Question: Whether I Fit Prevention Guidelines?

Prevention should be key to Criminal Justice reform. Not just a job of any society to cope with the repercussions of crime & violence in our communities here and online. The purpose for stating principles to any campaign would be to establish them in writing first, “principles on which the Guidelines” [1] are based, are what govern not only responses following incidences but provide a framework from which to base decisions and make character judgments along the way, whether to follow, include, or exclude on those bases, which is what a collective conscious is all about. Collective conscious was popularized by Durkheim and speaks to “a set of common values, attitudes, beliefs and knowledge that are shared within a society or organization.” [2]

So what is our “collective conscious” in terms of who is capable of sharing words and thoughts related to prevention, what matters? Private life, I think public persona is more important than anyones private life, this means reach in terms of traffic who is capable of being reached. Speakers are not paid politicians, bloggers are unpaid skilled labor who volunteer their time and commitment to speaking to the public on important issues. Speakers are not armed civilians, they have no back up or legal counsel, and they speak freely depending on what is needed for the day to counter any feelings ongoing either read into and responded to or coming from them as individuals what they pin point is important to discuss. We are looking for reach and influence whether it’s an emergency or simply getting the word out to support a groups functioning in society alongside one another. Next to be considered is dress and tastes in life, I think that’s on an individual basis you would either support or not support someone on the basis of sex, gender, dress, body shape, face structure, how much of that really matters in order to be heard and make a positive difference. I would go by whats tolerated in pop culture and fashion and music what is an acceptable format for being human and how we express ourselves and in what style.

Next is whether looks matter? I think prevention at its core as a blogger has to do with a group consciousness whether they feel supported to think what they want, or whether how they think is being affected by what you think. This is basic to humans clashing on ideas, either you write how one feels or how one feels is to write something over your writing that they think better speaks to what they’re feeling upon reading your work. That’s a good sign if you want to edit my blog or say something instead of me, that means you are thinking for yourself and that’s what we want through blogging, mobility, the opposite of freezing or feeling threatened or shocked. Capable able to withstand the times and think in a genuine logical way that helps you to arrive to a better feeling not be scared or disempowered. I think when people are thinking we tend to be less visual when we are deep in thought or trying to figure something out so I don’t think dress, demeanor, and face matters that much since I did fine blogging, became a top blogger, while overweight, on various meds, and when my head and neck was misshaped and flattened on meds.


[1] UN Handbook on Crime Prevention



“Crime as both entertainment and news has so permeated media presentations that crime has become a central focus of popular culture.”

“Further, there continues to be debate about whether this crime-oriented cultural saturation contributes directly to the production of crime and violence.”

“All countries strive to ensure safety and security for their citizens and to increase the quality of their lives. “

“can build safer communities using practical, concrete approaches.”

“The Handbook offers a concise overview of the main considerations to be taken into account in planning and implementing crime prevention strategies and interventions.”

“to support the promotion of close cooperation between sectors such as justice, health, education and housing to support effective crime prevention and work with civil society.”

“respect for fundamental principles of human rights, encouraging or implementing appropriate training and information, and regular evaluation of the strategies implemented to assess their effectiveness and revise them as necessary …

The Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime”

“Economic recession reinforces concerns about the impact of globalization and urbanization on safety and security. The importance of developing planned responses to broader changes has become more and more evident.”

“of violence in cities and communities are detrimental to social and economic progress, as well as to the morale and well-being of citizens.”

Courses completed on Udemy. (1-2)
Courses I’m studying on Udemy. (2-2)

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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