What Makes You Beautiful …


When all the argument and lingering concerns are addressed, where can we again see the beauty in life and upon coming to know one another in life, in what ways is life beautiful in a surprising way that ideas are formed, concepts are got, elements aware of, newfound meaning in politics or world politics, wanting to get involved, in what ways does what we find interesting attract us to places in life for thinking and in what ways can a frame of mind or series of thoughts be considered a distraction in life. What is the value of the written word, or what someone thinks, and in what way does hearing what someone thinks benefit you in life, not being the person online talking and writing under your name and by your face and identity. In what ways are people protected from being thought of, or wondered about, and in what ways is a writing thought of as disruptive as thinking about a person who you don’t want to think about, in what ways is writing less overwhelming, and in what ways do people find people to be overwhelming to look at or be around, what is the realization, what is the big picture, or the political humor that is feared to be found out about people in life.

If there was ever a truth that could not be known or would be detrimental to anyone’s health, then it wouldn’t be something known at some point by someone who either succeeded or failed in knowing that, so be rest assured that there are people of different ages and stages of their mental development, and where they see themselves in the world, and what they find meaning in, so lets start with what is the value or writing, without worrying too much about not liking who is writing, or reading something from someone who you believe carries some hereditary belief in some religion or ordained order of happenings in life, that they are teaching based upon their experience or a few shorty stories decide is a unruly basis for their knowledge.

I think my writing comes from my education, my deep thinking, my focus, my history of keeping a diary, my dedication to sobriety, my life story Ive tried to share in books, and let go of all the uncomfortable feelings in life that justify your dislike for a person, it could be me, it could be anyone, think absent the recognition of the person to whom you are speaking to or hearing from, and listen to yourself, what do you find true, what makes sense to you, and in what ways can you benefit from reading, and in what ways does reading help you to later assemble ideas or beliefs for yourself in life, and in what ways does observing someone else write, help you be able to speak for yourself, or identify what is not of issue.

Whats makes you beautiful? I think most people who have a nack for attention, are either admired, or seek to be admired, and it must be because they are loved that they look and feel that way. You won’t really notice these differences in appearance, until you start to compare your health and look to others, which I don’t think starts not until your 30s, until then you are pretty much focused on yourself being the best person you can be. Comparisons mostly start during the years in which you age, either you are aging well and taking good care of yourself, or you have made some mistakes and seeking to recover your health and stay youthful and healthy, and hopefully none of us have taken things too far, in which although strong on the inside we are made to feel more weak or fragile by our appearances, and be too hard on ourselves upon being compared to the conditions of others. I think with that type of sensitivity, you will find a lot in common with others and with humanity.

Mental health issues aren’t a joke, it’s something you go through, get through, and overcome and get better at over the years, it can come back, you can recover, you can endure the conditions and stages of its existence, and you can be healed and be far from ending up where you were once in life, who’s to say that life is all about upward mobility professionally, socially, romantically, or health wise, there is no inevitable decline that anyone should realize to know what a stopping point is in life, and age fast or fall sick due to something preventable, such as things that cause stress, or body aches physical symptoms of mental illness, or simply not knowing how to put your own thoughts together, or being stuck with unwanted thoughts. It’s not people are thinking of you and worried about you, it’s are you worrisome or on track in life, and in what ways does disability worry others, how much of life needs to be predictable and certain in order for people to trust you, go by what you have to say, believe in you, or be convinced that you are doing well, can stay well, and will be well, and move on to do good things in life, maybe not on as grand of a scale “big” as people assume that a career in writing or tech should be, but I think the memberships do a good job of enlightening us all in the potential for creating more spaces in the future for us to speak and for the potential for “the people” or “people of interest” or “celebrity” connections to help play a role in protecting the value of a story, of its people, and reach new potentials through film, music, and news, when confronting social ills and worries about life, and news stories, and characters, until events don’t cause one another to plague one another as by fault or by default connected.

I think life is lived by people who are alive, who mean well, kind to others, keep to themselves, and those are the people that thrive, live well, take good care of themselves, and recover from mental health issues. So Im not up here online with a “mental health blogger” title to preach mental health psychology and research on people or myself, to establish facts about reality, I think my reality is real and lived a real life, and in a good way by what I have shared stand out online as a writer, and someone who people select and are interested in hearing from or hearing what I have to say. This is to inspire those who are left in worse conditions in life, that if the first thing that goes is your intelligence and ability to function work or finish school, so be it, you will lose your tops at some point or another, and its not your fault, we get shocked in different ways that some of us don’t come back from, so don’t be too hard on yourself, nothing about life is more shocking than when  hurt or confronted in a way that you are exposed and made to feel dejected rejected tormented humiliated, terrorized by voices, and mentally ill, and perhaps that is what was done to cause that to happen to you in life so you would believe what was happening to you by what was done to you is why you are mentally ill now, but in the end who will help you when you get mental illness, only you can help yourself, don’t ask for help, sympathy, apology, explanation, care, attention, support, or the answer to what is causing you sickness, either choose to get help and accept what you cannot figure out on your own, or surrender your rights to an admission of mental illness, and lose your battle with working through mental health issues, and again be viewed as mentally ill, I don’t think that’s the solution for me at this point in my life, forced admissions to mental illness, with an ability to write and to explain what Im going through, should not be shocking to anyone, is nothing made up, is a real experience in life, is really monitored, and improved, and overtime developed a skill in writing, and by writing is how I developed higher self-esteem, and confidence, and that is why I can get a paid job now, but without writing, I don’t feel good, I gain weight, I get confused, I make stupid decisions, I get in trouble, I look bad, I get bullying voices, so what makes you beautiful? If not what happens to you and your battle leaving and exiting a situation of torment and chaos or disability, then where can you again find yourself, in the way you were when you felt at ease, at peace, well liked, popular, what is your peace? Peace can mean different things for different people, but no fighting is the solution, for me fighting causes me mental illness, I feel sick, I can’t think, I can’t speak, and my voice wont make a sound, that’s how disempowering mental health issues are you can’t even stick up for yourself, so theres no potential for a fight if anyone is trying to fight me, I cant function, I can’t speak, and I freeze. It’s not in my nature to be aggressive in life, around people, toward people, Im soft spoken, and I don’t argue. a

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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