Category: celebrity

  • We are Each Responsible ….

    Once you become known and its on record how many people are reading and the potential number of people who can be helped by you, it’s more than just titles and headings which need to be proven against all odds, obstacles, and losses, it’s about who you are as a person, deserving, or not, let…

  • What Can’t Be Overcome Amended ….

    What Can’t Be Overcome Amended ….

    There are certain things you learn the hard way in life that once you fail to meet an expectation regardless the reasons put forth for anothers decision as to making a deduction about you identifying the problem with you, it will always be too late and more harm caused than good, when wellness isn’t appreciated…

  • Being Absent Problems …

    Being Absent Problems …

    There’s a certain look of being content that is expected once you are known, people don’t prefer for you to be serious looking or blank, if you are not someone who bears liveliness and animation, they wonder for what reasons are you absent expression, in what ways are you devoid or being animated and excited…

  • Make a Good Impression …

    Make a Good Impression …

    Unfortunately we live in a world, where people question others, don’t believe in people, seek validation, verification, go against people, don’t see anything in people, feel competitive with people, people are not thankful or appreciative, the more you are known, the tougher uphill battle you face, and it’s become clear that upon launching a blog…

  • Relax and Kickback …

    Relax and Kickback …

    If this were a group assignment, then I would be the editor, like I was in college, or in Law School for that matter “Can I see your contracts outline,” “sure” … big mistake. We are in the 4th month of recovery from the Laguna Woods shooting (May 15, 2022) [1], and the School Shooting in…

  • Recent Discussions Private …

    Recent Discussions Private …

    For the most part I have improved, it’s better to be a man of your word than to be made out to be something that you’re not and that probably occurred because I wrote a book, I was doing well at the time I wrote my book, despite fires and jobs and any controversy with…

  • Overcoming Your Anguish …

    Overcoming Your Anguish …

    I know we don’t all have experiences with bullying and mine may be unique on my end, growing up in Brentwood on Rockingham neighbors with OJ, growing up close to the family, on every family vacation, but you can get through this even if no one sees you as special or recognize your vulnerability for…

  • Plans for Improvement …

    Plans for Improvement …

    What I’ve done well so far … 1. Introduced self, with a proper heading describing who I am, my purpose for being online and what I plan to share on my blog. 2. Categorized as a self-help blogger demonstrated by content shared and book subject written. 3. Graduated from law school finished schooling and working…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…

  • There Are Ways …

    There Are Ways …

    There are ways to look at things, thanks Ways App for the terminology, always choose the least destructive path it’s never easy thinking when there’s some amount of resistance to an effort (such as being new at something), or be faced with a difficulty of confrontation (such as needing reassurances), or being faced with a…