What’s Not Helping Mental Health …

Mental health is a very personal issue, and a very sensitive issue, and I don’t think as someone with a diagnosis that describes me as insensitive or not well spoken, will not make sense how I can be considered an advocate for those with mental health issues as a blogger. No matter what state of mind Im in, people will want to know, in what ways do I help people with mental health issues, again I think mental health issues are a very personal problem for people, I don’t think that I would be the first person that anyone would go to to deal with a mental health issue, and I think I am someone who is able to speak through many issues, and that I do a good job of demonstrating how long it takes to get well, and explain what Im doing in life, managing my thoughts or thinking, and progress, and that’s what there is to see, a general improvement, and in the event that I fall sick, that’s something I disclose too.

There is so much access to medicine and doctors, that it would not make sense for me to be considered as someone who is doctoring others, or any code in life, I think I do a good job of talking about things that most people are interested in, and do a good job of explaining how Im feeling and helping myself. I also have been brave about talking about issues related to feeling sick and the general causes and rejections in life related to feeling sick, and have done a good job setting myself apart from others in life, and also not allowed myself to fall victim or be compared to those who are mentally ill and criminal.

Whats not helping mental health, is when Im faced with a problem that people with mental health issues are not experiencing, then people with mental health issues will not be able to relate to me, based on what Im saying, or whats going wrong for me in life, so that’s the dilemma, people who need help, who then hear of a blogger, and then the expectation or mistreatment of me as though I carry a diagnosis not recovered from, and mistreat me as though others who are vulnerable or weaker than me, are intended to feel bad or be exposed to a condition to affect their thinking, I don’t think anyone wants to get sick thinking, or nightmares, or bad luck, or interact with anyone who they fear, or who is not truthful and not who they say they are, these are fears that we all have in life. There is not one woman to admire or be viewed as living a life, with a power (writing) who is not influencing others in a positive way by (attending law school), for whatever the terms set are (female empowerment) I am not one to be considered anyone who acts or lives life that runs counter to a womans ability to empower themselves. I think that’s where you have femininity wrong and success when you are basing your determining factors of pride and representation based on what you see, and what to disprove, then there is a fine line that is broken, or insufficient, so that then becomes the basis of weighting whether a person is good enough for their role online, their position online, or their writing platform they made.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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