Tag: health

  • Good Advice …

    Good Advice …

    Good advice is hard to come by, you won’t always hear what you want to hear when the troubles you face are of your own making, this is true of addiction, or making mistakes when it comes to being close to wrong people, or run the risk exposing yourself to others, not all people can…

  • The Answer to Your Problems …

    The Answer to Your Problems …

    The answer to your problems is not always clear it’s through discussion of your issues in therapy or psychiatry that you are able to manage your symptoms better. That doesn’t mean that you still can’t get tripped up or bothered by things including the issues and actions of others. At best make sense if your…

  • Don’t Be Ashamed …

    Don’t Be Ashamed …

    Don’t be ashamed, set boundaries if you need them. We all feel bad when we make others feel bad, mostly we are people pleasers when it comes to blogging or being any kind of public figure, it literally hurts if anyones not happy with you or if you can’t make them happy, you feel powerless,…

  • Why the Obsession? …

    It’s true that we can become so obsessed with our own thoughts that we will speak to scenarios created in our minds, ingrained in our memories, and wind up where, exactly to the feelings we describe, where is the growth in that? Memory needs no exact science to decipher exactly where a feeling came from…

  • It’s Never a Good Feeling …

    It’s Never a Good Feeling …

    It’s never a good feeling when someone expresses their unhappiness toward you. I’ve never met a person in my life who then became unhappy with me and expressed that resentment toward me. This is the first time in my life I have let someone into my life, shared openly with them, been rejected by them,…

  • Stay Steady …

    Stay Steady …

    It’s not inevitable that your crack or break from time to time but it happens to the best of us. I was once told “you only get a certain amount of energy points each day,” in therapy and that statement really stuck out to me. What is burn out? According to one article it’s defined…

  • You’re Not Ordinary …

    You’re Not Ordinary …

    You’re not ordinary, you’re a vibrant, living, breathing human being with potential. That’s you in there, be proud to be here, and think of everything you can do in life not be limited by what you can’t do in life, there are always options in life if you avail yourself to those abilities in life,…

  • I’ve Always Been This Way …

    I’ve Always Been This Way …

    I’ve always been one to support others, whether I agreed with them, disagreed with them, lived a similar life, lived a different life, Ive never been one to judge someone, based on who they are or how they are or how they live their life, as far as I was concerned I lived my life…

  • Another 30 Days at #laxcourthouse …

    Another 30 Days at #laxcourthouse …

    What does going to court represent, it represents that when you are not doing well, its how things start to go right for you in life, whether you are in the wrong or someone else, it’s the only dose of reality that sometimes wakes up or makes certain that there is acknowledgement of a problem…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…