Serious Losses …

When it comes to doing well in life, staying well, and being well liked by others, having positive interactions, and maintaining wellness, it will be until something is clarified or spoken to to the extent that someone recognizes that you are well, and have reflected on life in a way, that you recognize the value and significance of being alive, who you are, who you are alive by, and aware of time and making the most of your life, respects are paid, this is different than a person passing, a blog is not a place where people lay respects, or view as deserving of respect, not on the basis of who has passed, it will be wondered in what way are you well, what have you experienced what are you immune to, and what is the basis for a mental health issue, is it with recognition of who has passed, or is it not recognizing your own life as being of value, and do you recognize why you are hurt or feel that way, and in what way can a hurt caused demonstrate whether you have a physical or mental response to loss such that the living is capable of punishing you or injuring you by connecting and disconnecting to see what you are like upon a loss, thinking that your face in a hospital was inappropriate for you to be well when someone you love is dying, the goal of keeping a person alive, is to appear well, to be well, and to be present, you need to be well in order to keep someone alive, you have to be able to talk, engage and make another feel supported, heard, and make them feel respected admired, appreciated, loved, and the best way yo show people that you recognize the significance of the life they led, is to live a good live, and to follow the advice of someone who believes in you an d doesn’t think your sick.

How does my Father’s death relate to Gun Violence? Applying for jobs I did not get the job at the DA’s office, for some reason I still had problems that I was overcoming that either I was not ready, or I did not appear as someone who is ready and who is able to work, so that was that period in time, managing my problems privately, while applying for a job, eventually you come center and you no longer feel that way like things are out of hand or nothing is possible, eventually you are no longer controlled by things you cant fix or are making you sick or suicidal, and you learn to empower yourself and talk about the way in which you were hurt as underserved and the damage it has done to your life, if it is not something that you can complain about or be helped with, then eventually you get well enough to move on in life, and its not a subject known that doesn’t make people think you are sick, its whatever was up and shown, is whatever people think is true about you, and people are not entitled to think poorly of you based on what someone else has said about you, who does not know you, or love you, not talked to long enough, for them to know what you are like when you are not feeling well, no one is met or spoken to not feeling well, not feeling well is a condition that occurs after you have a life and talk to people, that is hard to explain to others and upsets others when you are taken away in life by problems, thinking not able to engage, and focusing on yourself, sometimes focusing on yourself, hurts people who love you. -I think the job application process was ruined by trying to talk to someone to get help starting work again, and instead I started working again in a paid job, so no decision was the wrong decision or the right decision in terms of gun violence, by my Father’s death occurring after a shooting, is what they consider as being related as though my membership exacerbated a condition of my Father, to not survive by my representations in life. I went to treatment sober following the death of a Family friends Father, to prevent self-harm, so that was my solution then, it is also true that upon my Father passing and getting COVID at work, that I had difficulty continuing to work after 3 months, on the basis of there also being a shooting by work, whether that was in retaliation for a shooting in Laguna Woods, or a shooting thereafter in Texas, if you think that a shooting by my work occurred because of my Instagram stating the location of my work, that is you thinking I am wrong to say where Im working and that I should know that if a shooting occurs by work, to blame my presence or identity as attracting for criminal behavior or presence in my area, so that’s how my Instagram was made to make me look stupid to blame me for a shooting occurring by work. Also dating Rob, was also viewed as suspicious on the basis of the school shooting and the name of the school being Robb in Texas, so it wasn’t clear on what basis that Rob and I were together, before and for years text on occasion, is not a sudden move or in reaction to a school shooting to memorialize the name of a school by dating a person with the same name as a school, where a school shooting took place, nor does that mean that the location of my pen pal in Texas, relate to why there was a school shooting in Texas, or a shooting in Laguna Woods. I think the basis for treating me as schizophrenic is to treat me like there is some out of control condition, or a situation in which I am being attacked, or Laguna Woods was attacked on the basis of who I am, or the movie Legally Blonde, I think I have never made any reference to myself or alluded to anything prestigious about me in tandem with Law School and film, I don’t think that an IMDB membership means the movie Legally Blonde or what prompted a shooting in Laguna Woods. I think later upon people witnessing Gun Violence a shooting by work was to connect me specifically so that the issue of whether the other shooting occurred on the basis of my decision making, to blame me for contacting Todd or talking to him on what basis. I think the basis for talking to Todd is not unusual I call the police frequently with questions that doesn’t mean that things happen around me frequently or Im reporting anything, I think people misunderstood what writing to the FBI or police is about, its about being alone in life, and being helped, that so I don’t get attacked and so no one gets attacked, so to attack my health, is to blame me for a shooting occurring by work, and with a job, cause job loss, to make me look bad, to say that something js wrong in my head I cant say or avoidant of and not solving, therefore the solution is not to hospitalize me to prevent attack, it would be to prevent the furtherance of issuing me as a figure to explain for an incident of gun violence, I think the more you allow for something the more sickness you cause, and its not something that you automatically know to speak to in life, and no lawsuit should designate a person as being at fault or sued for something specifically and being about something else. This is relevant in terms of the death of Sydney Simpson’s cousin, I think we will not all be clear on the same terms of what people feel safe by, or who people feel secure by, and no death including my Father’s demonstrates that anything in life is so failed or wrong, that it’s a result or a cause for Gun Violence or for anyone to react in life, in that way, to either make things happen or not, nor should the use of psychiatry be used to test for what a person goes by without thinking, versus when a person goes by their own thinking, I think you improve so long as you are able to provide quality content, I think since we are on the topic of Gun Violence it would be clear to discuss how things were not my fault by disability, job, or location, and for that to be a misunderstanding of the basis for Gun Violence to situate me on a team you think responds for me or celebrate in lieu of me not feeling well, I don’t think that war is the basis for dislike, photograph, insult, exposure, or quality of life, I think no hacking or photo or identity is standing out to anyone of any race or any religion or any kind of person, just as my head is not drawn to others, my identity was never an isolated source online, from which anyone would be benefited and convinced to attack me on the basis of anything that Ive said wrong or not funny or not aligned to the general interests of everyone. The death of Aaron Brown (Sydney’s cousin) was something that was brought to my attention, and announced online, I didn’t realize at the time that people want an explanation for how someone who is known to me family of who my best friend is, what would cause this person to die, I don’t know the cause of death, I know by age he should be alive, and I don’t think that my reputation was so confusing or disappointing that any team or anyone on my team would be made to feel bad or misinterpret anything as being hurtful and directed toward me, I don’t think that people who know me are on the outside and take things the wrong way, as though a team is being disrespected, this is how me being hurt is being used to say that disrespect to me caused people on my team to die, and that me not being able to do anything about it, are trying to blame me for being bullied or disrespected as a cause for them not feeling well, or getting sick, and furthering a suggestion of me being stupid or exposed and bullied or trash, to say that I didn’t try hard or didn’t speak well to a person who attacked me to wrongfully subject me to being attacked on the basis for determining whether I am attacked and fought or what makes me a solider or on any team in life, I think you are not on any teams in life and you are strong so that you don’t get sick and so others don’t get sick, and Gun Violence can make you feel sick, it can make people feel sick towards you, and it can make people think that thinking bad of you is your fault, or justify bullying by blaming you or the photos or whats done to you based on a private conversation with the FBI, based on what I did not know I used to write, based on what I now now, its no longer appropriate to use me change me, or prevent me from working, or being places in life to wrongfully accuse me of attracting bad people into my life, I think I do a good job of connecting if Im well and doing a good job of staying away from everyone, if its for another 3 years or 10 years so be it it has taken 4 years to get going mentally and be able to write again and write a book and smile again, so that’s how long it takes when someone says something about you that makes everyone think you are something bad and is what causes voices toward you, it will take 4 years to overcome being hurt that is called your fault, because you are the only person who knows how to function work and feel good and that’s nothing that anyone can do for you, and so long as people think poorly of you, you will feel sick online or they think will; be sick in public, its to say that what is thought of you causes you mental illness, is wrong study on obesity medication and face shape, I think I have shared what my face is about I no longer want to share or do research in private using my own life with anyone, so long as you cant figure out the difference between me as a blogger online and my audience, and misinterpret what my life is like in real life, I am not responsible for people who are street toward me why don’t you talk to them and ask them if they know me or why they own guns or what gun violence is about, but please don’t use my life, to say that anything bad is attracted to me or accuse me of having bad luck, or on the wrong path or accuse things not working out because of me or for me in life, Im not guilty why things work out for me mentally why things work out for others physically and mentally and why Im not in the hospital for Gun Violence, clearly the risk will be present whether I write, quit blogging, photo, don’t photo, have memberships, work, journal, email, write a book, I don’t have to do anything I don’t even have to go to therapy and I don’t have to call the police or talk to the FBI, I could let people hurt me and look bad but I choose to not allow myself or my life to be ruined or give anyone permission to hurt me punish me over any choices in life look photo demeanor face education story participation effort love friendships etc. life including a DA. So far as I know I was well for two years talking to him so far as I know I’m the only one hurt hospitalized since August and as far as I’m concerned only I can explain what is making life difficult which losses were significant and who does or does not deserve to be let go or sued or blamed for any failed condition financially or by dating if I get played and I was loved then that’s me knowing things are good God is with the right people things are going well as far as I’m concerned I have given no one permission to be me in life replace me work off me study md or loce instead of me or follow my path in life on any basis replace any need for me that’s your loss when I become independent and work I would never mentor anyone to love or fall in love with someone that I love is trash to me too and my health. So be sensitive I’m not competitive I was nice enough to reach out to people express grievances that’s not permission to study me predict me cause me sickness solve Gun Violence I should have to write for prevention analysis on the basis of whether I have guilts or blame related or associated I would never place a pressure or a problem in any woman or minds mind that they cannot solve of us too much I’m someone if things are too much can figure out for myself no one can help me so please stop everytime I photo well I don’t approve of hackers anonymous I don’t need anyone to read anything private nothing frustrates me nothing causes me to give and commit suicide and no one will tell me what’s wrong with me what’s too much is being ignored insulted made fun of what’s too much is everyone cold towards me then you claim I’m abrasive when I talk or talking about difficult subjects in what way have I ever blamed anyone who doesn’t have it better and is connected to who I love opened up to I’m not a funeral to bring people together to study or research me then I will wrote my own medical study of myself and progress notes and I don’t heed anyone to write any diagnosis or base any condition to my ogres work health and how I stay well is not for my detriment what people say is not for study punishment what I’m like is no one’s business to misrepresent me as violent or aggressive or having s strong energy whays strong on a person is when you offend a person when you hurt a person and when a person does not console or explain for you doesn’t mean that s person has gone against you in life and no social media platform is for prosecution if me arrest or be used in any court period for the rest of my life how I stay alive is by being well and being kind and you don’t need to anger me upset me take from me and be dramatic toward me when you make a person sick and leave things alone doesn’t mean you’re right about me nor does that mean anyone can watch change me figure out who’s actually sick and gone and stop hurting me like I’m sick or you’ve is no one’s job to hurt me change me for anyone or anything if you think I’m sick at least I don’t see people as sick I’m not mean insulting and I don’t put people in the hospital that must mean that I care and I’m not racist I’m respectful recognize respect and of value intelligent hard working a good person with potential and a future bright.


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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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