You Matter Until You Don’t …

It’s better to not matter than to matter to others be hurt then be treated as sick or at fault for your failures in life that is something men cannot be blamed for present past or future it’s your wellness so love yourself. People care until they don’t that’s upon upset dissatisfaction or unhappiness (in my case: mental illness, gay, schizophrenia), therefore when I cannot help others a boundary was made by men that would prohibit my ability to be of influence to other women who they suspect may be affected or get mental illness to care for my issues which if they are made by me or by anyone man or woman becomes my problem not something you teach this is why Trevor Project was called. I am happy for others I think that’s the point of adulthood independence entertainment fun toughness casual conversations opinions all occurring before you get tired or things go wrong or you lose jobs money or friends or get in trouble because you don’t have jobs money or friends let people wonder but in that space for self-growth live a good life not interrupted by connections or associations in life to cause others to disconnect or attack you that’s how a good life becomes a bad life and how a bad life feels good and how a good life feels scared the more you have in life you are made to care less for those struggling of blamed for their own circumstances so that the well are not affected that’s why to live a good life and not get in trouble and not reach out to people not equipped to help you or if you don’t have any evidence of your mind and clarity in tact efforts respected or trustworthy or worth it, this is how you get sick upon being well if another talks to you you get mental illness voices it’s not until your 30s you understand the reason for attack intrusion computer slow downs password changes or losses property Porsche hard drives flash drives data cameras everything of value to you then either tested are you connected to value creating value then the past is of value if the past is of value why I get robbed to have something made well which then becomes valuable until the point I create public value or until I discontinue or cannot create value that’s how what was stolen either as connected affected hurt matters doesn’t matter or feel hurt by changed based on how you were how you are now and if you cannot improve the value of your own goods in life then things are taken to punish or hurt you as though your body should feel the loss of respect from 8 million people using your body and identity to create a side in defense of a person who accused me of hurting him because I simply talked to other people I’ve been talking to people my whole life the changes occur when you are no longer in control of what’s of value to you how you either light up or become dim based on your value or the value of others then matters.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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