You’re Best Bet …

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Finding yourself takes years and when you make the right choices in life and stick to investing your time and energy toward things that will improve your life life becomes that much easier. We don’t all need to get alike or be known appreciated or hold our heads high in life to be successful, success is a feeling you have when you are doing all things right and appropriate the markings of a person who holds themselves to standards in life that not only keep them suited properly in life for most situations and interactions but also reduces the likelihood for falling under the spell of anything incomprehensible. That’s life too comprehend what you need to know to make it in the world understand yourself and others. Under the influence of an established fact fiction or particulars people can be driven to extremes in life to pursue goals they are sure they’re capable of it takes an indicia of reliability to feel certain and from those basis you are either to create a path toward clarity or wind up in the clutter of disorganization, what’s remaining or left unspoken the true state of things not processed. The best way to prevent a backlog of memory you’ve collected would be to find a meaning that supports the value or necessity for that memory or set of words or article or publishing which you’ve found meaning in, the beauty of depth either you have more to say more to know or enter a space beyond what is, a clarity of idea or future promise and progress felt achievable.

In moments of insecurity heartbreak and failure are the times when you’re most vulnerable to succumbing to the perspective of those who don’t know you, never entrust the recovery from dilemma to a mind who know of you but does not see the beauty and simplicity in your being and sense of direction in life, it’s not that you’ll be led astray but often times found left in positions of explanation until clarity arrives to the helper rather than spoken to interviewed or directed toward points of interest intended to bring about, something within is often a provable hypothesis for what can viewed on the outskirts a judger of opinion a holder of beliefs or perspective to which if not in tune with become lost in the darkness of prediction or presumption of a disordered mind or disheveled life, nothing in life hits you as hard as the moment you decide to improve the instability felt by improvement is the entitlement to punish or prove wrong for many your disposition demonstrates that you are strong in a bad way or strong toward others to get you to not open up in the positive feel bad about yourself to be treated like you have no soul or it’s been taken ruined used gone or exchanged not everyone needs to hold your heart or heart something private and meaningful to know your human. Your human is not an excuse for expletives or obscene visuals it is however a reason to continue on in life despite what others see, we are each the makers of our own destiny whether or not it seems many examples to identify a target of shame or wrongfully convict and hurting a person as though what makes them driven and gifted was ever a competing force of disdain, no matter how broken or disabled dumbed down medicated or chanted you try to situate a person let no reliance on sickness or the creation or provocation of it believed cause anyone to fall under an impression held by any woman of man felt entitled to be threatened or injured by the appearance or intelligence of a person well read, well liked, and in public has exhibited all stages of mental illness, bullying, self-harm, and pain to cause suicide, who said to herself you know what I can’t make these people happy because they want suffering, I can’t make these people happy because they see sickness, and I can’t perform under conditions of threat, so to prove those wrong who assume it’s my identity that’s identified prior to incident to trigger a meeting of the minds is poorly assuming my decision making processes which would make no doctor or lawyer skilled enough to represent me or know me or describe me in a way to which I’m viewed as not needing help to describe me as needing help while trending are examples of reasons for going against what I represent or make fun of the changes I go through for reasons I don’t know mental by voices, would make it then hard to expect someone who is conditioned to think less of a person inherit a harm of hurt instilled by those who seek to spread a rumor until one is alerted to something alike be insulted by or view as hurtful to in the reverse hurt me to say I wrote with a basis of a hurt no a hurt does not motivate it’s a stage of feeling you work through in order to be able again and what carries you through to clarity is for what’s been said to not have been made with the intent to cause harm to me or others that’s how voices reverse the movement towards doing things in a good way with good purpose and how improvement unaffected shows that one is neither sick or well by what’s like them them in life or saluted for, supported, so that my health should not matter where anyone is coming from and not be subject to hurt to make me appear like I’m unwell by any sect or denomination or level of communication in life. Sometimes you won’t see what you want until whats wanted us said a defense to harm which is the diplomatic approach of all my writing not a system of focus that changes with adding an additional term for emphasis to make clear one rule so long as it is made with the intent to integrate a character who means well it will not matter how a person is later come to be identified by the mainstream but that one’s own health and lifestyle is sufficient to withstand inquiry intrusion or investigation into private so that nothing is found created in poor conditions of the mind or viewpoint to illustrate that the clarity of a dislike will not come to light upon witnessing a creation of writing until they feel free of blame therefore prevention is not stated to make an inferred blame or negative attention toward those who think I’m guilty of grose or not who I say I am that I can’t change but I can change me and accommodate the feelings of those who think that things made in hate send a positive light of energy to lights people up in life I’m not making arguments on the totality of production of ideas as a whole but I have the write to produce my own thoughts not for the unpaid benefit and use of a person to convince me I’m not well when they are able to hold a new belief having read my assembly of noted progress, harm me as though I harm others or not help me or inquire as to voices until it becomes a condition that I’m identified as medically to pass to each doctor there forward to establish a fact about me unsupported by unrecorded meetings or talking to reinforce a perspective sought to prove, you are not a hero if you hurt me for the people, you are a hero of you help everyone improve even if you disinclude me but you are not a hero if you seek to injure my condition or convince of illness or influence not ongoing in me around me interpreted suggested or believed would be wrong to degrade my existence on earth as a well studied writer for an effect to devalue me in public or cause me to admit to something Ive not done wrong and accuse me of being mentally ill in public or offensive who needs to be excused are the charging ideas for manipulation. Either a person is an example of a person tested who survived or discrimination unknown to them or discontinued because sickness and disability discontinued upon reliance on those suppressing a kind if someone who speaks well to create a less intelligent person frustrated and tired and not capable of staying well and feeling tired. It’s not what you wake up to that makes you strong it’s by what you don’t need in life become stronger and the more accepting you are of yourself and proud the more trusting you become the less clarity and gift you demonstrate the more anger is provoked. And the less you take into account things working condemning you then they should not change either is PREVENTION.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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