Follow-Up on Correspondence Sent …

It’s hard to speak about what you cannot prove and what no one talks to you about but I’m sure everyone felt the weight of what happened and things ongoing known in common it will hurt to wonder if to blame what is happening in life for something bad happening I think just as I get sick and don’t sleep and go downhill in a day being faced with threats to my freedoms and reputation configure a way to just be in spite of whatever it could be directed toward me most things you can let go and it’s a choice whether to Exit World A and examine World B either handle with care or get scared is that what a DA is? He’s tough I thought. It’s a choice to either stay with what happening (or take a personal day to think too hard about life and what’s going wrong don’t torture yourself like no one’s aware or no one is talking and work is being done to protect the loss of momentum or a blame all strategy to defend one person who hurts people that’s not what public consciousness is for to take on the mind of who harms empathize with to heal them, that’s a judges job to manage someone who only needs to recognize what is wrong with them without help or explanation of what is wrong with them) so either broach the subject and enter the world which is kept separate for blames and bad feelings in life or you can allow where you stand to swallow you whole (stuck in limbo should I care or should I not care and is this person in common responsible online and is their condition a condition in common that you now have for reading their work of knowing them, of course not reading keeps you safe in your own skin works it’s the writer who is open vulnerable focused on and gets pressure to see if they are smart or stupid or what condition their in to speak it’s by insult proven so if I’m smart it won’t be believed but if I’m suffering that’s more believable in line with terms that may feel good to shout to asset to keep my mind body life out if your mind but that’s not how you inherit a soul of something to haunt you it’s when you’re feel good feeling is gone and someone feels good and you’re gone and then is mean to you like you can’t share your soul that’s helping others if there’s room for improvement both benefit but if one feels like they’re doing all the work and being blamed for not feeling well then that’s not being courteous of health to work in spite of disability it’s painful it’s not about saved by connected to it’s about good enough to be around how an offender is differentiated from a normal peaceful person)… think what are you upset by when someone is not well and how does that affect you and why is it their fault if they are not smiling happy or loving it’s not a known condition how love us lost … so the pattern I recognize in my own life is that I’m best one-on-one and I used to feel the faith in who I loved but now at 37 it’s become about pressure and getting used to social skills and regular tit for tat playfulness getting used to social skills it’s advanced now if you have a blog they know what day time period you’re in processing wise which I hope is helpful to others – so think over what you have to say would be my best advice when you feel the weight of everyone watching you and you don’t shine and can’t sleep and end up doing extra legal work writing to courts to not bother anyone and get down to what’s wrong with me and why or what’s upsetting then it’s important to talk to a court not be punished socially that’s all, it’s not a choice for me to Exit World A you have to be well to enjoy the view of you are sick then obviously World A is not because of my condition therefore if I get sick and situated to focus on World B then it will be about if I feel sick perform have something to say or not and figure out the pressure and losses and how painful and hurtful it is to be on you’re own and for no one to understand your fears or what’s unnecessary to happen and if it did happen that way to not be blamed based on what I look like or how I wrote or how I carry myself online and not be accused of being sicker than I am if I look well or change everyone gets mad insulted I’m not reading into things it’s an actual guilt not said that I’m not guilty of and it’s improper humor that even if you don’t hear hurts you so the constant ways you will be offended in life by things you can’t prove or hear are by what they think you’ve done wrong in life treat you as though you appear like something grose in our lives or private any condition improved is capable of being ruined under pressure -I’m trying to lose weight I’ve not read into any of that not offender at all do what makes you happy and if that includes not liking me then why should I be bothered just please don’t hurt me like I don’t deserve love or it’s not real and then treat me as sick or fraud or unhelpful I’m not out here calling rape or me too about anyones strength or shine those are things you stay away from serious intense it makes you proud to be around people who care and are working hard that’s simple we all have those moments and moments of a job well done, and let’s not bring things to duller moments taken too far or waste quality or improvement and say it can be replicated or is saved not shown. So the best way to comprehend how things connect is to leave each world separate and allow people to do well and not feel conflicted by one another connected for influence or comprehension. And please be patient if I’m thrown into World B to figure out how that happened someone who actually has the research skills and time to really think about how that happened. To prevent it in the future I don’t think assuming it’s my fault Judaism blog name face body that someone hates is apart of them certainly not when you combines them outs not smart writing or unique or call it alcoholism or adderrall a shortened mind is upset insulted pressure and fuse breaks in a dumber state you shout or sound upset and you create words to illustrate what makes your called. It’s a solution to punish by description of a feeling in my body when my head gets tight and shrinks so that my head is to be punished short fuzed to accuse my head or being another body part to wrongfully accuse me of looking or trying to influence wing or teach women with their whole lives ahead of them what strength is they know they are not where I’m at mentally that’s enough knowledge to know they are strong no sex discussions about it that’s no one’s business!

For example if I enter World B which be to confront a system of respect and love comparison attention love and lack of warmth then that’s not experiencing life to take personal whether people are nice to you or not that should not hurt you. You want people to be nice to who you love life not in good hands is not a fun sport look how many times I’m sent to the plank not sure what that solves but there’s always room for improvement this is worse than not finishing Harvard this is not getting to be you because you either seem like you’re not happy warm or get jealous to see what you are like when you lose love and that’s the quickest way to looking stupid and losing a man’s interest immaturity I’ve seen these things happen to my Mom but never comprehended what that meant to her internally how torn she felt to not love anyone approved these are moments you should be proud of when people you love are taken care of among all.

Later in life you learn that there are “systems for getting rid of people” my ex-Boss hand over mouth sounded like grumbled to me, I forget what she said but I thought oh like when you’re mad at me for not showing up exactly at 9 then I thought I’d she trying to tell me that she’s getting rid of me in advance, then I got promoted. And when I was not feeling well and everyone else seemed close, busy on my Instagram squares quietly blogging with a job, it was peaceful around me too and wondered why are they mature together but I’m having difficulty talking to anyone why am I shrinking so uptight awkward. Do not confront all three why are you guys not talking to me but you talk. She’s the Boss. That was learning how to work in Film. 👍 Great experience highly recommended.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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