Reflecting Right Now …

Stay motivated to accomplish your goals in life and keep improving. There will always be moments when you’ll wonder whether you amount to any person of posotive influekce on others. Don’t be taken aback and lose track of what you’ve done well in life worried by what other people think. In order to follow your dreams and have goals in life you have to believe in yourself, no ifs ands or buts about it no excuses nothing to complain about this is your life figure out what makes you happy and stop at that. Don’t waste time grieving over the past, mistakes, or any unwanted confrontations in life to test your good spirit, you know you best, in a world of diverse interests only you know how to be yourself and put yourself together in life whether people support you, mad at you, or question you or your motivations in life ir what keeps you well. In the end you only have you so in order to grow don’t be too reliant on others for reassurances in life you never know who’s depending on you to improve. #blogger #blog #lifequotes #bloggingtips

Sometimes even the best of us feel lost, I’m one of them, I don’t know who to date, I don’t know where to work, I don’t know who to friend, I don’t know who to talk to, I don’t know who can help me, I don’t know how to make money, I don’t know how I will be able to provide for myself, I’m not sure how schizophrenia will impact me long term, I don’t know when the symptoms will stop or go away, and I don’t know who to help when things are going wrong. Eventually you find your way again, follow your heart and instinct and don’t go looking for help in the wrong places in life and end up empty handed eventually you will find your way amongst others again, until then accept the places you get stuck in in life we have all had it hard at times it’s not a unique experience it’s a learning experience. Keep at it, set goals, talk to others, love yourself within reason, don’t get carried away in mini issues or big worldly issues, and stick to what you know best, it’s no use complaining if you can simply change your mind about things and make your life better the more well off and independent you are the more opportunities avail themselves to you in life not always when you’re looking for help or love companionship or support that’s how life works sometimes watched not spoken to reacted to not confronted ignored and not explained to just do your best to take care of you another’s issue in life could have nothing to do with you but if you become not well then don’t let their issue be you or what you are if not doing in life or what you have or don’t have in life be judged. It’s okay to have less. #blog #blogger #blogging

Those are two recent Facebook page posts. Right now I’m working on moving forward in life and not lose motivation to any amount of unwanted pressure in life or unwarranted intrusion into my private life photos, records, timeline, activities, bills, calendar for criticism I feel like with technology and upon sharing people always want more and sometimes they are those who won’t stop until they get what they want which is to be empowered by failure struggle or negative change to prove you are something you are not or appear as something more put together than you’re capable of being I think depending on the day I’m more or less photogenic and well we all take bad pictures and we are all capable of feeling sick or grose or looking bad and at no time would I ever allow myself to look bad based on something someone else has said or allow for that to happen to anyone I know. I complete understand that because I am not famous and don’t have money that others are not sure of what I have to offer in life and that doesn’t make the opinions I hold different from anyone who does have money or just means I have to figure out how to monetize what I’ve done well and create a book that teaches how to do what I’ve done well to others who would also like to become successful bloggers which is why I said I wanted to write 10 ebooks. The first will be a psychological thriller based on my experiences alone in the world and getting hurt how to defy the odds against you once they are set, next will be a how to blog blogging tips for setting up your successful blog and how to keep going standard post ideas to create picking a platform and deciding your content and personal story to share how to create value to your story so others feel benefited from hearing of your experiences in life and how to avoid lawsuit and get a copyright, create a pen name, blog daily, how to market hashtag your work purpose for, creating a sense of community, staying active sharing what your goals are in life so others can watch you grow, and not being afraid to talk about history or world views or what you think if right now. All 10 ebooks will be all new writing nothing from my blog and composed based on where I am now and grow from the weaker moments on clozapine and Invega when I was attacked online or treated like I was gone. Ebook 3 can be titled Whats Here in response to Book: Gone Girl. eBook 4 “Blink 360” and include all my autobiography posts and assemble and put together a story of my early childhood.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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