As You Reflect on Life …

In the haste to speak our minds sometimes we forget where everyone is at in life, there are some who not only miss a beat with others but come across as too strong. Be diligent in your efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of others, but don’t mistake the comradere for leadership as to what everyone thinks or about specific, that each person is to take responsibility for, when alls said and done you can’t say well I heard a Bruno Mars song so we thought that meant to make fun of you because you smoke while driving. Simple things like that are not directions to ridicule or think less of people, maybe it’s about making people feel special spoken to it’s not directions for a crowd or a heard to be led or pushed or forced into a situation that leaves them with guilts in life such as having people wrong in life.

I don’t think the system of seeing people or hearing from people is necessary for someone coming at you the wrong way to be at peace with you and to recognize that their anger is coming from within not a by product of something they see or witness watching you in life or hearing from you for that matter.

There’s also the issue with dependency to be treated like everyone knows me when I just launched and I’m still learning traffic metrics online and likes and don’t have the money to invest in pages or a more professional appearance at the moment. I think when you deserve to be noticed for something you’ve done well then that’s a respectful space to meet others in life and that’s the point of sharing my Shorty Award nomination with you, which I don’t have to share or defend myself as deserving of such a high honor in life, I know I put the work into my websites and that’s why they shined and did well online and why people enjoy reading my work. It’s not about being cute or doll like it’s about doing your best and fitting ideals in life something we all work hard towards appearance and how we are treated in life respected or viewed or spoken to.

No one expects to be spoken to in a derogatory way, that’s not a mental health issue that I have it’s an issue over the acceptance issues with regards to talking about mental health issues. It’s generally a space for non-judgment or low expectation when it comes to talking about your feelings or your thoughts the purpose for setting a low expectation is for others to improve and to rise out of conditions in which they are made to feel bad or feel worse off or less than.

That’s the growing curve through therapy or talking you are supposed to gain confidence, be a better decision maker in terms of your feelings and emotions and outputs, and grow out of conditions better managed by you in the future. It’s not the goal of people to end up in the hospital no one expects for that to happen to them in life to get tired, headaches, or not function, difficulty focusing, feeling winded, tired, trouble sleeping, difficulty getting going, being disciplined no one knows why that happens to you in life it could just be a mental health issue.

I think the whole “scum of the earth” as my English Marketing Supervisor once said (in an insulting why I did not agree with) in a Sam’s Club working on Christmas Eve, I didn’t know what he meant but it’s probably what happened to me in life, by photos, and blasphemous accusations about my sexuality, identity, and mental health, please excuse me for bashing my head into walls or punching my head I really didn’t think I needed to be alive for that kind of treatment in life. I don’t think that I deserve that I’m a good person, well spoken, speak well to others, to myself, not aggressive, I don’t complain, I report often, I keep my problems to myself, I don’t pry into the business of others. I don’t write about other people or describe them in a hurtful or derogatory way, I think I’m insightful and add food for thought in a positive way and fairly. How would you feel if someone was posting stuff about you online like you were trash I didn’t treat that person that way I was nice to him I just didn’t want those pictures online that’s not what sharing is for when asked to share and that’s not how you become famous that’s how he stole my good health and wellness so that he could have attention or support on talking about me and at my expense using my head and identity so that he could feel special connect himself to my story to appear important or helpful like he should be credited for what I look like or how I was born or my education speak.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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