It’s Hard to Understand …


I think it’s hard to understand where I’m coming from in life to care, or to blog, or to share what I’m thinking. I think it’s hard to understand how a person with a diagnosis of bipolar and schizophrenia is still able to write and work. I think it’s hard to understand what I have to say with expectation of me saying something wrong or conforming to a definition of a diagnosis. I think it can then be hard to understand when I’m well with expectation of me not sounding well or feeling well and for that to mean I don’t think well I think a diagnosis miscommunicates my mental and physical health to mean something complicated that it’s not. I think I speak well online and have clear thoughts, I don’t think I don’t make sense or sound weird, I think I communicate clearly and effectively.

If I were to ever launch a campaign I think it would be hard to be on board with me or support me, I think enough has occurred to make people on the other side of the fence with me. As someone who grew up sheltered from the news media, I always saw the public as an outside force, to either get along with or build a rapport with in order to feel like I understood them and would try to make things better. I think growing up close to The Simpson family has not made me automatically accepted I think through blogging I became automatically accepted and given the benefit of the doubt. I think when I’m performing well it makes it look like it was easy for me to blog I think each day blogging you earn confidence you earn the right to speak and with that comes clarity the more who do not assume you are on the wrong side of the fence on the issues and that you are doing your best to be included in life not excluded on the basis of diagnosis or viewed improperly as disabled or mistreated depending on ongoing trends to make you appear unhappy or not with it or not feeling good alongside everyone else, I am happy for others, and I’m just as much apart of things going well then I’m ever made to seem apart of what doesn’t go well by diagnosis misjudged as threat to self or others and to me that’s unfair for my stability to be rocked or for me to suffer to make anyone else not in meds reassured that the problem is not in them I think anyone who was not put on meds feels entitled to feel whatever they want and people assume it’s the disabled causing a feeling I assure you that while I’m disabled this puts me in a pressured position that if I cannot explain what a normal person is feeling to run the risk of being judged like I hold abnormal opinions in life.

Therefore I think it’s hard to be on board with ideas when you are not confident as to whether I’m mentally ill or not or what causes me voices. I hereby declare I will not be a one on one life coach and do not think at this time I’m capable of advising anyone for money on an individual basis as to what their career goals are in life sufficiently motivate them to believe in themselves and find success based on my diagnosis which is to declare that I’m mentally ill incapable of helping myself and dependent on others to survive in the world. Which is a far cry from who I am as a blogger able to speak to many and be well liked on the basis of what I share.

In a general way let’s discuss if I were a campaign to support as someone with disability who grew up knowing OJ’s family and who went to law school not assuming that everyone knows who I am or loves me. Let’s assume people don’t know me and are new or have learned of me but don’t need me or the few who have read my work or come to rely on my opinions in difficult times based on my experiences trying to get help get help themselves while coping with minor life stresses of becoming successful in life, liked.

In order to be on board with ideas let’s first set boundaries. You don’t have to agree with me, feel cited by me, or dependent on me, you have to know what you want to get out of hearing from me in life that will help you be more well adjusted as a person without disabilities whether you are a writer or someone who suffers from minor mental health issues like depression, substance abuse, alcohol, or unemployed. So who am I to you. I am someone who suffered and was hospitalized, experienced breakups, experienced drinking and drug use, who’s been to rehab, who’s been pulled over, who’s not finished a JD, who then graduated with a Masters from a different school, who then got jobs, and is putting her life together, after her Dad recently died of Cancer.

I hope that my story inspires any team of people looking to support people who are going through a hard time in life, many suffer, die, get sick, or don’t make it, and I’m not one of them, therefore what I have to share shows what I have done to not end up in those places or positions in life. No team can make you strong or immune to life’s pains this you learn later in life not even love or friendship, health is a 1 person job, get help, be helped, don’t complain, recover, live life. You have 4 simple jobs and 4 simple goals in the event you are not feeling well. (1) Get help (2) Talk to Someone (3) Find Support (4) Be Reassured.

Therefore to inspire any team I’ve read the following advices, “People need encouragement — and it must be ongoing. It’s the leader’s job to breathe life into the vision by bringing positive energy to your group and your goals so people are emotionally committed.”

(1) Build alignment: Find things in common.

(2) Speak with Clarity: Avoid issuing problems.

(3) Create Dialogue: Share how you feel.

(4) Inspire Your Team: Speak your mind.

(5) Know your $hit: Continue Education.

(6) Communicate Often: Blog with awareness.

(7) Identify Stakeholders: Talk to who’s above you.

(8) Show Proof of Progress: Set goals.

(9) Identify with your audience: Identify yourself.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

Thank you for reading!

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