(Removed) The Application of Recidivism Prevention …


How is the term recidivism used when analyzing the mental health of people, in what ways does a behavior or way off talking present sought to be changed or modified and for what reasons, what is being prevented when a person’s image is changed. In what ways does dislike function to separate a person from people who are respected and in what way does anyone deserve to be treated separately as though isolation or separation should result in the stopping of a behavior, look, or connection.

If the person sought to be prevented and removed, is removed, then what prompts the furtherance of arresting or removing or punishing a person based on their mental health, at what point is it determined that things are irreparable, and in what ways does separation or seeking arrest prevent crime, and in what ways should a person be sick or submit to treatments to prevent them from living, working, being online, or talking to people, what is sought to be prevented upon a person doing well, and what is believe to occur that is wrong or repetition of something wrong in combination with anyone, that any person seeks to situate them worse off in response to Gun Violence.

If hospitalizing me was sought to prevent recidivism and if three actions already took place to prevent me from connecting or being helped by anyone, in what ways does separation create for any likelihood of whats sought prevented.

How can people be used to prevent Gun Violence, in what way are those with mental health issues being accused of speaking to subjects in a way inappropriate or wrong that’s not helping prevent gun violence, at what point in the course of your suffering from mental illness, do you cease to be effective, do you cease to be able to prevent, and in what ways does stopping you in life, allow for furtherance of crime, in what way does life occur with you restrained, in what ways should life happen by restraining a person.

What is prevented by isolating or punishing a person, is this occurring because of crime and which crimes, is this occurring based on what a person says, at what point is a person arrested on tech and what they are saying is being read as guilty, at what point does a person start speaking in a way that doesn’t favor them but favors insult, in what way should a person be able to live free, in what way does interference of me, by alexa, wordpress, Instagram, facebook, messenger, result in Gun Violence, in what way does hurting me prevent Gun Violence, what is the correlation sought between my mental health and Gun Violence, what is sought to be proved, from where should an illness be thought coming from to prove or disprove a cause for Gun Violence.

If things are not about me, then I was never insulted or felt small by anything affected, and nothing was bold enough to communicate to anyone that anything was about me, and being in Law School was not inappropriate, and writing on Twitter was thoughtfully done. In what way is a person made to feel sick, to open up and think about life, in terms of describing what they last remember, and what is offensive about a person’s memory. I think opening up anything you say sounds stupid, because people want to know what is your purpose for being mentally ill and its not a chosen state or a decided change in life, to open up or speak or get sick upon speaking. So it could be that I left law school for no reason and should’ve finished my JD, and because I visited #scotus, I was mentally challenged as to how to help others, so by caring and being well, that was misunderstood as being sick or mentally ill, I wouldnt be able to travel alone, wake up, fly, or walk around DC if I had mental illness.

In thinking about what to do, you will experiment, that’s the only time you are out and about thinking about life, once you start working, life isn’t an experiment, and once you get mental health issues they cannot be treated the injuries are permanent, so whats my stopping point, I don’t get a stopping point, If Im being accused of going to rehab and gun violence occurring, or by street “Chapman” where my ex is from, or by anything about people from my life. Who is harmed is me, who are harmed in addition to me being harmed, are those who’s actions you are blaming me for is why you think that it’s me harming who is connected to me, it is because you think that my condition is not benefiting or preventing so it’s ruled that my condition has failed, without drawing attention to the cause for failures, is how people are protected by their choices, so in order for there not be a situate of “who are harmed by,” if you are harmed by something not provable at what point should others not seek to harm you for another persons actions, what is my fault, who is harmed, and if I am harmed, what is causing the harm if not who I know significant, then this is why we are talking about who I dont know whos actions are harming me, to accuse me of harming others. So being hard on me and ruling me out from consideration of applicants worthy, on any basis presentation wise or talking style or comfort and confidence, that place of peace I was in wellness was rejected and now Im tired and was punished for no reason.

So what didn’t occur was harassment, what did occur was gun violence, what didn’t occur was arrest, what was sought to occur was sickness, what didn’t occur was suicide, why is there a limit to me speaking, because once everyone is over it, they just want life to go back to not thinking anything poorly of you, and no gun violence occurring in sequence to my medical records or mental health is none of anyones business to decipher or to blame me for as though I should know that I am offensive, and that’s to justify me not existing or being online or working, so in what way are people hard on you, and what follows is gun violence, so this illustrates two end points, either (1) who is against me is strengthened to commit an act of gun violence, or (2) who doesn’t respect me is not prevented from committing gun violence so the conclusion sought is (3) On the basis of where I am (a) and who I am (respected or not), will be based on (the people, the code, my health, influence, dissatisfaction, punishment, or: (4) prevention exercised to punish to put down to give permission to people not to care or to attack me without remorse, is preventative of gun violence in what way?

Therefore in what way should I ever be hurt or limited tech website financially home what changes or improvements are thought to be about gun violence, whos failure results in a visible punishment and in what way do people think that its okay to blame whats mentioned as being the cause for a person being attentive of you including you, and make you at fault what is thought of, in what way does the combination of whats mentioned about you represent something you are not, in what way does no job or any amount of money serve to suggest you are not apart of the offense, youre health is not apart of the offense, your description of prevention was considerate and brave, your comprehension of not bothering people with any of the things Im writing on my blog is thoughtful and considerate. So what is real gun violence, and in what way does me connecting to Todd have anything to do with Gun Violence, it doesn’t. In what way should I connect and should anything happen to who I connect to, in what way is it sought to prove that who I am doesn’t represent Nicole Brown Simpson, or people with mental health issues or addictions, in what way should connecting me my identity OJ to “Laguna Woods” shooting in what way should I be punished for another persons response to me, when I was working, in what way do people think you don’t deserve respect or treat you as though you don’t respect who you knew, is why I get bullied on the basis of a story I shared, that does not entitle anyone to be Nicole Brown Simpson or make fun of my car or anything about me.

If anyone should be her, it should be her daughter or me, someone who actually knew the person who was murdered, that’s who you are a reflection of, based upon who you know or love and admire, and its no ones business what my relationship with women is like now, not since the job in Film or getting in trouble in life, so for whatever reasons bullying occurs its thought justified and its to make you look like you are punished and its to make you sound mentally ill when you describe whats going wrong for you, its not everyones story until I publish a book, so easy on the punishment for not referencing or speaking directly to subjects what should be prevented is hurting me over jobs, my story belong in a book and deserve to be paid for a solution, I don’t deserve to be tampered or bullied or given mental illness or hospitalized for any reason, that’s not the solution.


[1] https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/recidivism-core-criminal-justice-concern

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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