Tag: law school

  • The Uncool Element …

    The Uncool Element …

    It’s common for unhappy people to deflect blame for situations they feel personally insulted by as though they have been misrepresented. You are only misrepresented by the people you trust who in turn let you down or fail to meet the mark throw you under the bus or for excuse of their own guilts about…

  • Instagram Goals …

    Instagram Goals …

    Sometimes I think the message gets lost or the tone, am always doing my best to be clear spoken and clear headed and share exactly where I’m at in life in writing, physical health updates, and mental health issues via CBT thought diary. I think for a time it was okay to speak my mind…

  • Personal Update …

    Personal Update …

    For the time being I am discontinuing Instagram, I have done my best to be positive, I think too many negative voices, means to share less online, and work on myself, work toward being able to be social and be in loving relationships, and not get caught up in displays which maybe are not taken…

  • How Controversy Erupts …

    How Controversy Erupts …

    Controversy erupts, whenever anyone feels entitled to knowing something about you, and doesn’t feel like they have been given enough information to make a decision about you, I think I disclose everything about me. Controversy erupts whenever there is an arguments being made about you and when anyone is put in the defensive, that can…

  • mymollydoll.com is back up! …

    mymollydoll.com is back up! …

    I thought it would be a good idea to only focus on one website at the time being, while my mental health issues were very severe and have since gotten better. I don’t think there has ever been a day when I haven’t pushed myself. Its just like that. Some days are more difficult than…

  • There Are No Do-Overs in Life …

    There Are No Do-Overs in Life …

    #laxcourthouse (Day 10) You get one chance at living life, and the life that you live is by what life you create for yourself, and that doesn’t always mean that you’ll get along with everyone, or that any punishment will be deserved, its by how people feel that you get treated in life, whether or…

  • Respect Wise …

    Respect Wise …

    You are as good as the value of your word, so if you say something it should work in the favor of those who seek to be helped by you not necessarily have to care what works out for you in life, and that’s why respect is seldomly handout out to anyone, who we don’t…

  • At Differing Speeds …

    At Differing Speeds …

    At differing speeds, there will be more or less points of inheriting a value that you yourself do not determine is important, which you may later find to be important, depending on what you are processing about life, sometimes it can be helpful to hear what you have said, or beter yet what others have…