you are real, they will not know you are real until they see you at your absolute worse, or until they have a side of you that matches up with a negative opinion of you. People are directors, surround yourself with people who think of you, care for you, and wish the best for you, they make the best directors in life, not negative opinion, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, when a set of negative terms are used to call you by, so that you are misled into extremes of version of people to justify hate, less than.

Work in symbiosis alongside others in life. Acceptance for differences in approach and content provided, there is always room for growth, most mistakes people make in life are in being overtly emotional, boundaries are set in life that we cant help, its when you attack a boundary in life, that you seem offensive, so don’t let others try to predict your reactions in life by hurting you in advance to make you question yourself, or amount to some definition or bullet point list they read online, mischaracterize you. Know what they think you are, and disprove who they think you are, by not allowing what adds up to a deluded state of terms or definition in life, be more than that to yourself and to others. How are you human, in what ways are you normal, and what do you value? A “Collective impact is one approach for solving problems, but one can use it to tackle a problem at a large or a small scale.” [6] Seek to be apart of, no matter what.


[1] https://hackspirit.com/im-not-good-enough/

[2] https://ezinearticles.com/?Not-Good-Enough&id=2878292

[3] http://EzineArticles.com/2878292

[4] https://psychcentral.com/blog/psychology-self/2018/04/not-good-enough#2

[5] https://psychcentral.com/blog/psychology-self/2018/04/not-good-enough#5

[6] https://ssir.org/articles/entry/when_good_is_not_good_enough

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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