Let People Into Your World …

Let people into your world, but not without directions. It seemed my initial thought to build a huge ad of myself online with directions to any potential suitor in life would help to explain myself better in life where I stand, what I think, all the conversations we used to never have in intimate relationships. Whatever happened to the days when people enjoyed sharing their mind, or talking about their day, or talking about work, seems like everything’s summed up in slogans these days, people making money, but no one including me knows how to make money. Interesting.

As a person connected to public figures in life I only later realized to worry how things look and it’s an automatic skill you simply need to be aware of, no PR fuss stunts strategy about it, it’s all about how you feel the energy you bring to the table that’s where sense is made, good ideas are bread, and a common feeling shared like yep things will work out I think yep is Kim K’s word.

I recognized this year while underperforming due to meds that it mattered how I felt, my energy levels, my decreased output, trying to work full time, then wound up going back to blogging apart of I’m more stable talking to others and that’s a good learning lesson. Whether it’s a time of need, trauma, controversy, hardship, dilemma most things can be fixed and reasoned through through writing -what makes my legal education such a blessing along with my background studying psychology and sociology in college switched majors, just like Sydney, I dissected a frog I made it pretty far through biology. Took all the multiple choice tests but had a bigger love for writing so took a writing based major in college. And got better grades writing than answering multiple choice questions.

When things are good with you just smile nod and wave you are all in princess prince mode with jobs galore online to dive into and fetch, it’s all a matter of getting your head in the game amped up and excited about life and your future again. All these things matter technical and historically in terms of influences over time and production of interests ingrained in our memories about how things were or why things were the way they were, just don’t forget where we are now. I wish I was able to spend more time talking about the jumps in lifestyle we all experienced, not just to poke fun at the quotes and jets and suits blogs, they were once my competitors or producing alongside them there were only a few of us, it seems more common place now or lesser known aggregate blogs, but the systems the same what we remember, what we record, what we share, the briefs of information we get, and thus we have evolved to a bigger teaching stance in life everyone presenting by what they have even professionals are online offering services and feedbacks for free online, it’s cool that they participate alongside other uses for social media to just feel good or be reminded of how life can look, does look, or should look with a little effort, I always kept all my furniture and things but I get it privacy not needing to look at everything about you always, but I miss framed photos out.

So what drives us to change and to introduce ourselves to the world, is it confinement, is it a desire to help others, is it confidence, is it upbringing, is it exposure not really. I was the little sister to someone popular among others, and had a few best friends throughout like 5, but knew everyone , I think the family feel to life is just an American system of being okay with people in such a litigious society it’s like if you’re not offended by it as long as it doesn’t cross your path or become apart of you you can express yourself however you feel and that’s me maintaining my strength online while not crossing others, not fighting, keeping to myself, no lawsuits, no threats, no bad reviews, no comments, few requests to be featured, it’s a growing system trust amongst others online I still don’t think we are completely comfortable talking to others online freely something about connections and preservation must matter too much to people alongside all the identity theft and scams losing money just because criminals are quick or fast because they don’t have responsibility, they didn’t do the work attend graduate schools, and enjoy making a mess of other peoples heads that’s those who think they are clear on the basis of hearing from you, I can run a half marathon obese my energy points likewise don’t need to be spent redirected or directed or negotiated or put on hold everyday before work to pay a bill, one day I will have money and get to say no more and ignore more, and be less affected, until then let’s go!

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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