Tag: likeability

  • Being Absent Problems …

    Being Absent Problems …

    There’s a certain look of being content that is expected once you are known, people don’t prefer for you to be serious looking or blank, if you are not someone who bears liveliness and animation, they wonder for what reasons are you absent expression, in what ways are you devoid or being animated and excited…

  • On a Lighter Note …

    On a Lighter Note …

    I took myself to the hospital and called for help, because I was getting frustrated and sounded like I was giving up in life, and I don’t fully know why I don’t feel good or what is causing that. So this just teaches me that what I have to say is important and what I…

  • Love is Not an Easy Subject …

    Love is Not an Easy Subject …

    Had a rough few weeks with mental illness, but feeling like myself again, was day to day for awhile and sounded really depressed, just read my posts from yesterday and that’s sad to hear what I sound like when Im not feeling well, it’s actually hard to read, so if that’s ever the case, can…

  • Personal Statement (new sub-heading)

    worldpeace – I did my best I don’t photo only later in life when it mattered. 🐽 why I’m alone. Pattern: I like them they like them more he doesn’t need me connected. So that’s why I’m always alone. Normal Bc if you grow up with nice things they think you don’t recognize how special…

  • Feeling Good …

    Feeling Good …

    Feeling good and being apart of is a part of life, whether you understand the meaning behind your feelings or experiences be able to go about life as you are, without feeling threatened by others. A lot of life is about confidences, like going to a Laker Game, or being out in public, its not…

  • It’s Not About Being Pretty …

    It’s Not About Being Pretty …

    Life’s not about being pretty and feeling beautiful that’s the misconception about happiness, is that of course happy people look well and seem pretty, like they have it all, but everyone is capable of not feeling good, getting sick, suffering from disillusionment, or not being loved. The balance is in feeling good and making others…

  • In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    In Reviewing Prior Posts …

    I just recognized what it is that’s discomforting, so although I may be presently going through something difficult and feel obligated to disclose that’s a piece of information that heightens tension meaning to not be confident in me makes other people feel bad or sad and that’s not purposeful of me to make others feel…

  • Your Freedoms Are Important …

    Your Freedoms Are Important …

    So what I learned in a residential treatment program instead of going to the hospital, was that with my first diagnosis of schizophrenia based on the fact that I disclosed that I get “voices,” I was treated for 3 weeks, that’s asleep all day in groups, not social, smoking, eating meals bought from the grocery…

  • Staying Focused …

    Staying Focused …

    Staying focused has not been easy, this Fall was a change of pace for me, beginning with applying for jobs over summer and finally found placement at “Peace Over Violence,” I was waiting to get stable to apply, and then there is always the new problem of being able to perform, which started when disability…

  • Don’t Give Up …

    Don’t Give Up …

    Whatever it is that is keeping you from reaching your goals in life, never give up. Sometimes its when we are feeling tired, we fall out of sorts, that’s completely normal to have meltdowns, panic attacks, and feel overwhelmed, it happens to the best of us, even myself. You would be surprised that some of…