Tag: likeability

  • Positive Insight …

    Positive Insight …

    Although its gotten to be more competitive as the days go on, one thing is for sure, you are your words, just like reading that quiet space for recognizing and understanding what makes sense or feels good, the same thing goes for all conversations, maybe that’s not your clarity, but it could be the clarity…

  • Constant Improvement …

    Constant Improvement …

    I cant think of a better deterrent to darkness, other than to improve and to move forward in life, it seems the more you get stuck reading the past or reading from your own life, the more time is spent figuring out those lulls instead of living your life through them. When it becomes about…

  • What Does it Mean to Be International? …

    What Does it Mean to Be International? …

    Once your international, that’s it, you either fit the bill or you don’t, and that’s being understood in life, or misunderstood, there will always be a feeling that is carried, on the basis of who you are, what you know, and what others come to know and think for themselves. That’s in view of you,…

  • You Have Choices …

    You Have Choices …

    I might not be an expert at addiction and recovery, but I understand what the stigma feels like to be treated as though there is something wrong with you or defective, and sometimes it can be the case that your personality changes, you experience physical withdrawal, or experience other emotional and mental disturbances in life,…

  • How to Process Shame …

    How to Process Shame …

    What are the ways in which shame can impact your psyche, or be made to look like? At a time like this, there can be any number of elements keeping you from being your whole self. What does that mean. It means when you feel hurt, its easy to go backwards, then be reminded of…

  • Everything Communicates …

    Everything Communicates …

    Today Im ranked 637,135 on IMDb, and I bet everyone is wondering what Im on IMDb for. So I think nows a good time to talk about what there is to like about me, or why I would be a person of interest, who can be helpful, its now or never. If you allow the…

  • Love is a Beautiful Experience …

    Love is a Beautiful Experience …

    Love is a beautiful experience, so with love, always proceed. I think most of life happens in that way, either surrounded by love, the quiet air in the room, similar to a respect that is paid in acknowledgement of others in a room. There are few moments when no one knows what to do, and…

  • Theres Nothing Romantic …

    Theres Nothing Romantic …

    Theres nothing romantic about being watched or studied in life, if you are not you, then they cannot be them with you, and that leaves them waiting or moving on, whether or not you are still you available or for them and that’s being a woman, you are either sweet on the inside nice on…

  • 8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    I cant say its been easy, and it seems when things are going wrong, everyone is beside themselves and that’s not unique to a year, to a company, or to an age group it will always be that way when people are thinking, that’s not always your fault what causes others to think faster, or…

  • What Can Make Being Well Liked Difficult …

    What Can Make Being Well Liked Difficult …

    Theres no one way to demonstrate care, but once it becomes a fight or a race, that’s something worth figuring out on your own, whats going wrong and make sure that you are doing everything right. Life is not premade not in a book, or by any disclosure that allows for the perfect assembly of…